So, when are the developers finally going to do something about stacking premades?



  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322

    So, just to be clear: This is a completely different thing to what you said first and what I was responding to. I'll happily respond, but this is a different conversation to the one we started. I'm assuming that just means you don't have anything to disagree with in my post, though.

    So, to your question: we get there... either never, or immediately, depending on your point of view. If you think survivors playing well is inherently miserable, you're never gonna see that meaningfully addressed because it's just how things go. However, if you mean being able to leverage aggressive use of mildly unbalanced things (kinda like old locker flashlight saves, for example, or more extremely unbalanced things like old hatch), that's part of what I was talking about before.

    As you make "survivor" a coherent role you can balance in one go, part of that balancing will be tuning down the things that SWF players can use to make the game miserable for killers. It's not only part of that effort, it requires that effort for it to be fairly possible.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Well to be fair, nothing has happened in that regard between those years. So why should the complaints suddenly stop?

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    Nurse is not hard to play.

    You don't need to "master" her to destroy in public matches.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    That's the problem BHVR created by creating swf.

    It's super busted if used correctly, but it can't be nerfed without hurting the overall enjoyment of the game.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    According behaviour it was made with the idea of playing with friends.

    But yet im waiting SWF patch.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 478

    As a killer main I can sympathise with you. I've often been destroyed by swfs and it usually goes one of 2 ways. either they are chill in end game and we have a good interaction or they are all just kids and try and bully in end game.

    However would I want SWFs nerfed that much or even removed...hell no. Its what makes the game fun for me as a killer. Knowing someone is in a swf (which is usually fairly obvious for the sweaty ones in pregame lobby) makes me wanna kick there ass even more to proove i can.

    Also once you realize someone is in a SWF then use that to your advantage. For example SWFs will often protect each other more than solo que will. Awesome use that for free hits, "Tunnel" someone off the hook and they will swarm to take hits. Hit one then swap target its just free. Or run perks such as Mad Grit so when they take what feels like 5000 hits with their stacked endurance perks it makes no difference and you sweep.

    Anyone complaining about SWFs in this game from a killer point of view kinda needs to just get over themself and take precautions around it.

    I myself do the following. 3 - 4 flashlights...lightborn, 2 or 3 p100's...tunnel, clear clan names....just run around and chase 1 person all game to get it over with, 4 of the same cosmetics....Excuse to tunnel because i can't tell them apart XD

    I think the only players who should be able to complain about SWF's are the solo que survivors who end up with a team of 3 because 9/10 times they are just abandoned as the swf only look after the SWF not the solo que

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 662

    Well, it is obvious that strong SWFs (and these SWFs are real) can destroy almost all the killers, but problem is that there is no way to balance these SWFs properly. I have thought of limiting items so survivors can hold no more than 2 items, but not sure whether it would be enough....

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    They've made it very clear they wish all players in either role to run whatever load outs they want to. So I don't ever see them limiting perks, items, add-ons etc. or any crazy tourney limitations at all. So that's out imo.

    Straight up removing SWF is also not an option, as it would definitely wreak queue times and likely kill off this game. So nope here too.

    They seem to be targeting MMR, and making changes to ensure their system has its best chance to make fair-ish trials. With the recent tests they're looking at the lobbies themselves and when effects of lobby shopping.

    Perhaps removing pre-game prestiges needs to happen? Perhaps what is seen and clickable in the lobbies needs to change? The basic idea I believe is to ensure the relative skill levels of the survs (solos or not) get matched with a killer who can handle them. Going after the dodging makes sense to help with that.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    That is with the assumption that the discrepancy in fair matchmaking is solely due to lobby dodging.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    What I intended to say first, and I still think is the most important point of this conversation, is that survivors keep getting quality of life updates like the survivor HUD, and killers still don’t have an FoV slider, even though it’s the one and only announced quality of life update for them.

    And this happens because “solo q is miserable” gets sympathy, but “playing against SWFs is miserable” just gets responses like “you can’t punish people for playing with friends”

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    Wanting quality of life buffs that can apply to all killers isn’t “a narrow view”. There are so many purposely frustrating killer mechanics, like purposely bad FoV, purposely loud chase music, a forced short M1 attack mechanic that can steal hits from the killer, purposely overturned sound occlusion, purposely unreliable footsteps, maps that are purposely red to hide scratch marks and pools of blood, etc.

