Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

MFT is now useless.

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 43
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Not going to get into whether or not the perk deserved it because been discussed to death. But let's be clear right away.

MFT isn't worth taking.

Let's also look at everyone saying DH is better with it now. This is incorrect, it's now a lot worse as a combo.

Before the nerf, you'd use MFT to stack bloodlust by greeding pallets and then get a reset with a hopefully successful DH hit.

Now in order to get value from MFT three conditions must be met.

  1. You must get hooked, if you don't both perks are essentially useless. DH less so since you can only use it twice anyways.
  2. You have to land a successful DH which contrary to popular belief is not easy.
  3. The killer must continue chasing you after you land DH which is very unlikely since killers dislike elongated chases as it loses a lot of pressure.

This means that getting value from MFT is going to be incredibly inconsistent which puts the perk in the trash. A 3% speed boost is not nearly effective enough to warrant the dangers of being in mending.

You are much better off running WoO instead.

Again not arguing if the nerf is justified, but clarifying that if this change goes live the perk will be in a horrendous state.

I personally dislike perks being dependent on others for value. This works for killers because their powers supplement their perks and usually add free perks.

Survivors are a lot more limited. Forcing perk synergy to get the effect one perk used to have only reduces perk variety because people will just not bring the bad perks at all.


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  • Member Posts: 15,095

    SWF will still use MfT in the annoying way, that caused every killer to hate it. But now it works with other exhaustion perks, which makes it stronger in my book.

    I really don´t get why everyone is panicking.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Why? They buffed it at the same time as they nerfed it. Now people will run it with slightly different perks. But thats it. It will still be on the top most used survivor perks list.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I find it funny that they buffed it against Legion and Deathslinger, but nerfed it against Blight/Nurse/Clown/Trapper. Such a strange turn of events.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 43

    Nobody is going to run MFT with SB or Lithe.

    I've already explained why the new condition won't be consistent with DH.

    OTR is not a good perk.

    Your reasoning for saying this confuses me. Please elaborate if you desire.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 43
  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Nah, not only you can't stay in deep wounds forever so you can't keep the effect from one chase to an other but on top of that you need to somehow reactivate an endurance effect everytime to get value (and staying injured without the 3% will be too uncomfortable for a lot of players tbh). The perk won't die off but I would genuinely be so surprised if it stayed in the top 10 popular perks (I would say top 15 but i'm not sure there's 15 viable survivor perks lmao)

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I think it will be great with Off the record, or DH, or both. Good luck tunneling me.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Right now, you can´t mix MfT with exhaustion perks. Which is kinda limiting. After the "nerf" you can run it with SB, Lithe, or whatever you want. Take OtR, MfT, Lithe, WoO and a runner gets all the benefits from both MfT and Lithe. They don´t have to choose between having a permanent 3% speed boost or a short 150% speed boost. They effectively get both.

    And OtR is a great perk...

  • Member Posts: 8,328

    See, you're assuming that when I say a perk has the "potential" to be good, I mean it's inconsistent. I do not.

    There's nothing inconsistent about this version of MFT, on paper. There's the general variance that you'd expect from a perk that you'd use while playing aggressively, of course, there's always the chance that a killer just ignores you while you try to get their attention, but beyond that how consistently it performs is in your hands. Bring a source of Endurance and play aggressively, that's it, you now have a consistently useful perk.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting consistency. While there's obviously some degree of variance that's acceptable even for top tier perks, you generally want a perk to work more often than it doesn't. The snag is that people do not put any effort or thought whatsoever into making any given perk consistent, because they don't actually want to run that perk. If it requires any thought or effort, they just move on to the next thing that provides comparable value with less effort on their part.

    Generally, this is fine, people can play how they want and run whatever they want. It becomes a problem when those same people try to claim those same perks they have no interest in making use of are bad, useless, or worthless, especially when it's the result of a nerf/rework like this. If you think that way, you're naturally going to gravitate to things that are too strong due to giving tons of value without effort, and that means those things will gradually be nerfed out from under you, which can be quite frustrating if you cling to the idea that they're the only viable/consistent options.

    As an aside, the 3% is exactly as impactful as it used to be, while you're in Deep Wounds. That status effect doesn't make you run slower or take vaults slower, so it doesn't effect the usefulness of MFT outside of making it activate less frequently.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    As long as you run, you can keep deep wounds up. aaaand i just noticed, that this is a indirect nerf to Legion.

    Also see post above. You can now have 2 great speed perks at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 7,251

    Buckle Up only works when healing a survivor out of the dying state. Made for This works on all heals except self-healing.

  • Member Posts: 25

    yeah,i wont do gens,i will run the map like headless chicken and i will use 2 perks or 3 (OTR DH and MFT for 2 chases) and i end up with 1 perk left

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Absolutely right, OP.

    Also, as far as DH, MFT and DH already have great synergy on live. I'm not sure why anyone would think differently, but the fact that you now need DH or another perk to make MFT live is nothing but a massive nef.

