So, when are the developers finally going to do something about stacking premades?



  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    Almost every multiplayer game has a voice chat with mute options and it works just fine. 

    There's a couple of huge differences though between DbD and other games and its not the issue of harassment.

    1: If you're playing a symmetrical game, voice chat balances itself out. If everyone on both teams uses chat, or no one on does, it doesn't require you to make any major balance changes to the game.

    DbD is different, the killer has no one to voice chat with. Adding voice chat would be a buff to survivors which BHVR would balance around (not to mention making a wide swath of perks irrelevant). That means those survivors choosing not to use voice would now be facing an even harder game.

    2: It's worth pointing out that for some regions of the world where players of different languages are matched together frequently, the feature wouldn't have as much use. This could result in kill rates dropping in the US, impacting the overall numbers, leading to balance changes, creating a skew of game difficulty for regions of the world.

    3: It would be a fundamental change in the gameplay. I don't get why some people like playing SWF, the callouts seem to ruin all of the excitement of what makes survivor fun to play. DbD isn't like 'every multiplayer game' - its unique, that's the appeal.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,556
    edited November 2023

    The easiest way to solve the SWF problem is to nerf The Pig.

    Seriously though. They are not going to get rid of SWFs nor start banning for using voice chats, nor put restrictions on SWFs built into the game. It would absolutely KILL the game.

    If you want to play by tournament rules, play in tournaments.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We do not see what can realistically be done about it. Adding basekit perks and voice coms leads to our previous point. Adding an "incentive" in effect deters people from playing with their friends (and yes friends, not everyone found swfs in a discord specifically for that) which is effectively a "punishment" by with holding something simply from being in a group, whether in duos or squads. (personally thinking of them as various carrots and sticks) and players will more than likely drop. What we can say is that bhvr is doing a decent job bridging that gap (shocking but true) and solo isn't that bad. At the very least due to SWFs and such.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    I hate to break it for you, but the main strength of SWF has never been communication. It is that you remove the Teammate-RNG. You wont have that person who just opens Chests the whole game or decides to crouch next to the corner of the Map while the Killer is full map away.

    You will have 3 reliable teammates and you can be sure that Gens are done while you are being chased. When you play Solo you will see that even if ALL information are available for some Survivors, they wont do the correct thing. E.g. I knew a Meg had Kindred. Yet, when I unhooked someone, she still ran full map, despite seeing that someone else went for the Unhook.

    Another example - I was on my first Hook. My SWF-Mate gets chased (they were the Obsession, this was even before the HUD) and just got injured. The other two Survivors were on the same Gen and yet, neither of them got me before second Stage. They had all information available and did not move.

    Giving Survivors all Aura Reads and a Chat Wheel will most likely improve it. But it will still not be on SWF-Level. You can be sure if 4 players who usually play SWF on Comms and are good at teh game, play without Comms, they would have roughly the same results. But if you put 4 Solos which are not that good together and let them use Comms, they wont be much better.

    Global Voice Chat is obviously not gonna happen. Was explained multiple times already.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    They should definitely not use YT videos for reference lol videos on there cherry picked for a purpose. That purpose is click$. YT will never give the full picture of the state of the game. Very rarely will a content creator put up their bad games or bad call outs as they need people to think they're top notch so they subscribe and watch.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    What are they supposed to do? Playing with friends is the main reason why many play this game.

    If they add some sort of penalty, or god forbid comepletley remove SWF, less people would be interested in this game and eventally playerbase would drop.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    I think giving information like basekit Kindred to solo queue players is fine. Not sure why swf players would have to throw a fit if they don’t get basekit implementations like this. If anything, I would say the current HUD could also be removed for swf but people would cry foul over that.

    In order for solo queue to be closer to swf, solo queue needs to get some changes that swf does not have access to. Giving both groups the same thing will still result in the disparity between both groups.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    Nothing will be done eventually because DbD is SWF sided game.

    Like your post, I wish certain add-ons like BNP, syringe, stypic to be only one usable in per match.

    But people will repeat saying "It hurts solo" "How often do you encounter 4 BNP SWF" over and over again.

    Not the best, Killer should know whether solo or SWF in lobby.

    Survivors share loadouts in lobby. And most of all, better matchmaking.

  • TheycallmeLix
    TheycallmeLix Member Posts: 334

    God forbid survivors playing with friends on a online multiplayer game.. so sick and tired of everyone complaining about SWF when we all know how goddamn awful solo Q is in this game. Typical Killer main complaining about SWF as usual on the forums..

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    So your whole point is for the devs to just continue to do nothing? SWF continues to get access to free information, voice chat, and co-ordination and Solo remains miserable forever and has to use up perk slots to get that same information that SWF gets for free?

    This forum is a damn joke. People constantly complaining while offering no ideas on how to help the situation. Just constant negative responses about any opinion or idea.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Firstly, welcome to the forums for general discussions

    Second and more on point, no one has suggested something that would work without causing unnecessary or detrimental chaos (the not fun kind at that). The closest thing is more emotes which you and others have already said.

