Does anyone think that MFT was overnerfed, or that the nerfs weren't justified?
I don't.
I think the nerf is substantial, but I don't think it makes the perk unusable.
If it proves to be too harsh of a nerf they can always adjust it after the PTB.
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Judging from the literal rain of posts about it being dead, safe to assume alot of ppl think it was over nerfed.
For our opinion we really don't care about it. It's about the same to us.
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Even if it was, which I don't think it was, I'd much rather have an overnerfed perk than an overtuned perk,
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BHVR just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to making perks so situational that you need three other perks, specific Killers from a specific area of the world and RNG on your side.
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I used the perk once for a challenge. I couldn't care less.
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Nope. It's a harsh nerf but it was so broken before that a harsh nerf is what it needed.
It's still decent too, it's just not the #1 best perk in the game anymore.
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The nerfs are completely fair and the perk is still good. There's no good reason for survivors to get strong effects for just being injured.
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People said the same thing when dead hard was nerfed the first time and it was still strong enough to get a 2nd nerf and it's still a good perk.
Just because people are saying it's dead doesn't mean anything. People love to overreact over any changes.
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I don't really care, that perk should not exist to begin with. Altering the base movement speed is gamebreaking and no perk should work around that. A rework would have been better, but these devs prefer to remove from the game anything that makes them uncomfortable.
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True but that doesn't stop people from thinking it does it?
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Half of the perk literally hasn't changed and now it is more of an antitunnel perk than a free 3%
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Very justified. We shouldn't be giving survivors unconditional speed boosts.
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It was a dumb perk.
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Clearly it's another nerf to Deathslinger.
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That’s the one thing I dislike about the change, Slinger and Legion don’t really get the full benefit of the nerf compared to other killers. If they made it apply to deep wound specifically from endurance hits then it’d be perfect imo.
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That perk was so unbelievably broken against m1 weak killers. The extended haste effect definitely had to go. There was no downside to it considering everyone just 99'd their health so they'd get the effect without actually being in any danger of being downed.
Best to consider it a reworked perk as opposed to a nerf.
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No, it still has value, some perks get nerfed so hard it makes no sense to run them ie DS
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It should have been:
1% speed for every teammate injured/dead
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It actually first time, when BHVR nerf something better than anything that has been suggested on this forum, perfect nerf.
Big value for big condition. Survivors only want big value for free, so i'm not surprised someone think it's "overnerfed".
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MFT is going to be a healthy perk after this.
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Its a large but deserved nerf. MFT will still have a niche in more agressiva or anti-tunnel builds but won't be nearly as common. I think that is fine. Further adjustments are still possible before it makes to the live servers in case it ends up being too weak.
I would also like to point out that Nerfed DH/Medkits and the reworked versions of Skull Merchant and Sadako where deemed as useless by many players but ended up being viable when they made it to live servers.
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What nerf? Currently, the dev update changes are only for the PTB...
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It just shows how powerful it is. You could literally make current MFT 2 perks.
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It was a perk that shouldn't have ever served 2 purposes tbh.
it's a healthy rework, encouraging you to heal your teammates before you're able to get value out of it and more situational now.
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it was only 3% mft defenders said, that was a lie and topics like these are proof. You still have your beloved 3% you just dont get it for free or indefinitely anymore.
perk is balanced.
now its ultimate weapons turn.
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No. The most deserved nerf. There are ######### haste perks like game afoot that trigger like 1-2 times per game, so this is nothing new.
It still gives 10 sec endurance for heal don't forget.
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your assuming that this perk will be popular in first place.
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Overnerfed for the majority of the player base, absolutely. Most Survivors won't touch it now (going by my own lobbies, it wasn't actually a very popular perk, being far outnumbered by pretty much every exhaustion perk).
But it probably won't make that much of a change for well co-ordinated high MMR SWFs, who I think will still get plenty of value. Can't say I'm looking forward to still be facing it in my Legion games on those occasions when I get a Lobby that a P100 Blight noped out on.
