I message to the Devs.

I just wanted to write this to let the developers know that they have lost a loyal dedicated DBD player and consistent purchaser of content after my final straw and many years of just grief that this game has brought me. I’ve tried, TRIED, so hard to give this game the benefit of the doubt over the years and make excuses over and over for the game and its playerbase. From the toxicity from both sides to the bugs and general lack of any sort of attempt to make the game fair for both Solo Survivor and Killer vs SWF. Like Ive tried soo much, ive uninstalled and reinstalled this game prob 100 times. I keep coming back hoping things will change, hoping the playerbase will grow and get better, hoping the developers will get better at balancing. But to no avail, nothing changes. The game is just a horribly unfun place to be and the small 5% moments of fun aren't worth the grief the game brings. My final straw was today, my true and final chapter end for this game. 

This 1 match really broke me. All was going fine was using meme perks vs a doctor, the game starts off with 2 random solos deciding to troll and just go down over and over in front of killer and just harass the ever living ######### out of him for no reason just to annoy him, then when they finally get hooked they suicide on hook (Which mind you has happened in 80% of my games, everyone just suicides to DS). Then the 3rd person literally leaves the game and its a bot. Once the 2 bullies are finally killed off while im attempting to try and do gens through Pain Res, Merciless Storm, Deadlock, Ruin (spoiler i could barely even finish 1) the Killer finally decides to turn his attention to me. He btw prior to this attempted to chaise the bot for a bit but then gave up and decided to go after me first. I ran him for a bit (playing the chaise for about 20 seconds with no toxicity whatsoever from my end) from this point on the killer makes it his goal to keep me in the match and troll me for literally like 25 minutes. I was picked up and dropped on repeat chased around for a few seconds. I didn't heal. I tried not struggling to let him hook me, nothing works. At this point I just want out of the match. But no this just goes on and on.

Then I try actually running and doing gens thinking maybe he just wants me to do gens, no he just instantly downs me and continues to do this, then he starts humping me on the ground for literally like 5 minutes. Finally he lets me go, slugging me on the ground and kills the bot. Then picks me up and brings me to the hatch but drops me 10 feet from it and stands on it, i crawl an inch and he closes it. Then he proceeds to pick me up and drop me over and over until i struggle free then hit me down and just stalls out every single inch of the end game timer until the very last second in which he hooks me. All this time i just want out. But no. NO the devs punish me if I DC and the killer just gets away with this toxic behavior. This just finally broke me and im so ######### done with this game. Thing is i tried to rationalize this after the game (Oh this is just the one game, but I was legit just gaslighting myself, the reality this is 80% of games now). I wish I was recording this game just to show how absolutely long and miserable the game was. 

I shouldnt be forced to break terms of service and rules and DC to get out of a game like this and avoid a penalty. This behavior shouldnt be happening at all. But honestly this is just a cherry on top of how bad the game is atm. Gen regression perks absolutely destroy solo queue and im so tired of the game being balanced around the top 5% of players while everyone is mostly just a solo player. The game is #########, the new chapters are cool for like a minute but the devs aren’t focusing really on the problems the game has. They try to bandaid fix things or placebo fix things like with the “anti-face camp” attempt which btw does absolutely nothing to stop people that want to camp. IDK the game just isn't fun and has become a giant sand box death simulator for the killer to get off on killing people (with half the killer base being actual sociopaths playing and using dbd as their outlet to not do illegal things irl) like their is no objective anymore for survivors, since getting out is practically impossible in solo queue. Skill does not matter, individual skill does not matter, all that matters is the killer doesnt tunnel 1 player out of the match before u can at least get 2 gens done. Gen rush and tunneling is a snake that eats itself, like Gen rushing is the solution to tunneling and killers feel tunneling is the solution to gen rushing, when one side does one of those things the other side does the counter and its just a vicious cycle with no solution. 

