Killers should have a greater advantage against premades

A party team of 3 or 4 survivors should give killer a bigger advantage. Either they have to repair more generators or give killer more power in form of basekit perks, or less pallets and windows.
These matches are always one sided.
At this point they should have a massive disadvantage against SolQs as well
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If MMR was better it would take this into effect and give them tough killers
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We should have survivors in SWF marked as so in the lobby for both killer and soloQ survivors to know
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Yeah I agree, BUT, there would need to be a system that makes is so Killers can only dodge a certain number of matches.
Because I do think that (myself included) if I saw a P100 4-man, Y'know, I may dodge it for a 2-man, or all Solo-Q
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Premade teams are often no better than a solo q team. Many of them are just having fun with friends, and die to altruism.
Also… just because a group of survivors beat you, does not mean they are SWF. I promise you there are solo q teams that are spanking killers. Refusing to believe they are anything but solo q is copium.
Also a terrible idea. SWF would never get a game.
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👍, even the worst swf negates atleast 50% of my perk loadout
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No way something like half of all survs are in a SWF, and the vast majority of them are two-mans. These groups would be dodged into oblivion and never get a match. This would wreak matchmaking and queue times all over would soar.
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Alas MMR is non existent I doubt they'll be able to code something like this either.
Prepare for every killer, good or bad, to leave prelobby XD
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More like 90%.
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from my experience, they're generally faster at objective and faster at healing. sometimes i notice more bodyblocking or smarter flashlight attempts. I don't notice anything else. often they loop worse then soloq because... well there is no reason to loop well if your finishing every game in less than 6 minutes. so most of those swf games are like.... the entire match is at 1 gen or end-game.
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I either get flashlight/pallet saves back to back until the last gen pops. Or I get a bodyblock orgy until everyone is dead at 5 gens.
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Just no, most SWF groups are not some tournament level players that will destroy you with 2 hooks total. There are few groups like it, but I can say exactly same about killers.
There are simply extreme examples on both sides, but I wouldn't consider it an issue overall.
You never want to punish players for playing with friends. SWF are great way to bring new players, that's how you get new survivors, almost noone is going to start soloQ and learn from it, SWF makes it way better to start and they are really not players you would need to punish.