Bring Back Endurance Stacking

Plain and simple. Endurance stacking was never an issue and the reason it got nerfed is because a few content creators fearmongered about it, despite requiring 4 specific perks dedicated to doing the build + specific addons to be used on an extremely specific order.

Killers are allowed to do a lot worse stuff to bypass anti-tunnelling mechanic, but survivors can't take 2 BT hits, or a BT hit and a dead hard hit because a Youtuber might bring 4 specific perks and make killer mains sad.


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,724

    Uff, no.

    There is already way to much now in the game.

    Also Endurance is a huge atmo killer for me. Don´t like these white flashes.

    But i also think there is way to much Aura reading stuff that killed a lot of the stealth of the game.

  • MegaFreeman
    MegaFreeman Member Posts: 31

    If you're actually getting bullied by an extremely niche situational build, then git gud

    5 health states lol? I'm just asking for 2. Please explain how would someone be able to stack 5 health states

    How is there already way to much in this game, everyone runs same 5 perks

    Why shouldn't it be a thing tho? Killers have so many powerful perks but its OP for survivors to be able to use Dead Hard while getting tunnelled?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,281

    It wouldn't be OP for survivors to use Dead Hard while being tunnelled, that's why I suggest making that possible without letting survivors stack their Endurance outside of that scenario.

    It's not just a case of pure strength, there's also fun factor to consider. Tactics that killers employ to be unfun are steadily being looked at; tunnelling and camping have both gotten changes to make them weaker, and even slugging was looked at for a potential change a little while ago. It stands to reason that survivors can play in a manner that's unfun and frustrating too, though, right? Being able to take multiple hits before you go down whenever you want because all the perks that apply Endurance stack would mean survivors would go out of their way to be as annoying and aggressive as possible, which isn't exactly fun to be on the receiving end of.

    There's a reason it was changed, after all. If we want to specifically improve anti-tunnel, there are ways of doing that without making ultra-aggressive plays something the killer can't possibly punish or react to. If the basekit anti-tunnel protection wasn't Endurance, and hitting it just blocked the hit like Mettle Of Man does, then you'd be able to use Dead Hard or Off The Record after you're hit with it.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Don't forget capping the whole thing off with Decisive Strike.

    Imagine getting Mettle of Man powered by taking Endurance hits for other survivors all in a single chase. That would be nuts.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    It is just annoying, so no I do not want to hit a survivor 3 + times.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2023

    as much i hate to admit it, endurance stacking likely should comeback mainly because advertised OTR being an anti-tunnel perk and it was going to be anti-tunnel perk however endurance stacking change makes it so that you cannot use OTR due to deep wound nor can you DH.

    if you take an endurence hit after being unhooked and killer follows you, you are getting tunneled and OTR is designed to protect you from being tunneled off-hook. DH is a chase perk but chase perk are anti-tunnel perks. MoM is perk that everyone bring up but rarely anyone uses it. it is too situational because effort it takes to activate it is not worth reward. too much of time sink for too little return on investment.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Just make Anti-Tunnel Endurance not be stopped by, or inflict Deep Wound. All other Endurance is fine to be countered by Deep Wound, but Anti-Tunnel Endurance specifically isn't serving its purpose by being so easily countered.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Y'know what the Killer can do to bypass that? Chase the rescuer, or wait for a CA like tapping a gen.

    People keep mentioning the PTB and didn't realize it was only possible for that to happen when Content Creators purposely went out of their way to make videos. If a Survivor had time to prep Mettle of Man, they already threw and would have won against that Killer without it anyways. What that means is it wouldn't affect the outcome in a different direction from what originally would have been done. Killer was gunna win, still wins, Survivors were gunna win, they still win. It was a joke that could only be set up for, and never naturally occur.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    A year ago when the Devs changed 30 perks, you could stack endurance on the PTB. Guess what happened: OTR+DH+Styptic+(MOM)+....

    This is abusable especially by swf.

    No thank you.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Try to chase the rescue when those with endurance body block you over and over until you burnt through all of their endurance

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Then remove collision until a CA in the same patch that re-stacks anti-tunnel Endurance, it shouldn't be Rocket Surgery. Such a simple solution for such a non-problem.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    How do you know they touched a Gen or not? You don't. So survivors would just let you chase them, do "techs" because they have no collision, then you swing and they have endurance.

