This kind of safe spot is really tolerated by BHVR?


Some should recognize this spot... Trying to anticipate his movement (the basics of the game), I find a survivor there, and it may not seem like it, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to hit him as long as he stays in the back. There's literally only a 30cm step, but nothing works, he just stays there, waiting for the first opportunity to escape and return to his favorite spot at the first chance.

It's maddening...

Can someone explain this mess to me?

Best Answer

  • TetroXyD
    TetroXyD Member Posts: 25
    Answer ✓

    I more or less have my answer. However, I find it strange that I'm the only one who thinks it's ridiculous. I couldn't care less about the map's balance, that's not the point. There are so many maps in the game, it's normal for some to be stronger for both sides.

    However, the existence of a spot that punishes survivor anticipation when the game is supposed to reward good anticipation makes no sense in the game. In addition, it has a design that openly mocks the killers.
