Monitoring survivors' running speed along with the latest killers changes/perks is pretty ridiculous
I completely stopped using exhaustion perks when MFT released because it made me adopt a new playstyle along with the fact that more exhaustion perks will get nerfed in the future (just like DH was, multiple times), which will happen for sure.
Killers are getting a new perk that gives them a 5% speed boost, which is huge. Alien brought that speed boost perk they can easily abuse with stbfl. Skull merchant rework, more speed boosts. Trickster rework, more speed boosts. Trapper rework, more speed boosts. Update 6.1 (iirc) shortened the time needed to level up bloodlust.
I don't appreciate how Bhvr got used to releasing good perks, wait a while in order to milk the associated chapter, and then nerf it to the ground now that everyone bought it. No one is going to use Mft in this state and its nerf doesn't even make sense considering the new mechanics killers have at their disposal.
I've been playing for 4 years now and the Devs are so desperate to make people play killer they completely throw balancing out the window in order to appease and appeal to people who already have 60%+ success rate. The game has become close to impossible to win for solo Q survivors unless they get paired with players who know how this game works, which rarely happens. But hey, 3% haste is wayyy too much. Meanwhile, blight hasn't seen a rework since this dedicated Dev left (years ago).
I have noticed the loudest complainers (killer mains) usually get what they want if they complain hard enough, so I'll just do that and incite other survivor players to do the same.
Honestly, I'm not even going to bother. I'm just going to go perkless. I buy DLCs for the perks but it's saying something that the more popular survivor perks are several years old (and there are currently calls to nerf those now) plus the clear pattern of overhauling survivor perks to make them increasingly situational or require more effort than is worth the value or simply being penalised for even using them. I'd rather just not have any horse in this race and save myself some money in the process.
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Oh, 100%. They'll make it so that windows of opportunity works for 30sec at the start of the trial and sprint burst deactivates when the 5 gens are powered.
Meanwhile, killers get free wall hacks at the start of every trial or when they hit a gen. Balanced :)
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Skull merchant rework, more speed boosts.
That''s actually less speed boost than she used to have.
unless they get paired with players who know how this game works
so you need good players to win team based game, so weird.
that gives them a 5% speed boost, which is huge.
limited range, limited duration, late game only
But hey, 3% haste is wayyy too much.
How does this make sense when limited 5% speed boost is huge? You talk how speed boost is such a big issue for killers and then write this, while speed boost for survivors is simply way bigger deal in this game.
I have noticed the loudest complainers (killer mains) usually get what they want if they complain hard enough
Oh right, because it's not exactly same with survivors...
It's not like:
-Skully for reworked
-Freddy nerfed
-Spirit nerfed
-Spirit addons nerfed
-Nurse nerfed
-Eruption nerfed
-Cob nerfed
-Pain resonance nerfed
-Deathslinger nerfed
-Alien nerfed
Don't take me wrong, some of those were well deserved changes (actually balancing the game), but some were purely because of survivors, because it wasn't fun for them.
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I agree it's pathetic, especially skull merchant rework with her perma haste it just doesn't make sense, balance team have lost the plot, all my friends stopped because survivor is unplayable for casuals or less skilled players, next patch is 100% survivor nerfs again it's just asinine at this point, guess it's my turn to leave now
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Very simple: killers are faster than survivors by default. Usually 10% faster. Add this perk, 15%. Add bloodlust tier 1, 18%. Add one of those random built-in speed boost mechanics to the mix and you get +20% speed boost, how's that for skills? Survivors don't get more than 103%, I'll let you do the calculations.
Numbers don't lie
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Usually 10% faster
You already started wrong with you math.
-Bloodlust gets deactivated with using power, destroying pallets, hitting survivor.
So it doesn't make any sense to try add bloodlust, while adding built-in speed boost, they simply don't work together.
But nice try.
You can play around faster killer easier than killer can play around faster survivor.
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Interesting last point. How?
None of your points address the fact that 3% haste is still smaller than a running huntress.
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Survivors are not supposed to be faster. How would this game work otherwise?
How to play against faster killers? Just play it more safe and drop pallet faster, don't greed extra loop etc.
It's possible to loop against Oni, Blight, Spirit. It's possible to loop against killer who can literally teleport, but you think 5% on killers is bigger deal than 3% on survivors?
Most movement speed perks killers have are highly limited (NOED), or difficult requirment (PWYF).
What do you think is bigger deal, 5% on side where you can get into way higher numbers, or 3% when it's highly limited effect by any perk?