Anyways. Rant over. This is ultimately a message to the devs to just say. I’m really disappointed in you guys. Ive been a loyal customer for years and I’m happy to say I'm finally taking my leave from this game. I hope you guys learn and the game eventually gets better but I just cant anymore.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,771

    Haven’t read everything because holy wall of text (sorry don’t wanna sound disrespectful)

    but in case you experience a match like you described with the doctor and the two trolls, there is always the feature to leave a match. Which is very much warranted in a case like this and as long as you don’t overuse it you will only experience a very short matchmaking ban.

    that said, if you think your overall experience with this game is more frustrating than fun - yes, stop playing the game. Do not try to force yourself to play a game - it will not make it better.

  • EvalionVelmore
    EvalionVelmore Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2023

    Then the response to everything i say is "yes dont play our game" instead of "we will do better and try to fix the game, here are solutions we are thinking about etc." no. its. "just dont play and break the rules and DC". That's the real cherry on top. IDK if you are just some random person responding or someone that works with the company or is a moderator. IDK but... your response is just part of the problem (Sorry if that comes off as disrespectful, its just how it feels). Anyways... Ive said my piece.

  • EvalionVelmore
    EvalionVelmore Member Posts: 18

    How am I taking the game too seriously? I was just trying to play and have fun but i am forced to sit in a match for 30 minutes thats over? It stopped being fun when i was forced to sit in the game essentially slugged and having 30 minutes of my time wasted. Has nothing to do with taking the game too seriously. I take my time being wasted seriously.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,771
    edited November 2023

    I am just a random person responding and not associated with the company nor the forums.

    though.. to be honest, gotta disagree with you here. If you do genuinely not have a fun time then don’t play. That’s valid advice for any game.

    also it’s not breaking the rules to disconnect from a match that goes like that where you are literally being grieved/held hostage. The button to leave a match is especially there because of situations like this.

    i also didn’t try to shut you down or say that your feedback isn’t valid or shouldn’t be considered for improving the game… I fail to see how I am part of the problem here?

  • EvalionVelmore
    EvalionVelmore Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2023

    I mean its good advice but its not what I wanna hear. I wanna hear that people want the game to change and that this behavior will be punished in the future, but i guess that is asking too much. Anyways thanks for your response. Also the reason I say what you said is part of the problem because all you are doing is dismissing what I say without leaving room for a discussion about how the game can be fixed. It's just "stop playing" which is dismissive and seems to be the response anyone gets when bringing this stuff up. Anyways tho yea, im not mad at you or anything. Just at this point tired and over DBD. Wanted to leave this last message for the devs maybe it will get through to one of them, doubt it but yea.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,771

    Oh no. I completely agree with that and would celebrate features to reduce trolling/griefing potential from both sides. Though I see that it is hard to accomplish that from a game design point without also punishing players that play the game in the intended way(s).

    i do feel like BHVR is headed into the right direction (eg anti facecamp, more focus on accessibility, etc) though there is SO much that needs improvement and it’s not possible to tackle everything at once.

  • EvalionVelmore
    EvalionVelmore Member Posts: 18

    It's not hard. Just provide a button that lets u bleed yourself out faster if you are the only player left in the game, or just let you DC the match with no penalty if you are the last survivor. That fixes a huge problem. It's a very simple change that fixes a huge amount of grief instances.

  • EvalionVelmore
    EvalionVelmore Member Posts: 18

    -Also I find it funny that you say "without punishing the players that play the game in the intended way"... what do you mean by that I feel like 80% of the player base is this toxic and is not playing the game as intended. about 20% of the player base is genuinely nice and playing the game as intended that isnt a large enough amount of people to be making decisions based around them. You should never balance or make changes around the minority in your playerbase.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,771

    These numbers are not something I can confirm from my side. But well, it is subjective and different for different regions and MMR brackets.

