Hawkins turned out to be the worst map in the game BY FAR

Now when the days of nostalgia are over and I've been able to play enough again on this map, I can say with confidence that Hawkins is the worst map for killers, especially the latter ones.
When I played on this map before it disappeared, I was pretty green in the game and only enjoyed atmosphere of maps, being unable to judge the gameplay part. My surprise was gigantic when, with its return, feeling of nostalgia began to be replaced by a feeling of disgust.
I most often play on m2 killers because I like to use abilities and this map just forces most killers to be m1. I was playing there last night as Wesker and I haven't felt so helpless for several years, since when I was a pretty weak killer player. And such an experience on this map with more than half of the killer roster. This is 100% the worst map for Wesker, Singularity, Knight, Cenobite, Trickster and Huntress and one of the worst for many others. I feel like Hag is the only one who don't suffer here. Sometimes stealth killers can feel good here, but I think it depends on level of players, because with so many pallets and safe windows, you are hardly able not to waste a lot of time in the chase against m1 killer.
I HATE this old map design, when you can skip literally every loop without any risk when the killer starts using the ability, because 3 meters away you have another one or infinite amount of LoS blockers. It's also best shift+w map because of it. This generates boring gameplay and turns any killer into a Pig. It even worse than RPD on release.
So i hope this map will get a rework ASAP. I play killers for chases, since I don't care much about winning anymore. And if I can't use abilities of my favorite killers here, what's the point of me playing here at all? I almost never disconnect, but it seems that this is the case when I will do it every game on killers until it will get a rework.
POV: even survivors empathize me on this map
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It's funny people are calling Hawkins survivor sided now, when I remember years ago it was complained about being such a killer sided map.
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Heard the same from Otz. He said it was killer sided, but now he barely thinks so. I'm not saying it's whoever sided, i'm saying it's impossible to use killers' power here.
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I think it is just because dev released hawkin as the map with highest kill-rate.
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I think it could use some improving on both sides. The LOS on the map is definitely god awful, so so many twists and turns, you can easily hide as survivor or get away from the killers power. They need to open up the map a little more, I think the best comparison would be something like lery's, open halls with smaller rooms. Then for the survivor side, a lot of the pallets on that map are extremely weak, a killer can easily mindgame or just go around the pallet, the upstairs is also just a death space, you get like two windows into the next tiny room, you just can't get away from the killer in the rooms up there if you're injured.
Also maybe add more windows and change some of the really strong ones.
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I like Hawkins. Always have.
I have escaped there and have been more often killed there.
And i have seen killers use their power pretty successfully there.
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Completely agree.
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It's so much fun to play against a xeno at hawkins when 95% of the map are turret-no-no zones. And if you find a small spot to place one, it's surronded by walls to minimize the effectiveness to 5% :D...
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I swear that the door location were also fine-tuned
I do not remember at all these complete dead-ends / long walls without single door ; this is awful for both sides!
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The door spawns have always been like that. Some doors are tied to the gens and once completed will open up. Some of the long rooms only spawn x amount of doors and there's no guarantee that you'll have a door on each 4 sides.
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I played hundreds of games on that map few years ago and only felt this game-broken issue with doors a couple of times; now it is every two games! Something is different for sure!
If nothing hardly coded in the map files changed, then there must be another explanation. For instance, the generator spawn logic (small changes/update on regular basis) may create these awkward situations much more frequently than it used to be.
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It's amazing for M1 and Stealth killers. Don't take this away from us, we only have five indoor maps out of 30.
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Stealth yes, wouldn't really say M1 in general. There is so many pallets...
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Well the main thing is that it's non-M1 killer powers that have issues. M1 killers tend to have different powers that aren't affected. Trapper, Hag, Doctor, etc. all excel because they can still use their power, perhaps even better than on most other maps.
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It's only bad for some killers, though, and it's very far from the worst even for them.
Something like Badham or Garden of Joy is still miles worse than Hawkins even for the collision-based killers (+ Singularity) whose powers are less favoured by indoor maps.
It could still probably be improved for those killers, don't get me wrong, but it's vastly overstating your case to say it's the "worst map in the game by far" for killer as a general role.
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That one control station that spawns in the upstairs offices but the halls and rooms are too cramped to put a turret down...
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I prefer even Badham with Garden 100 times in a row than Hawkins 1 time on a half killer roaster. These are awful maps too, but at least i'm not forced to be m1 killer here and could use my stuff. Depends on killer, as i mentioned in post, but it is one of the worst map imo.
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The map is fine on both sides and it‘s more killer sided than survivor.
I think behavior did a good job.