Batteries inluded is simply weak perk, you can get niche build with it, but you also have to use map offering for it. It's simply not going to be nowhere near meta. You really want to compare it with MFT? Just fact you even tried is really funny to me.
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Which is great, because they aren't faster. A killer with an insta down mechanic or perk doesn't give a damn about Mft by the way.
Again, those 3% still won't make any survivor faster than a killer, 100% of the time. Sprint burst gives you a 150% speed boost and has been in the game since the beginning.
The bigger deal is a bunch of killer mains crying about a 3% speed boost and refusing to adapt whilst receiving multiple speed boost themselves. The bigger deal is Bhvr exploiting its own players with apparently useful perks, just to nerf them when enough time has passed and money was out in the bank. I thought I was clear with my opinion, apparently not?
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You’ve been playing for 4 years but think the default killer is 10% faster? Riiighhttt. Seems legit…
You’re trying to compare very situational, very temporary speed boosts, to a completely permanent speed boost for being injured.
3% is MASSIVE for good survivors. With MFT I’m able to turn GOJ into an infinite. I can turn Haddonfield houses into infinites, etc.
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How ironic of you to come here and tell me all that with that username and profile pic. Opinion dismissed, obviously. Maybe try to reach a higher MMR and come back to me with your experience. And yes, the lowest killer speed is 110%.
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Bro are you really trying to compare Rapid Brutality, which just grants you haste effect for few seconds after you hit survivor with M1 instead of giving you penalty of removing bloodlust, to Made for This, which gives you speed boost permanently if you are just injured, and also let you have 10s endurance whenever you heal someone without any penalties?
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lmao alright buddy. 😂
You reek of low hours… you probably use self care, no botany, don’t you?…
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Yes I am, you're very observant. Since 3% is apparently huge, that works for killers as well, right?
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I'm glad your feelings were ruffled to the point where you felt the need to come up with this kind of comeback, very flattering! I'm sorry these 3% are giving you so much trouble in your trials.
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I’m far from “ruffled” lol. You’re a stranger on a video game forum.
I never said MFT was giving ME issues. I don’t want it nerfed. But I’m not going to ignore how strong it is when used by experienced survivors.
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so getting maybe an extra loop at tiles with MFT is broken but getting fewer is balanced. lmao your bias is showing. where are all the scientists explaining how BHVR has precisely balanced loops and maps around base speeds and anything that changes those completely breaks the game? oh right, those goal posts moved the day the MFT nerf was announced, and now multiple killer haste perks/add ons/powers are fine...
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The only reason you came up with the self care/low hours insecure bullshit is because you got triggered by my posts. That's not my problem, that's your problem. Have the loveliest day!
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What do you mean?
I just sayed it's something you can actually do to counter it. No need for extra perk, just basic gameplay.
That's how you play against many other killers, like Oni, or Clown.
You can't say same about MFT. You need specific killers, or perks to counter it.
Are you saying Batteries included is same / stronger than MFT? Otherwise it doesn't make sense what you just wrote.
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Absolutely. Good stuff is always justified on killers, no matter what. It's always "but but swf", "but but the game's rules", "but but otz said...". Remember we had people defending the merciless storm bug on this very forum, lol. When we apply those same arguments on killer, they get real defensive and all of a sudden, dbd has to stick to very strict limitations. Killer has been the most brain-dead part of the game for a good while now, but that's still not enough for these little guys.
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Interesting, concerning.
About these specific killers and perks...who and what are they? Because I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any killer getting his kills denied by a 3% boost, have you? Did you just install the game, maybe? That would explain your opinion.
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i get that it was strong when an experienced survivor used it. I had many 3 gen chases if killer over-committed to me but current one does not make me want to use it.
After playing some games on PTB, the best way i found to trigger MFT was to put med-kit with stypic agent, Off the record and MFT and run at the killer. this is so impractical to get consistent value out of the perk that you have to go out of your way to use it.
I mean bloodlust exists. getting few loops has been a mechanic in the game for long time now.
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Perks and Killers how to counter MFT? You can try to either apply Exhaustion, but most of perks for this are just bad, or play killer that can insta down / stealth.
Effectiveness of MFT changed a lot based on killer you play against. Are you new to dbd or something?
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Some seconds of speed boost times are wasted by animation that happens after killer's attack, and looping zones are reachable enough for survivors since they get huge speed boost after they got hit.
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Oh, so you saying "you NEED specific killers/perks to counter Mft" was another lie, got it.