Basically, I think it's another nerf meant to cater to streamers and the vocal competitive crowd, while making the perk totally unappealing to any casual players.
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Nerfs were justified. While I think many who complained about the perk overestimated it, no doubt it was a strong perk.
It's been nerfed into the ground. It may still see some use in dedicated anti-chase builds, potentially still have a place in 4 person SWFs, but its lost a massive level of value.
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We must nerf all haste perks for Survivor and give Killers more haste at base line. This is the only way. /s
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No, it was an overused and very annoying perk.
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Because the chases would last too long, thats also the reason why bloodlust exist. Some people forget that survivor are not meant to maintain a chase forever so the killers can fulfill their objetive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Definitely overnerfed. The fact that it's reduced to being a DW situational perk just makes DH look like a baby nerf.
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No it was an unhealthy perk, the killer had no way to know if you where using it unless they had 1000 hours and memorized the length of chase and everything
its condition was so easy to trigger it made too many perks obsolete
it had no reasonable counter despite having a strong effect
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It wasn't NERFED enough. It didn't grant speed period!
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Is Ultimate Weapon on the chopping block?
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It was for sure a perk that provided too powerful an effect for an asym like DBD without having a precondition. Keep in mind that killer perks should overall be more impactful than survivor perks because a killer can only bring 4 perks, and survivors (between them all) have 16 perks. Similar killer perks are all tied to a pre-condition (often to the killer's detriment). Play with your food (PWFY), for example, requires the killer to enter chase with a specific survivor (or burn another perk slot to have a perk that changes the obsession) and then lose chase with that survivor to gain 1 stack of 5% movement – a stack that is lost upon performing any combat action (regardless of whether a survivor loses a health state). Swing and miss? Lost a stack. Used your special ability? Lost a stack. Killers could lose entire games trying to get max stats or consistent value. Because of that, PWFY is balanced.
MFT on the other hand, provided a flat 3% just for being injured. And, normally a good counterargument would be that the pre-condition is actually pretty dangerous for the survivor (after all instead of 2 health states, they are limited to 1 before entering the dying state). However, the modern survivor playstyle encourages staying injured (medkits and COH nerfs directly enforced this). Therefore, you’d have survivors running perks to capitalize on being injured to the point where the one lost health state is almost an uneven trade. Personally, I don’t think the 3% speed increase was overly impactful by itself (but when paired with resilience or hope it could be) – the issue was that survivors got it for free indefinitely. It's not like Overcome, which provides a minor boost following a hit in return for the exhausted status effect. Or lucky break, which is a powerful chase perk that is directly tied to a proportional altruistic requirement.
The only counter a killer had was something to inflict the exhausted status effect. The problem? The majority of perks that inflict exhaustion are poorly designed and provide little to no benefit except for that purpose (and have terrible pre-conditions). Fearmonger is arguably the best, and even that allows survivors to simply walk a few seconds and remove the effect – making the perk only truly impactful if the killer was either a stealth killer or had the undetectable status effect, allowing them to catch the survivor off before they walked off the debuff. Furthermore, a large portion of killers lack add-ons that provide the exhausted status effect either.
So, the change to an anti-tunnel perk with synergies for its secondary effect (provides endurance for completing a healing action) is a change that is in line with the game’s preconditions for powerful survivor perks. They are either tied to generators being completed, worked on, or healing actions. The removal of the exhaustion limitation is justified if these changes come to live. We will have to see if the PTB makes a notable difference or not, or if further tweaks are necessary.
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Overnerfed, but I don't care. Nothing of value was lost, and now people won't have a (fake) reason for their losses and might actually have to realize they lost because they need to improve. Who am I kidding, the whiners aren't that self-aware.
BHVR is on a strange butcher spree when it comes to nerfs, particularly to med-kits and the likes. In regards to whoever on the team is responsible for the latest batch of nerfs, I'm curious how they would annihilate Blight and Nurse. I just hope they don't put their sights on Oni/Plague/Artist/Wesker (let alone any weak Killer). Blight and Nurse deserve similar level of med-kit/MfT nerfs, but Oni/Plague only need minor alterations if anything. (3 gen Plague is super annoying, as is Haste Plague. Those could be fixed by cleansing while uninfected to get a limited item to cleanse everything in 3m of its usage [to clean a gen and all people close enough], and PWYF removing a stack on infection puking.)
