Cannibal needs a small buff

Since BHVR added Anty - Face Camp Mechanic Bubba's pick rate decreased quite a lot. So we have less "Camping" Bubbas in our games. I understand that in end game you can not save Survivor on the hook, but is it very important?

I main Bubba since 2019 and I understand his power very well. At current Dead By Daylight this Killer really struggles in some situations. I would suggest only 1 Change for Bubba (I would love to see more buffs, but I want to suggest the most important one).

Bubba's Chainsaw Sweep movement speed should be increased from 132.25% to at least 135-136%.

This 3-4% movement speed bonus would make him much better at loops and it would reward good Bubba Players if they try to mindgame some Pallets or other stuff.

When I play Bubba Beast's Marks addon is obligatory - without this addon everything is much harder...


  • Avo
    Avo Member Posts: 190

    It's too bad that I can't find any bubba to play against... It was always a pleasure for me, rest in peace, my bubba :(

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,904

    I've seen calls to make the Chilli add-ons partially basekit, as they are very common on Bubba for essentially the same reasons.

    With this change, the Chilli add-ons would definitely need hard nerfing, as they already do a lot, and would be busted with this change. Not sure if a speed buff or duration effect would be better.

    Regardless I think Bubba could use an add-on pass in general, and ofc keep having collisions ironed out on maps.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    No. Bubba needs a buff, because he struggles against better Survivors and he has no mobility.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Chili Addons apply hidden penalties on acceleration. I don't care about Chili addons. The Beast's Marks addon allows Bubba to very skillful playstyle and Bubba just needs this addon at base kit.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    It was only suggestion and only 1 change suggested. BHVR really like to make little Killer Tweaks and I think it would be perfect for Bubba. What they have done with Trickster? They changed him completely... they could just make him 4.6 without other buffs...

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Tantrum can happen ramdomly too and even for quite good bubba on new maps with stuff. I would decrease tantrum duration or just remove it and hitting walls should then only slow down bubba. Buffing from 132 to 136 is too much. 134 however could work.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Current Cannibal can reach 139% movement speed with The Beast's Marks & Knife Scratches together.

    Removing Tantrum? Nah... They need to just fix some hitboxes and that's all about the Tantrum.

    With only Beast's Marks Cannibal reaches 136.21% speed and 99% players don't know how to use this addon properly.

    I would say Bubba should receive a buff and increase his speed to 135% and that's all. It's just single stat buff. Not duration, cooldowns or recharge rates - only speed.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You should have written that in instead of the essay of facecamping bubbas ^^

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,951

    He just needs the purple chili base kit then nerf the addons.

    make yellow chili 0.10 and purple chili 0.15

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
    edited November 2023

    Bubba was always a bad killer. People only picked him to face camp. Bubba actually has the 2nd lowest kill rate in high mmr. Now that camping has been nerfed, he needs buffs.

    Firstly, Tantrum is far too punishing. Bubba has the most punishing power in the game. There is no other killer in the game that basically gets stunned for 8 seconds when they fail their power. Tantrum should be removed. Instead, Bubba should be temporarily slowed when he bumps. I discuss this here. Tantrum is far too difficult to avoid and is the main thing holding back most people from playing him. Even the top Bubba player in the world regularly bumps into walls, which just show how difficult it is to avoid bumping.

    Secondly, his Sweep needs to be longer by default. Bubba is basically unplayable without Chilli since his Sweeps don't last long enough to get hits. Otz discuses this in his video.

  • myersgoestochurch
    myersgoestochurch Member Posts: 169

    This all sounds like a skill issue to me. He's fine, he doesn't need that. Besides, players who pick him are bad at the game anyway so let's not hand hold them even more.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    The stats show he has the 2nd lowest kill rate when the top 5% of players play him, so it doesn't seem like a skill issue. Even the top Bubba player struggles to win streak on him.

  • myersgoestochurch
    myersgoestochurch Member Posts: 169

    I mean, yeah, that's not surprising considering most bubba players rely on camping to get kills, they aren't interested in getting better at the game so those numbers make sense.

    You're not supposed to be able to have 50 win streaks, which also makes sense.

