upcoming changes about maps and perks question

so MFT was a huge problem but 30% pop +25% pai res + 8% jolt or erruption is ok right ?STBFL is totaly fine right ?every single survivor map nerfed to the ground but midwich is not a problem or swamps with the 4 pallets on the map ? or nurse or blight his broken addons ?they are fine but every good in survivors need nerfs
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Jolt and Eruption are fine. Pop, Pain Res, and STBFL are not.
Either way, MFT needed the nerf though.
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Pop already got a significant nerf, as did pain resonance. Bear in mind, PR can get zero value and tokens still used up, and the more experience survivors can make PR a non threat by 99ing a decoy gen that's far away from the others where the killer doesn't bother to patrol often. PR is trash at higher MMR, and it's only sometimes useful otherwise depending on gen progression.
Jolt is only 8% and requires downing people. It's not even close to being broken. You lose more progress from missing a skill check.
None of those are broken perks.
As for STBFL, I don't think long term effects against standard balance is good such as haste or recovery speeds, so I do think it's a broken perk that needs to be changed.
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Just because a survivor perk was nerfed doesn't mean killer perks need to be nerfed too.
Pain Res and Eruption already got their huge nerfs. Pop is still current % of gen which means it's effectiveness scales with how much progress the gen has. Jolt has a range limitation and works only on M1s.
Then STBFL might be the most overrated perk by survivors. It's not only a perk that requires the killer to stack it up, but it's also only useful on killers whose largely M1. M2 focus killers get very little benefit.
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30% from gen is signifacant nerf ?listen up,i dont kno what are you talking about but not everyone are god players.STBFL is broken perk,same for the stackable gen pop -pain rais + pop
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It's not guaranteed to be 25% its 0-25% per token for pr, and it only happens a maximum of 4 times. It also discourages killers from hooking if a scourge hook is the only hook nearby or if a gen recently completed and they suspect they won't get their fill 30% out of their limited use token. The fact is, sometimes you get literally 0% use out of PR. It's essentially an RNG perk like a hex perk. It's a weak perk since survivors can entirely control its effects if they are smart. If they aren't mitigating it, then it still has a chance at doing 0% per token...again...dependent on the survivors action.
Pop requires someone getting hooked, so it also has limited use, and it is only very effective on generators that have more than 50% progress on it. It's also 30% of CURRENT PROGRESS, so it's actually 1-30% depending on the progress. If you're getting 30% off of a gen with pop, then it was almost completed and you're probably losing that gen within the next minute anyway unless you're camping it and lose other gens in the process. For example, if the gen was at 30% and gets kicked, it removes 9% of progress.
Also, your math is terrible in your last sentence. What were you attempting to communicate? If you were saying you can PR a gen and then since you hooked them you can go pop it, you can't pop a regressing gen.
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pop is fine lmao
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Also "every single survivor map nerfed" is fun to read, because that's the point. There should not be survivor or killer map. Just a map. Good balanced map.
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Meh if whole patch is really 100% survivor nerfs they can throw survivors a bone honestly, nerf this abomination called "ultimate weapon" or a small DS buff, just a little something
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Nerfs to either side do not need to be paired with compensation changes. Besides survivors just got the anti facecamping system.
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Killers got their asses absolutely handed to them for half a year with MFT being added (unless you played broken nurse or blight). Survivors are definitely due for a survivor nerf patch, lol.
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I disagree. It does too little on generators without much progress and does too much on generators with a lot of progress, because of how it was nerfed to current progress but then later overbuffed to compensate for that.
It should be 15% but go back to total progress like it was before.
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15% like it was before is way better.but 25% with pop after that and the gen is 0-this is too much
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pop is fine-that`s why every fn game pain + pop ,because it is just fine and not broken?and every second game STBFL + rapid brutality clown or skull merchant or whatever-again fine right ?
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why tf then midwich is not reworked ?the best killer map of all times?or swamps ?because it is really good for killers and they are quiet about this map,but did you know what ?every day the bonus bp is 100% for survivors-that mean 1 thing-not enough survivors at all.i would be worried if it is every day this statistic
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first of all-only 4 stacks but if you make 4 times pain res + pop on 1 gen,the game is over.survivors cant return anymore-4 gens nullified is way too much and that why everybody and i mean EVERYBODY using pain res + POP ,because it is broken combo like overcharge and call of bryne but because it is killer thing it is not a problem at all.and when someone is tunneled (and this is EVERY game) the game ends on 3 gens left and easy 4k for the killer
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Considering you just said overcharge and call of brine combo is broken...no one is going to take you seriously. Those two perks are practically non existent. Call of brine shaves off 4 seconds of a generator if it is left on one from near full to no progress. Overcharge similarly practically does no regression AND for the first 12 seconds....it literally does LESS regression than if you did a no perk regression because it starts with a regression penalty against the killer. On top of that, tapping the generator as a survivor instantly disables the regression effects...the minimal and non consequential regression that they have. Call of brine is just an information perk in reality, and overcharge hurts the killer more than it helps unless survivors are honestly that bad at skill checks.
And remember, those 4 tokens you speak of are a range of 0-25% each, so you can literally get a 0 0 0 0 from a match, and if survivors do what they sre supposed to do and 99 a safe gen, PR has no actual effect in the match. It's one of the easiest perks to counter since it's entirely in the survivors' control...though a solo queue can mess that up, but that's not a perk issue, that's a solo queue issue. If you're having issues with PR, that's an issue with needing more experience in the game and how to handle PR.
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You can delete this map completely, cause i really hate this map as killer even more than as survivor. It's impossible to control gens and search for survivors on this map as m1 killer.
Swamp is last realm that left untouched, i'm sure it's on their list right after Garden and Red Forest in the next Midchapter.
every day the bonus bp is 100% for survivors
Maybe in your region, but definately not in my.
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Probably the same reason The Game hasn't been nerfed. Survivors have their favored maps. Not unexpected for killers to have theirs.
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listen up-you are new or you are ..... i am talking about the time when overcharge and call of bryne was meta.now is pop+pain every game
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the game favorite map ? the game is trash for survivors......
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Aight, now we know you're trolling lol.
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Pop is fine?
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Not sure why some people think STBFL is unhealthy. I think it is totally fine perk that is the savior for M1 killers.
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Yeah apparently.
Since looping was never a problem for me I never ran MFT, I wonder what they'll blame next for not being able to win? Stay tuned to find out.
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just because killers run it doesnt mean its broken. killers need gen defense perks because they go by so fast. thas why you see them every match
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im not opposed to returning it to total progress
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Do not play "us vs them" card. It makes your take invalid.