    BHVR could be addressing those, and then make generic number adjustments to fix the kill rate if it gets raised too high.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    I agree we're guessing about that. No doubt it plays a part though. We'll see when they put out their test info at some point.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    Balancing the kill rates between solo q and SWF is important for both sides of the game. Giving survivors quality of life improvements is not important for both sides of the game. There is a difference.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    she doesnt need to be nerfed further. Blight is stronger than her now and she is much slower at map traversal now due to the removal of recharge add ons

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    Survivors getting quality of life improvements aren’t a win/win for everyone. It’s just a win/win for survivors. It means that survivors get stuff that affects the vast majority of them, and killers get left in the cold yet again.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322

    Two things.

    1: We are specifically talking about shrinking the gap between solo queue and SWF. That is, overall, a win/win for everyone, as long as you look at the game as a whole.

    2: Killers are not left out in the cold. Killer players get QoL improvements too, just not the specific type that you're looking for as often as survivors.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    Swf especially with comms is an advantage. Weather or not they are just friends chilling or sweat squads. Its still an advantage.

    The killers have no compensation for the communication and coordination of a swf. But the swf should not be punished for playing with friends.

    The killer players want to opt out of swf. The survivors say, well swf would never get a match. Why do you think that is? There is a disparity there.

    I do not know what BHVR could do to even it out. I doubt they will do anything as the survivors are the bread and butter of DBD. They are the majority. In any business you cater to your majority.

    Just makes sense.

  • Verlaeufer
    Verlaeufer Member Posts: 51

    not nerv swf, buff solo q. Give them all swf things and then balance killer and surv. This is the only way.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 549

    Ignore them.

    Its a huge advantage.

    I play with a person sitting next to me in a SWF. Its a whole different world from solo.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Knockout's strength is that it's a slugging perk. Of course it's an advantage that swfs can communicate their location, but is it not also an advantage for the killer that knockout hides the downed survivor's aura?

    As for Pallet Freddy, long-time players can tell which pallets are real and which pallets are extras. Pallet Freddy's advantage isn't in the early game. Pallet Freddy's advantage grows as the game progresses and there are fewer pallets, so it becomes harder to remember which ones you have thrown and which ones you haven't. Early-game, you know which pallets are where.

    You're assuming that every swf is a 4-man, when 4-man's are actually few and far between. Trios are more common than 4-man's, but less common than duos, and duos account for the majority of swfs.

    Experience trumps communication unless it's a 4-man squad running all meta perks and using the clock callout system to keep tabs on the killer at all times.

    Killer doesn't get anything to compensate for swf because it's a balancing nightmare. If you buff killer to be able to handle 4-mans, then the solo and duo experience becomes significantly worse. If you nerf swfs, then you're punishing people for playing with their friends. If you let killer know who's in a swf before the match starts, 90% of killers will lobby dodge.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842
    edited November 2023

    It's a huge advantage over solo, sure. But is it as hugely advantageous over killer as EvilBarney seems to believe? No. Just as not all solo's are baby survivors, not all swfs are good at communicating. The assumption is that all swfs are 4-mans, but the reality is that the majority are duo's.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857


    The problem you see, is that BHVR has realized that they don't need to ACTUALLY balance their game as long as they can create a matchmaking that gives them an "ideal" killrate statistically speaking.

    SoloQ's 90%+ killrate evens out the SWF 90% escape rate and there is enough wiggle room with top 1% killers are lower MMR brackets that they get a 40% escape rate for survivor in the grand scheme of things. They don't give a fog that for the individual it might be because they win/lose 9 out of 10 matches.

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    There's a reason why 0K or 4K are the highest rates on nightlight for pretty much every Killer. It should be 2k-3k.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    it is insanely advantageous in every single match at all skill levels. and will always be. just stop pretending it isn't, there is no point.

    doesn't matter if it's a 4-man, duo... the ones with comms, have a huge advantage.