  • dknb
    dknb Member Posts: 162

    Many players disconnect against the Huntress' instant down hatchet.

    If don't handle instant down carefully, the game won't work.

    It is abnormal for one side get win 100 games 1000 games in a row.

    Cannibal is no problem.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Players who pick Bubba are bad at the game? What is this ridiculous claim xD There are some great Bubbas when we look at the one playing in the Bubba vs Billy Show Matches Otzdarva did...

  • myersgoestochurch
    myersgoestochurch Member Posts: 169

    Okay? let's just pretend the 80% of bubba players face camping at 5-4 gens were just our imagination working overtime then.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    So first you go with an absolute and then you relativate it to 80%, also I would really like to have your data on that :) Because this just sounds all made up.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    8 seconds Tantrum is possible only with Depth Gaue Rake addon - nobody uses this addon. So 7 seconds is more usual - not 8 seconds.

    I wouldn't remove Tantrum Mechanic - we can slightly decrease Tantrum duration - that's okay.

    In my opinion Bubba doesn't need longer duration at first place - he needs Chainsaw Sweep movement speed from Beast's Marks and this addon should be base kit.

    Actually Top Bubba doesn't bump into the object very often. Probably 1 Time per 10 matches and usually because of some worse hitboxes.

    I would prefer Chainsaw Sweep movement speed buff than duration, because Bubba's Acceleration Code works in weird way.

    He reaches max speed after 60% of his first charge - it means that longer charge = longer acceleration = acceleration is bad.

    Only Bubba Mains understand how strong Beast's Marks is and how important it is for Bubba at higher level and it should be base kit. 99% players overrate Chili Addons.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    I main Bubba since 2019 and I agree with the statement that 99% Bubba Players just don't know how to use their power properly.

    Bubba is one of the hardest Killer at current Dead By Daylight, because his Power at average skill level (99% of Bubba players) is good only against Low Tier Survivors players. I'm pretty sure that 99% of Dead By Daylight Killer Players can not press his Tokens at decent level. Players don't know how to outplay loops with a Chainsaw, players don't know how to avoid some Tantrum, they don't know how to play at Unhooking Scenarios, they don't know how to outplay Lockers & more & more... - Bubba's Advanced Playstyle should be more popular - especially at current Dead By Daylight.

    We received Two Showcases about Bubba

    1) Two years ago with Mathis playing against Hens, Eventic & KL.

    2) 4 Months Ago with me playing against Elysium (Top1-2-3 Team Im not sure at this moment) at "Comp Survs Vs Pub Killers" Showcase.

    We have showed how Bubba can outplay loops - even against best Survivors in the game. It's very far away from Pub Matches. Like we can not compare this even in 1%. Now we can think what strong Bubba can do in Pubs - don't get me wrong - Bubba is strong, but he requires high level of skill & knowledge. He only needs 2-3-4% Speed Buff during his Chainsaw Sweep, because without Beast's Marks addon he loses his potential to outplay loops efficiently.

    And why I mentioned Facecamping Bubbas at the start? I wanted to prepare myself to agruments like "Buuuu, he can camp efficiently, you can not rescue against him - bla bla bla" - like typical noobs comments.

  • djsoundlimit
    djsoundlimit Member Posts: 97

    An idea for this killer could be some kind of gasoline refills over the map. That he needs to refill when using to much of his chainsaw. Now he is endless in the swinging and well....chainsawing.... A bit like Trickster or Huntress who needs to reclaim some items

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    It depends on how many pallets are on the map. If the map has many pallets, Beast Marks is needed to mind game. If map has the average number of pallets or less, Chilli is better to brute force the pallets. You can very quickly clear pallets with Bubba. After breaking 1 pallet with a Chainsaw, if you immediately start charging the Chainsaw (with double Chilli), the survivor will be forced to immediately drop the next pallet they run to and you will break it with the same charge. If there are no pallets, they just die.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited November 2023

    There is still a difference between being bad at Bubba and not knowing how to properly play the killer, sure just with basically every killer only a small amount of people know how to play them properly, but there are still different stages: bad mediocre decent good great whatever you want to call them, so no I don't think either statement is true, 80% of Bubbas are not bad and probably more than 1% know how to play him properly.

