Devs, The Trickster Update is WILD

First off, I just want to say that I'm liking what I'm reading in the update about Trickster. It's a really good direction you want to take him and I'm enjoying a lot of the updates he has. It's wild.

But I do have a couple concerns, as a Killer main, regarding some of the aspects of the kit that may need adjustment in the final release:

Rapid Fire

What I like about the changes is that Trickster no longer has recoil and now naturally throws blades faster than before. This is a very fun and exciting change that I'm looking forward to, even if Trickster has to take a little longer to down a Survivor by hitting them 8 times again instead of 6.

What I'm wary of is the laceration decay delay. I'm thinking that it should go back up to 15 seconds while in chase but down to 8 seconds when no longer in chase, which is to make it so that Trickster still has time to hit the Survivor while chasing them without worrying that the decay occurs.

Fast Paced

I'm loving the changes; Trickster going from 4.4m/s to 4.6m/s with a larger terror radius makes him not only a significantly more volatile threat, but it allows him to actually make use of his Starstruck perk a lot more than before.

But one thing I do want to say is that I think he needs to be a little more fast-paced and have something more to compliment his quicker throws. What I suggest after the PTB is that you reduce his time to exit the throw state to 0.5 seconds (down from 1.25) to allow him to more effectively get back into chase quicker.

Main Event

These changes are spicier than Ji-Woon's greatest hits. While I'm loving the direction that this is going, there is something I've got to pull up as a major concern and that's the ability to acquire it too frequently. I think that 6 hits is too little to charge an ability that significantly increases throw speed and makes it much harder to get away from, especially since he'll have a 30 second window.

What I suggest is that this is increased to 15 hits to obtain Main Event, which is always just 1 shy of downing a Survivor, but to compensate, you can now restore the duration of Main Event's charge by hitting Survivors with his blades outside of it, by 1 second per blade. This would give Trickster players the ability to skillfully hold onto Main Event as long as they can and use it at the most opportune moment.


I'm really loving these changes you've introduced to the add-ons. They really add more life into this superstar killer than before and I can't wait to try them out. But there are some suggestions I'd like to make for a post-PTB launch, including new add-ons that weren't mentioned prior (in bold):

  • Trick Pouch - Increases the maximum number of Blades by 12
  • Memento Blades - Decreases the time between Blade Throws by 10%
  • Killing Part Chords - Increases the Laceration damage of Blades by 15%
  • Caged Heart Shoes - Increases movement speed while in the Throw State by 5%
  • Diamond Cufflinks - When a Survivor's laceration meter is above 5 bars, their aura is revealed for 6 seconds
  • Bloody Boa - Main Event reloads all of Trickster's Blades once it ends

A lot of these changes would make these add-ons also feel fresh and goes with the same design principles shown in the changes to Trickster.

Death Throes Compilation

This add-on has its own special category because what I'm going to suggest next is one of two changes to the add-on as Bloody Boa takes its effect. This is because I don't think reloading through Main Event is a good effect for an Ultra Rare and thus the effect needs to be changed.

There are two ideas I'd like to suggest, both of which would fit the rarity of the add-on and make Trickster so much more interesting to play:

  • [Idea #1] - For each consecutive blade hit, the throw rate of Blades is increased by 5% and the damage dealt by Blades is increased by 10%. This stacks up to 10 times and resets upon missing a blade.
  • [Idea #2] - Activating Main Event no longer triggers an automatic rapid throw. Main Event now increases your movement speed to 5.2m/s for the next 15 seconds while not throwing blades, and your throw rate is reduced to 4 Blades per second. You must manually throw your blades during Main Event.

Both of these ideas would be an incredibly interesting and potentially powerful effect gained through the add-on but would make Trickster more interesting than simply reloading his blades.

Please do consider at least some of these changes, because while I do believe the Trickster update is incredible and a step in the right direction, some things are either overtuned or not touched up on to make them more interesting too.


  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    Just one question:


    We discuss about Blight, Freddy, Pig, Trapper and Skull Merchant a lot.

    2 of them were adressed, but why did they choose Trickster over Twins, Freddy and others?

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I don't think main event should be just 6 hits (3 with addons). That's just broken.

    You can get it before you even injure survivor, so they won't even get movement speed buff. I would make it 10 without any addons for it.

    But I love changes overall, definetly will give him a try.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I'm afraid that even with the extra blades needed, this will just be an even more annoying version of him to face.

    He gets the full on 4.6, so I would loosely lump him in the Nemesis/Pyramid Head/Xeno category with a rough max effective range of ~20m (if the Surv holds W, which often was all you could do as Surv).

    You can't even loop small rocks tightly anymore against him, so I'm not sure what innate counterplay will exist.

    I think basement and proxy camping got a needless buff, because you don't care if they burnt your main event, you just throw 6 blades and get it again and can shred through basekit BT and the rescuer.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 417

    With two of his addons he can have the main event at 10 seconds

    Is gonna be awful

  • Jigsawbg
    Jigsawbg Member Posts: 25

    3 blades main event ?######### and 4,6 ... why ?

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    why not? these are pretty much all number changes kinda similar to trapper's while all the others require a rework/getting one soon or have already gotten decent changes.

    no reason to leave trickster rotting while they can do something about it.

    this was a pleasant surprise honethsly i too would never have thought they would address him before all the others.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2023

    I think 4.6ms is a huge mistake, we're not talking about weak m1s like freddy or pig here, he's ranged and he's already oppressive as it is, like a more consistent huntress low risk low reward, he's already one of the most annoying killers in the game

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I'm super excited.

    I'm a weird one who strongly preferred release Trickster to the one we have now. This announced set of changes seem like their going to bring back a lot of the feel release Trickster had that current Trickster lost.