Stranger Things Buff

Hi everyone just a random post on Stranger Things perks that I believe could use a slight tweak now that we have the glorious Nancy and fearless Steve back in the fog! :)
Nancy Wheeler
Better Together - The aura of all generators you are currently repairing is revealed to all other survivors located within a 32 meters.
If the killer downs a survivor while you are repairing a generator, you see the aura of all other survivors for 10 seconds. Also the generators aura as well as all survivors auras while repairing the generator is hidden from the killer for the next 20 seconds.
Fixated - You can see your own scratch marks at all times. Walking within your own scratch marks gives an additional 10% boost
You walk 20% faster.
Inner Strength - Each time you complete a totem cleanse action you receive a token. Inner Strength activates when you have 1 or more tokens. If you are already afflicted by the broken status effect, Inner Strength does not activate.
While Inner Strength is active, hiding inside of a locker for 8 seconds while injured automatically heals you from injured to healthy.
•Cleaning a Hex totem grants 2 tokens
• Inner strength heals a survivor hiding in a locker in 4 seconds if they are holding 2 tokens.
•Inner Strength may not have more then 2 tokens at a time
Inner Strength becomes deactivated if there are 0 tokens and has successfully triggered.
Steve Harrington
Babysitter - When you unhook a survivor, they won't leave scratch marks, pools of blood, grunts of pain, and they gain a 7% haste status effect for 60 seconds. If they perform a conspicuous action or are fully healed the effects of babysitter deactivates.
You see the Killer's aura for 8 seconds
Camaraderie - While you are on a hook Camaraderie activates.
If another Survivor is within 16 meters of you while Camaraderie is activated, the hook timer is paused for 34 seconds.
Second Wind - If you are afflicted by the Broken status effect, Second Wind does not activate.
After you are unhooked or you unhook yourself Second Wind activates, you are affected by the Broken status effect. After a total duration of 20 seconds, Second Wind automatically heals you from injured to healthy.
Second Wind deactivates once you become healthy or if you are put into the dying state before Second Wind successfully triggers. You lose the broken status effect.
If anything, buffing perks as soon as they are no longer general perks is a BAD time for buffs, not a REASON for buffs.
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great idea
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They're still general perks in the game at the moment
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My buffs
Inner Strength: Blessing a totem also activates the perk, however the perk can only activate once per totem
Better Together: The aura of the generator you are working will always be revealed to all survivors. When I teammate is downed whilst you repairing a gen, you see they aura of all teammates for 15 seconds. Any teammate repairing the same gen as you will also see the auras.
Babysitter: The unhooked survivor gains 7% haste along with no scratch marks and pools of blood for 15 seconds. You and the teammate see the killer's aura for the same duration. Whilst healing a teammate, they don't leave scratch marks or pools of blood until the healing is complete or for 15 seconds if the healing is interrupted.
Camaraderie: The hook timer is paused for 60 seconds in the first phase if a teammate is 16 meters from the hook. Once you are saved from the hook, the timer pauses and continues the next time you are on the hook.
Second Wind: After completing a full heal on a teammate, you gain a token. When healing a teammate, pressing the secondary ability button activates the perk on the teammate and you lose a token. The perk activates normally for you if you have a token.
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At the moment, yes. They all were just announced that they won't be for long. Buffing them right after that announcement screams cash grab.
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What do you mean by deactivates when talking about inner strength? Like for the rest of the trial or what? I wouldn't mind to have it 5 tokens and just keep everything else as it is... No need for faster healing, the perk is already alright.
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For inner strength, I like the idea of tokens but I would much prefer they stack and only get used one at a time instead of healing faster if that makes sense, that way you can get your heals ready instead of ignoring totems and hoping your teammates don't break them before you need them. I don't mind having a stack limit though, being able to stack over two or three heals would be overkill.
Also, camaraderie should appear next to your hook icon or something so your teammates know you have it.
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It still takes up 1 token. Just if your at 2 it goes faster
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I think this is quite good idea, especially inner strength.
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If you have 0 tokens it's just not active is all that means. 2 max tokens to stop one player from hoarding all heals from teamate.
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Having more than one person running inner strenght is not that great anyway, so I don't really see a problem there.