    Besides that I don't think Bubba is one of the hardest killers in the game, if you give me some arguments maybe he could be in the top 15 or top 10 but not even close to the top.

    I think pressing the button for the tokens at the correct time is for example super easy if you practise it for a few minutes you should not have any problems with it, unless you run addons/no addons to mess with the duration of the sweep.

    As for facecamping, you do realise though that during the PTB they had to give Bubba a window for his power so he could not hit the unhooked survivor twice during his sweep, so given that I don't think it is fair to say that it is a noob comment, sure you might be able to get an unhook if you are willing to go down for it, but it doesn't guarantee that the guy you just unhooked doesn't go down seconds later after BT runs out.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Ojojoj your words hurt my Bubba soul a little bit. Double Chili is one of the worst combos on Bubba, because of heavy acceleration at the start & you have no speed from other addons. This combination is garbage.

    Insta Rev Tech (2 tokens after Breaking a Pallet) is the best with Award Winning Chili & Beast's Marks. With double chili it does not guarante the down at all - I tested it and basically we need to press Tokens perfectly with double chili (we need 80-81BP in Chainsaw Sprint). With Beast's Marks & Purple Chili we can do it much easier.

    If you want to "brute force" Pallets on the map you gonna lose this match. It's not DBD 2017-2020 where this tactic was decent. You need to zone very well and use your Chainsaw at specific loops very well and without Beast's Marks it's very hard to do.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Pressing Tokens is easy? Try to get constant 89 Bloodpoints for Chainsaw Sprint without addons. Try to get constant 111-112 Bloodpoints while using Award Winning Chili - then we can talk. And on higher level it does matter - even the smallest details.

    Why Bubba is one of the hardest Killer in this game?

    1) Press Tokens perfectly - it's not that easy like I said ^.

    2) You need to zone very well with a Chainsaw - use your Tokens very efficiently - do not use your Chainsaw from far away and break a Pallet with 3 Tokens, because you are useless for the next 10-20 seconds.

    3) You need to know your distance with Chainsaw - use it from far away and catch a Survivor before he reach Pallet/Window.

    4) How to outplay Lockers (we have 3 very interesting methods to outplay them, but I will not introuduce them in here)

    5) How to use your Chainsaw in Unhooking Scenarios - how to get 2 Downs instead of 1 - even with Sprint Burst.

    6) Knowledge about bad / invisible hitboxes.

    7) How to outplay some bad hitboxes with a Chainsaw

    8) Flicking - you need to get a Pallet Side - make sure Survivor doesn't chain the loop - rev your Chainsaw - activate Chainsaw Sweep and then flick 180 in a correct place on the loop, if you do it too late Survivor can drop a Pallet from other side - if you do it to early Survivor can do another circle and you only break the Pallet with 2-3 Tokens.

    9) Knowing how to outplay most structures with a Chainsaw and more & more tricks with Bubba.

    Like I said - most of you don't know these. I don't think that average Bubba should know everything - but average Bubba should use his Chainsaw in more creativ way and feel the distance with a Chainsaw at least.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean sure, there is some depth to it, but then again one of the hardest? Who would be harder than bubba then? Because the hitbox issue for example exists for Blight and Billy as well and Zoning as well as knowing distances of your power is something rather basic, sure you can master it but, I would still say there is a difference between playing properly and mastering the killer isn't there? To play the killer properly you don't need to perfectly hit the tokens, you just need to do it somewhat accurate.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    for me, the anti-camping mechanic has little to no effect on my bubba games. I am still able to slug people and hook-camp people fairely easily. If i was to address anything about bubba, it would be his add-on dependency on award winning chili. that add-on really should be base-kit like wraith's windstorm change. As i spoke in another thread with you, it is not hidden penalty on acceleration. it is that acceleration scales his m/s speed proportionally in relationship to total duration of the first charge. He'd greatly benefit from duration's being base-kit.

    Of course, i would not be opposed to faster m/s because faster m/s is also good. These days though, i am not playing as much bubba due to playing other killers.