    And yeah, one of your solutions might be something that introduces a new way of griefing: giving up as last survivor - when implemented incorrectly it can take away something from the killer player even if they play in intended ways (slugging -while perceived as boring from many- is a valid strategy after all and maybe the killer needs the 4 K for a challenge or whatever, or a Mori for last survivor or something like this)

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited November 2023

    All I can say is, if the game is frustrating to you, just give it a break. I know I myself am on one - I even missed every bit of the haunted by daylight event (and I will see if my break is permanent).

    My personal reason is map design team. One of most fun interactions in the game for me was to sabotage hooks - which quite frankly lost it's charm after background player buff AND MOSTLY with new maps having 10 hooks within carry distance of downed survivor.

    But it's devs decision and when I made thread about it - overwhelming majority of people likes having 10 hooks to choose from. For me there are too many negatives (lag hits/pokos, bugs and all that + survivors getting nerfed over time more and more (you can see it very well right now with complaints to Hawkins map - it was perfectly OK in time when it was still in game, but now I am just 100% sure it will get changed within few months with serious pallet reduction) + huge amount of killers that are just sooooo unfun to face (skull merchant even new version, sadako even new version, nurse, blight, trickster and I am pretty sure even more so new version and maaaaany more)) and the only thing that balanced it out and made me play the game is diminished too much + the trend is to diminish it even further with every map redesign.

    So I play different games now. But to be honest - who knows? After a few months maybe I will long for DBD again. After all tilt levels tend to go down with time and you will remember fun times again. And who knows? Maybe when I return pinhead will be fixed (haha I doubt that will be the case with the speed of devs - few months to fix camera? Not enough time) and I will once again enjoy at least killers.

  • GetEmLUNA
    GetEmLUNA Member Posts: 11

    They've gotten their money, they dont care about whether or not they nerf Killers to hell, they care about the majority of the player based, who are casual Survivors who masquerade as casual but play to win just like the so called small amount of comp Killers. If they dont please the Survivors, they will threaten to leave the game. Killers, not so much. Bottomline is Survivors having fun and the content creators, Killers will keep getting balanced around solo queue, while swfs get to take advantage of the situation.

    I wonder when they'll fix the exploit of Survivors being able to swf when they choose by using 3rd party communications, but they're more focused on limited killer strats instead of making Survivors actually play as a team.

    Just stop playing. If enough of us do, maybe they'll listen, but until then, they're gonna leave you smart ass response and gaslight you, because most of them dont really care about Killers fun, only Survivors. Bro, they really are just gonna let 3rd party communications be a thing, even though it causes issues with killer perks rendering some of them useless against swfs. And you cant always tell they are swfs by looking at the console they're playing on, because they can use something else to link up.

    Your woes will fall on death ears, bro. They will keep nerfing Killers and lying about them being reworks that benefit both sides, when they only benefit one.

    I thought Survivor side was a team, so why do solo players get special treatment? If you're playing solo and not as a team, you deserve to lose, otherwise play killer. But no, solo queue is a thing and Killer will continue to get ridiculous changes bka nerfs, to hold their hands.

    Its funny how they can fix the 3 gen, which was solvable by Survivors actually doing gens and not running to the dead side of the map jumping in and out of lockers, smh. That 3 gen issue will be escalated due to them punishing us for trying to make our own jobs easier by making those last Survivors come to us. If you actually play the game, you know that 3 genning early is a double edged sword, you Sacrifice gens and you have more Survivors to deal with instead of just 2 or 1.

    That part and the 3rd party apps issue gets ignored. Imo, I think its because a lot of these casual players are liars and want to win just as bad, but they're smart and underhanded about it. They can claim casual, or say that swfs are not frequent, but then turn around and abuse the 3rd party communications and the nerfs Killers receive from solo queue getting coddled.

  • GetEmLUNA
    GetEmLUNA Member Posts: 11

    And no, developers, you dont have to read my comment, its not for yall. You'll say some stupid snarky crap anyone because you already took advantage of us already.

    I say that because it's long and I know yall cant focus long enough to read anything longer than a paragraph.