    And yeah, of course you can get hit while you have the Endurance protection from the perk itself, but surely no one here is arguing that going from 'always active' to 'active only if hit when...' isn't a huge difference on its own?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Dedicated runners usually don´t run around like headless chickens. But if you want to play that way, feel free to do so.

  • Member Posts: 25

    not everyone are Dedicated runners and some of us are doing gens and i cant do gens in deep wounds

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Ohh so you´re complaining that its not a cookie cutter build anymore.

  • Member Posts: 25

    i am complaining for all the killer buffs.but everyday i am seeing 100% bonus bp for survivors-this is talking for itself

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    MFT simply isn't going to be worth the perk slot anymore. Plus, I think I hear some Legion mains slamming their heads against a wall right now

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    This version of MFT is still better for Legion. Current MFT triggers on both injured and deep wounds which hurts Legion no matter.

    While Legion's power does inflict deep wounds, Legion is not forced to have to chase deep wounded survivors and if survivors aren't mending just to keep the 3% speed against legion, then gens aren't getting done. Plus MFT won't do much if there's no tile to run.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited November 2023

    get good , if you need MFT to have fun , you are just bad at the game , simple as that.

    survivors are limited ? since when ? survivor had more variety than killers they just prefer running the same meta stuff because they feel comfy with broken stuff and thats a fact.

    and yes the point was making the perk more situational , 3% is a strong effect , and not only that they didnt talked about adding a cap to stacking haste perks , you can still use it with OTR + DH and HOPE on top if you really want to use MFT.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    By useless you mean situational it's going to be more of a punishment for tunneling with a longer chase and work with itself, dead hard, off the record, and any other endurance perk. The perk needed a significant nerf for a while and the way they nerfed it is actually smart since the effect is tied into the other effect as well. It could have been a lot worse considering BHVR's track record with balance changes.

  • Member Posts: 2,132

    Call of brine, overcharge and ruin is also useless. Welcome to the club how killers feel on a regular basis.

  • Member Posts: 937

    Agreed, totally useful now.

    I'd argue it's griefing your team bringing it at this point lol. There is no balance, it's either let's make a perk on either side useless or OP.

  • Member Posts: 6,150

    Yeah it's definitely a dead perk. Have people seen how dark the screen gets as Deep Wound progresses? Haste means jack when you can't see lol

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I don't think perk is useless though. a build with DH/OTR/MFT is possible. you get hooked. if killer tunnels you and hits borrow time, you activate MFT. if they don't hit you then you can use DH. A common strategy to counter OTR is to hit the survivor off-hook to remove endurance, but doing so punishes you. it is anti-tunnel perk now for killer that actively hit endurance survivors. Survivor can purposely bodyblock with OTR to trigger the perk. the perk is like MoM. you need to play specific way to get value out of the perk.

    The perk only dead from meta perceptive. it is not #1 perk in the game anymore. it is niche anti-tunnel perk that requires you to devote 3/4 of your build to use it and killer has to play along for you to get value out of the perk.

  • Member Posts: 862

    As most have said, i too believe its not useless. Although yes, its now situational. But, if you have a build where nearly all of your perks are situational, you are bound to get value out of it. I already get value from my personal build of Dh, DS, OTR and MFT every single match and im sire i still will even after this nerf.

  • Member Posts: 662

    It became quite situational, but I think the combo with OTR, DH, or Stypic Agent would be good. Currently, we can't talk more about it, and we need to wait for the PTB to open.

  • Member Posts: 937

    Gonna say this in every thread I see - This was a character selling perk, and I won't change my mind.

  • Member Posts: 6,150

    Of course. Reminiscent of Mikaela and Circle of Healing. The same will be the case with Ultimate Weapon. It'll probably keep the blindness but require stronger activation requirements for tracking in a future update.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 43

    Lots of assuming. I can tell a lot of people must've been emotionally affected by this perk existing.

    Your second point isn't a fact at all. Survivors being skins + lacking a killer power objectively means survivors have a lot less variety.

    Being antagonistic about players wanting to run meta doesn't mean you can make baseless claims.

    WoO, Resilience, Hope, Adrenaline, DH are all meta and none of these perks are broken.

    Hope has no synergy with MFT because it plays no part in activating it.

    DH is the only perk that comes close and even then it is very inconsistent.

    You guys will never convince me OTR is a good perk outside of certain niche situations. (And no. Tunneling isn't one of them. It's a bad anti tunnel perk.)

    MFT is now part of the trash perk pile and that's fine. I played well before it came out and I'll continue to play well after because I'm decent at the game. The delusion is just something I feel like speaking on.

  • Member Posts: 242

    MFT is still useful

    can be use after DH.

    when use MFT against tunnel, is still powerful.

    now use MFT+Off 45s to chase down.

    after change, is 52s killer need to chase down someone.

  • Member Posts: 121

    Good. That perk needs to rot away.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I pretty much stopped playing killer since The Singularity came out. I'm glad they nerfed it. Now I can play 50/50 again

  • Member Posts: 592

    mft never needed that 3%, every survivor main says it didn't do anything anyway. You still have it, it's just finally conditional. tired of this perk.

    now nerf ultimate weapon.

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