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    The way to solve the SWF communication problem is by first buffing Solo Queue Survivor and ONLY Solos so it nullifies the SWF comm advantage and then buffing killers to match that strength after.

    (The game already knows and tracks when players are in a SWF and when they are Solo when joining a lobby.)

    So you either give basekit perk info ONLY to players joining lobbies alone, add a emote/chat wheel (with enough choices to communicate effectively), or just add a global voice chat for Survivors with a mute option for the players that don't want to use it. Just like every other multiplayer game that needs teamwork to be successful has used.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    The first would be effectively punishing players for playing with friends and if there's a duo and 2 solos, the solos have added an advantage for the duo.

    The second again makes it seem that play with friends is being punished if the emotes are only accessable to solos. Admittedly it might work out the best though if for all.

    The 3rd would be a nightmare to have. Either it's on and you're listening to grownup children yell for petty reasons or you mute them and have them become the worst teammates you can have out of spite for muting the chat.

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    No, a punishment for playing with Friends would be nerfing or removing SWF. They already have a comms/information advantage. Adding comms for Solos doesn't hurt friend groups at all.

    The emote/chat wheel is for all players not just solos..

    Almost every multiplayer game has a voice chat with mute options and it works just fine. (This game will never be worse than old Call of Duty lobbies.) You mute and/or report troublemakers. If they get mad and throw the game because of that they are immature and the outcome of the trial would be exactly the same as it is right now..

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    How does adding base perks only for solos not punishing playing with friends? That's making something exclusive to one type of play.

    We're going to hard disagree on matches would be the same. This game may not be as bad as old CoD lobbies, but it's unnervingly close. There WILL be a massive uprising of tossing for petty reasons. This may be a doomsday crazy talking but it has a lot of evidence to make it seem REALLY plausible.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    they can't just disable playing with friends, and they definitely shouldn't nerf survivor perks/items because swfs can abuse them (except very abusable and almost swf-exclusive stuff like boil over). i'd say some perks should be limited for use only by 1 person in a swf but the only contender to be such a perk would be ftp buckle up combo which already needs a nerf so.

    but undoubtedly swfs are more challenging so it would be nice if they gave killers a bp bonus or something for facing a swf.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 275

    The devs (or anyone in this thread who just... can't... think of any ways to improve Solo Q) should watch a SWF play on youtube or whatever, and take a note of every time they share info that a Solo player wouldn't have.

    Once all of those are in the HUD, we can have this discussion again.

    If you can't think of a way to communicate those things in a HUD, please quit your job designing videogames.

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    Because using the logic you're using, Solo players are already being "punished" for simply not playing with other people. A SWF group already has the advantage by being able to communicate with each other.

    Giving Solo players the same information that a SWF group already has does nothing to the group but help coordination that is lacking between the two right now.

    I do agree with you that voice comms for all could be used for harassment at first. But by reporting and simply muting/blocking, or actually being able to speak to each other and hear the emotions of other people, would help overall.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I like this take. I just want people to admit that SWF with Comms IS an advantage. Does not matter the context.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    While somewhat true, there's an important detail that's being left out. The biggest advantage is coordination which almost always comes from a source OUTSIDE of dbd itself.

    Currently the only real info that we can think of (in trial) is where the killer, where survivors are, how close the door to being opened is, and what's been used (pallets and boxes). Everything else is effectively covered by the hud (and the door is a good guess away). Adding something like base kit bond would give more info than a single call out, NOT humoring base Object, base kit windows would make normal windows useless. Idk if we're missing something but it kinda goes like that for our eyes.

    As the voice chat, should we go down that rabbit hole, bhvr would be swarmed with reports for years. MAYBE after that time it could help, we won't argue that, but that's after causing a mess that's avoided simply by not being added. Overall we're going to disagree on adding this, but that's just our opinion on it.

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    I agree the HUD is useful but just knowing where the killer is and knowing where other survivors are from a simple voice call out is the most important advantage a SWF has.

    Why should only SWF groups have access to that important information for free? Just because they are friends or found each other on a SWF discord group? Solo Survivors are playing the game the way it was meant to be played. They shouldn't be punished for that, they should be rewarded and given an incentive to play Solo because it is miserable and has been for a long time.