    Currently swfs largest advantages comes from outside the game. What are they going to do? Without causing that's **** storm

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657
    edited November 2023

    Again, the strength of SWF is not communication anyway. Furthermore, you cannot really do anything about it.

    But, because I like to waste my time, I will explain why Ingame-Voicechat is bad.

    1. There are already alternatives (Discord), so people who already play together would not use the BHVR-version. So this means, if the game would be balanced around SWFs on Comms for every game (and nobody knows how to do this btw.) and a Solo is playing with a 3 man-SWF, they will be at a disadvantage because the three Survivors can communicate, the Solo not.
    2. Language Barriers. Not everyone speaks English, especially in Europe. And in Postgame Chat you sometimes see people starting to write in their native Language, which is fine, but not really suitable for ingame-communication. And the same like Number 1... If three German Solo-players are in the game and they start talking German, what should the one Italian-player do? They would be at a disadvantage.
    3. Streamers would have to opt-out of Voice Chat. If you are a Streamer who plays Solo-Survivor, you will be at a disadvantage. You cannot really participate in Voice Chat with random people, because it might mean that someone of them is throwing around slurs that the Twitch-Account might be at risk. And even without slurs, I would not like to watch a Stream where a 14yo with a 5 Dollar-microphone is screaming the whole time.
    4. Some people just dont want to talk to other people. Whether it is the mentioned 14yo old with the cheap Headset, or simply because you want to play immersed and enjoy the Solo-Experience. Those people would be at a disadvantage.
    5. Last but not least - even if all of the above dont apply and a person is using the Ingame Voice Chat, is able to understand English, is a nice person and nothing of the above... This does not mean that it will actually help to have them on Comms. Because, as I said before, Comms are not the strength of SWF. It is filtering out bad players. You can tell other what to do as much as you like, but it does not mean that they follow it. So even if point 1-4 are not an issue, Voice Chat might not do anything because that person wants to cleanse Totems all game or just plays in a way that they are overly stealthy and not productive.

    To close this - I dont think that SWF is a problem. Because 99% of the SWFs people encounter are just normal players who want to have fun. If players say they go against highly coordinated teams all the time, they are lying. Or, they think they are highly coordinated teams because they themselves are not as good as they think they are. (For a bad player even mediocre players look good)

    I have 9k hours and I have encountered a tournament team once. And teams where I felt helpless maybe a handful (and some of them were Solos). So I highly doubt that SWFs are such an issue for others. From my experience it is usually just friends playing together.

    Post edited by Aven_Fallen on
  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Aside from the jab at us <.< This sums up the voice chat issue thoroughly. So please people, stop suggesting it.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    I dont know which jab, but I removed all of them. :p I was not dead serious, but I also dont want that anyone feel offended by a bad joke.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    From my experience the main advantage of SWF is picking their mates, with the comms part secondary. Teaming up with survs with some game sense and complimentary skills even just solos will give the average killer fits.

    It's this ability to choose your teammates and lessen the rpgness of who you play with that matters more imo. Comms certainly midigates certain powers and some perks, but combined game sense I feel is stronger. But the SWF genie is already out of that bottle, here to stay.

    I'm all for bp bonuses for facing SWF, and even indicating them in the endgame screen sure. However I have yet to see fair or reasonable suggestions that for the entire playerbase won't crush queue times and/or vastly increase lobby shopping.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    I think one very simple nerf to reign in the power of SWFs a little bit, and disabling the most obnoxious ways how they play, while leaving soloQ untouched by the nerf hammer would be this:

    • in premade lobbies each perk or add-on can only be used once
    • soloQs joining a lobby are completely exempt from this ruling.

    What would this lead to? For pure soloQ nothing changes at all. Most lobbies, like the ones I play with my SWF friends, will only be very slightly hit. Most of us play unique builds and while there is sometimes an overlap, if the game forced to remove this, it would be no biggy. But the so called "toxic bully squads" with 4x MFT, 4x Resilience, 4x WoO and 4x HeadOn with 3 oak offerings and one for Dead Dogs Saloon in order to abuse the lockers, this would have to look for other ways to play the game.

    Maybe we could even exempt certain perks from this ruling by giving them a new tag, something like "foggy perks" or "bright perks" or something. There is little harm with everyone playing Kindred, for example, but "4x MFT, 4x Resilience, 4x WoO" can be hell on basically any map. Restricting this letter perks to one per SWF, instead of one per player, would help a lot to make SWFs a lot more manageble and make playing against them feel less like a chore.

    And people could still play happily together without it affecting too much of their gameplay experience. I really think that this would be the perfect solution.

  • TSQuint
    TSQuint Member Posts: 88

    One legendary killer isn't a proper resolution to that problem.

  • please_explain
    please_explain Member Posts: 105

    I love how the guy that made this thread got banned lmao

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    I wish they would nerf SWF in some way because they keep buffing Killers to compensate, which is making SoloQ more and more miserable by the update.

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    nothing, because it obviously does not impact the game outside of skilless killer players coming to this forum to complain

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    The pork chop is correct. The difficulty ratings were decided by someone's wine-aunt, who only ever played Candy Crush and kept blinking into the basement by accident.