The only thing you need to counter Mft is good game sense and mindgaming, something post-wesker killers have no idea about, I noticed.
But I'd be very happy to see the stats showing how Mft screwed killers more than any other survivor perk to the point where they lost entire trials (because of Mft of course, not because they aren't skilled).
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How is it lie exactly?
You have killers that get affected a lot by MFT, mainly Legion, Plague (counter is to stay injured, MFT makes it easier), Doctor (gets slowed by his power, hard to catch survivor), Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster (there are loops where their power is not possible to use and MFT is hell to play against on those).
What game sense makes you catch survivor faster exactly? All they need to do is hold W.
Mindgaming doesn't work on all loops and gets harder if survivor knows check spots.
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I promise you, nobody is triggered by your posts. It was a joke.
I mean…. I’m convinced you are a new player, but that’s besides the point.
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That's crazy because I'm sure I have witnessed these killers getting survivors running Mft. Hmm...interesting indeed.
Are you telling me you're getting outplayed by survivors holding W? That's...another problem I fear.
Of course mindgaming doesn't work on all the loops, do you expect to down every survivor in 4 seconds or..? In that case, just play custom games with bots. You're basically saying "I'm getting outplayed by better players and I do not like that", come on, have some shame.
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I've had several matches vs streamers where I watch the vod after, and they're blaming losing on MFT the entire match only to see no one was even running it on the post game screen xD
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Lmao, a classic! Reminds me of angry killers messaging my team to say playing swf is too easy ...when we weren't swf.
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Is it really outplayed when all they need to do is hold one key to gain a lot of time? Fact that you don't understand it is another problem I fear.
I am not getting outplayed by better players, I am annoyed survivors getting carried by a perk. But I guess you just like easy games and holding M1 on gens. Maybe try farming simulator, when you enjoy it so much :)
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No one is being carried by anything, you're just trying to find reasons for your failures.
I'm noticing you have nothing else than salt to add to this convo, so I'll let you babble around your corner. Nice talking to you!
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Said the one without making single argument and can't use math properly, but was fun reading your contradictory comments.
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Your argument is "I'm being outplayed by survivors holding W", which is hilarious in itself. The only thing I'd maybe change is the endurance effect, but it's wayyyy too good and fun to counter those killers slugging for the 4k so...
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Do you have an issue with reading? It's funny how you are trying to twist it for sure.
You still didn't even manage to clear how Batteries inluded is huge, while MFT is minor effect, but you would need to make actual arguments, so I understand why you don't want to, mainly because it's not possible. Those perks are simple completely different league.
When you like math so much, it might be be good idea to actually calculate effectiveness of MFT against M1 killers, but please don't create just more mistakes like you did before.
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STBFL gives a FAR bigger difference in chase distance for M1 killers than MFT. It's not even close. Then add Rapid Brutality, PWYF, Skull Merchant constant passive haste stacking, etc.
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You're kinda boring but I'll reply one last time. Even huntress can outplay Mft by, you know, using her power. Or by, you know, double back. If you're running straight then yeah, I understand why you have these issues...
But hey, you got what you wanted with dead hard, why not Mft. What's next? Windows? Lithe? Lol
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I don't see Batteries inluded anywhere in your list, which is what whole post is about. But nice to see whataboutism again.
When the author here likes math so much, I could show him how it is done I guess..
So STBFL, setup needed: 8 hits and can't be obsession
-base recovery is 2.7 seconds
-8 stacks recovery is 1.62 seconds
which means you start to walk 1.08 faster than you should.
-movement speed during recovery animation is 2.7 m/s
so STBFL with 8 stacks give you extra 2.764 meters
to get same extra distance with MFT you need chase to be 23 seconds long at least, is that really so difficult? Anything above is it extra value.
What setup you need for MFT? Get injured, that's it. You also get endurance for healing on top of it.
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Is it so hard to answer what you are asked for? You are just trying to whataboutism as hard as possible and claim things I have never said.
I have never asked for Windows, or Lithe nerf, but nice try again. I have never asked even for SB nerf, which would be way better example btw, but you would have think a little for it.
so again, how Batteries inluded is huge, while MFT is minor effect? Cmon, you wrote it in your post, so tell me how it works. Create one valid argument, you can do it.
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I want to see some of your gameplay doing exactly what you’re preaching. Do you even play killer?
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Awww now he wants to see some gameplay :) where are your stats regarding killers losing trials because of Mft?
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Awww now he wants to see some stats :) How Batteries inluded is huge, while MFT is minor effect?