Add-ons disappearing, is this happening to anyone else?

I posted a while back about all my Wraith add-ons and offerings vanishing. Finished the Halloween event and decided to start the proper rift. First challenge was for Oni and lo and behold.
My Oni is prestige 3 as you can see. EVERYTHING went up in smoke. What is going on?!?
That's crazy. Did you reach out to support about Wraith yet? They need to look into this.
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Not yet, but apparently this has happened to other players before
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Have u tried switching to loadout 2 or 3 and then switching back? That usually works for me
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I would fill out a support ticket asap. Even if someone here could tell you what happened, only support can possibly fix this.
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Could you give us a bit more information? Before the prestige rework (patch 6.1.0, 19 July 2022), you used to lose everything upon prestiging, so it might be you prestiged Oni before that. This would also make sense, seeing as your Oni is currently P3 level 1, so I assume you haven't put any more BP into him, since.
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I am missing anniversary crowns on some of my survivors!😥
I honestly want to just stop playing at this point. What's the point in slogging through the game if your shift can just vanish?!?
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Contact support, please 🙏
It's the ONLY chance to get it back
It's the BEST thing to do so they can investigate and try to prevent this from happening to the rest of us not to mention yourself a 3rd time.
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That would make sense for my Oni, but my Wraith is prestige 9. Also when I noticed Wraiths addons missing I bought one yellow one thinking that might unglitch it. I took this picture just now and the yellow addon is gone.😳
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Nope all empty.
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But wouldn't he have lost all his perks too in the old prestige days? And he would be P6 as they gave all P3 players an extra 3 levels of prestige.
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I put in a ticket. There really should be some way to back up your progress if there isn't already one I don't know about. I've been playing this game for so long(since Clown was the newest killer) there is no way I can keep track of everything unless it's obvious like a crown or literally everything.
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Same thing happened on onryo some months back for me.
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Did you contact support? Ever get compensation?
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Not necessarily. If he was P1 before the prestige rework, then it would set him to P3. You are right about the perks, but since the way these are unlocked changed too, it might be unnoticeable. Thank you for pointing it out though. This is another piece of information that I did not consider fully.
This is indeed weird. Was the addon actually bought, or did the transaction not work (check the bloodweb again to make sure, please)? You could try and do one entire bloodweb just to see, if that might work. Also, as @CountOfTheFog pointed out, it would also be helpful, if we knew about the perks on your Wraith. Are there any perks unlocked on him? He should have all the teachables of any killer you prestiged at least once (or had the teachables unlocked before the prestige rework).
If these don't show up either, then we already know, that this is a bug and you might want to start a ticket to BHVR explaining the situation and asking for help. They should be able to solve this in some way.
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I did not (to either). I didn’t really play onryo outside of dailies, so I just went with it and restocked her manually.
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The addon appeared in Wraiths inventory after I bought it on the bloodweb. When that didn't bring the other addons back I was like "nope later" and kept grinding the Halloween event. Today I selected Wraith again and the yellow addon was gone. I submitted a ticket expressing my confusion. More concerning is the fact some cosmetics are randomly missing. I'll wait for a response, I'm done with Haunted by Daylight, hopefully it's all still there when I log in again.😮💨
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Best of luck, then. I hope this all clears out soon.
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Things have been buggy for a bit. Sometime in September my Wraith's MMR got spontaneously boosted through the roof. I went from playing vs roughly on-level survivors to logging in one day to comp-level sweat lords, non-stop. Way beyond what a Wraith can realistically compete against on most maps. No matter how many trials I lost, my MMR didn't seem to move.
I sent in a report and got a form response saying they'll look into it but won't be able to get back to me personally. So far as I know nothing's actually been done. I've had my Wraith mostly in mothballs since, as the Halloween event is unplayable against roid rage genrushers.