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Disagree on the "survivors only". You're not even new to this forum and you have the audacity to say that. Like, have you read any post of the average killer player here?
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I'm indifferent, but I'm a filthy Self-Care user...
Synergizes with several perks and Styptic so it's far from 'dead' (hard, lol).
Also procs vs a few killers that rely on Endurance.
It was previously one of the best perks in the game and allowed for the ever exciting 'passive' build of Windows/MFT/Resilience/x.
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It was definitely over-nerfed but that’s what always tends to happen when they announce changes to popular perks. They never announce a reasonable change, it’s always taken from overpowered to completely useless and MAYBE they will walk back a few changes before it goes live depending on how vocal the outcry and opinions are.
There were definitely ways to make this perk healthier without totally gutting it the way they’ve announced it to be. But of course killer mains are totally happy with it being gutted because most don’t want survivors to have anything that helps them survive even a little bit. 🤣🤣
In the interest of fairness tho, if a perk is too OP because “all you had to do was be injured” then where is the nerf for Ultimate Weapon where “all you have to do is open a locker?”
MFT worked as long as you were injured but once you healed it was gone. UW only has a cool down for 30 seconds. Meaning once you use it, you get the effects on the survivors for 30 seconds plus info on where they are. Once that 30 seconds of effects ends, you wait 30 seconds then can do it again. In a 15 minute match that means it can be used up to 15 times and all it requires is stopping to open a locker.
If we’re gonna talk about perks that don’t take any skill to use and gives free value, we gotta talk about that one as well.
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Definitely over-nerfed. I like @Rudjohns suggestion in this thread for a potential change instead (but for dead survivors only instead). With the current proposal, it won't come into play most of the time and it isn't a potentially game changing effect that doesn't happen all the time but is amazing when it does that would justify running it (eg Unbreakable).
A rework to something that didn't have haste would have been better than this and avoided all of the issues that come with speed changes. Right now it won't be a fun but largely ineffective perk you can play for memes (eg Blast Mine, Head On) and it won't be an effective perk after either (other examples I've already stated are Ruin, Call of Brine, and the original proposed change for Eruption).
DbD doesn't need more perks that just take up space. A perk should be a combination of fun or effective or preferably both. Right now, the proposal is neither.
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it's just a 3% haste, what is this massive fuss about then, right?
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And it might not be. But it doesn’t matter whether it is popular or not. The point is those killers get punished by the perk more just because deep wound is part of their power and it’s not something they can avoid using. Personally, I don’t think that is fair, nor is it reasonable to expect the killer to go chase a different target just to counter MFT. It should revolve around avoiding endurance hits as killer to counter it. Not be an “I hate Legion” perk.
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I think you misread the sentence. That is not "only survivors," it is "survivors want only."
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why does it matter if you see perk 1/20 games? Vigil is a perk that reduces hindered effect by 30% but almost nobody uses it even though freddy's snares applies 15% hindered for 3 second. I don't know what usage rate of this perk will be after change but i imagine it will be under 4% because of how situational it is and how low 3% is.
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MFT worked as long as you were injured but once you healed it was gone.
Yeah, and then you're healed, so you can get injured again and get it back. How is this a point?
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nah you wouldn't understand it. being injured is a risk, it is your choice. killer makes you an offer before hitting you: either they don't hit you and you run at normal speed or they hit you but you get faster. see?
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I'm talking exactly about mft, chill. Of course, there are crazy posts from both sides players. But, frankly, more often I read such posts from survivors, If we're talking about it. The last example was a guy who asked to bring back endurance staking KEKW
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I hadn't, more like I forgot to add [...] after only, I just want to point out precisely at what part of the message I was replying, and saying "disagree with the survivors part" wouldn't really make it obvious