    This is very tricky when a survivor uses OTR.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    "if you get bullied->get good"

    Yo lol. Says the one who wants extra health states.

    Btw: extra health states (or 2nd chance perks) were always and still are very popular. So this would not be a "niche use" but a common one. Like all those who used UB, BT, DS, DH back in the day.

  • elderwitcher96
    elderwitcher96 Member Posts: 77

    Just no. But for Pinhead and Myers they should make some changes.

    They could increase the cooldown on the Pinhead's add-on chains if used on a recently unhooked survivor, so it would act more as an m1 on the off the hook survivor and allow them to make the same distance.

    For tombstone they could make a period after being unhooked that tombstone can't activate. I mean that add-on is very unhealthy for the game, it either needs to be removed or reworked. Like having to hook all 4 survivors at least once and be in tier 3 sounds reasonable to me. A slight buff of allowing to kill downed survivors as well would be reasonable in that scenario as well.

    But yeah, stacking health states is just a very poorly thought out idea.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Like having to hook all 4 survivors at least once and be in tier 3 sounds reasonable

    might be fine for tombstone piece, but Judith's Tombstone would be kinda unplayable. It takes so long to get it and you really don't have time to also hook everyone.

  • elderwitcher96
    elderwitcher96 Member Posts: 77

    They could lower the amount of extra stalk needed. Also imo they should make it so survivors regenerate stalk over time, at least a certain amount, so you wouldn't worry about losing your power, since Myers is the only one that can truly lose his power during a trial.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    There is still that lower movement speed by -9 %, it would be just completely garbage with your requirment.

    I really wouldn't mind reworking both, if he gets basekit buffs he needs. Those two are basically carrying his kill rates.

  • elderwitcher96
    elderwitcher96 Member Posts: 77

    Tbh, I only used tombstone twice, once because I was curious, and second for when I was getting the evil incarnate achievement, so I forgot about the speed penalty. Obviously the penalty would be removed in this rework. And a nice buff of both being able to kill both standing and downed survivors so no more using lockers to deny a kill. Though the infinite tier 3 would need to be reworked as well then, either to be the strongest tier 3 time extender add-on or reworked in some other effect. I guess tombstone piece would either get removed or reworked in some other effect.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Why is this an issue? Someone had to rescue them, and there are 2 other Survivors likely doing gens. There is no realistic situation where you NEED to get the Survivor miliseconds post-unhook. It can always be worked around with current mechanics (maybe chase the rescuer, why is this such a herculean task in these claims?!?!), or easily adjusted like no collision until CA, and if 2 Survivors are 'in each other', it prioritizes the Survivor least recently on hook.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Yes it is an issue. I already see this in my matches. I tunnel very rarely, but for some reason the unhooked person "disappears" for a bit (maybe even gets healed) before coming back and dancing in front of my nose. You try to ignore them, but you can't, as they bodyblock you. So you hit them once and then... BOOM.... OTR (I checked, no DH). Or they put their buttcheeks into your face just to DS you (I know it isn't much bit it can cost you the game).

    People complain about tunneling, but for some reason they want to get chased to present their perks.....

    I think it would be similar to this if there is no collision.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    So if there was no collision, and the Killer could literally walk through them, you are saying it would still be a problem? Right...

    As far as people post-hook buzzing around like flies, take the Wesker/Plague/Nemmy infection (or other Killer power) or STBFL stack and carry on.

    My normal gameplay loop involves Surv A on hook, Surv B attempting the rescue but I try to intercept them, forcing Surv C to now go for the rescue, and Surv D being the only one to pump gens (if they didn't also leave their gen to unhook/heal). That would require some large hoops to jump through in order to force me back on Surv A before they did any CAs.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 746

    Picture this: You're busting your ass in a difficult match against experienced survivors as an M1 killer, you finally start outplaying them and then suddenly all sorts of hits just don't count...Do you have any idea how infuriating that can be?

    You can lose matches at the moment solely because of endurance, and you're sitting here trying to justify stacking it?

    Have you completely lost sight of the full picture??

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    You’re thinking from a 1v1 perspective

    The game is 1v4.

    When everyone starts bringing the same loadout, it becomes a problem