What perks survivors should use
My point is that you're trying to fit it into an us vs them narrative where it's not that at all. Then again I know its impossible for people on the forums to not conflate arguments, oh well.
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us vs them? Lol I didn’t even reference a specific type of player. I just said people have complained about the perks. It doesn’t really matter who they are.
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i'm sorry but this post screams "what's next killah mains". people complain about everything, including wraith but people shouldn't try to invalidate complaints about objectively broken things like this.
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I honestly don't want to read another complaint survivors have about perks after the MFT meta.
And I consider myself as fair between sides as I can. I don't see killers defending even UW as much as MFT was.
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Look again, he DIDNT say SB, he said SH. Maybe he thought someone was using speed hacks. Facing a hacker would get me to dip.
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Picture watermarks in 2023? I thought those stopped being useful a long time ago, back when AI learned how to remove them in like 3 seconds?
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This. Someone in the playerbase will always have a problem with something. Give it enough time and one bad play and someone will come here and say how "OP and busted and unfun to verse" Red Herring is; maybe a second one will even chime in and add fire to the fuel. But that's not "people already demanding for Red Herrings nerfs", that's just some random background noise in the forums.
Of course, nearly every killer main knows the feeling of approaching a gen and the survivor SBs away one millisecond before they are hit. Or survivors walking away from you while looking back. Or gen jockeys SB three tiles away as soon as they get a whiff of your terror radius.
These are all minor annoyance, you might shout at the screen one, but most likely just roll your eyes and think "tsk, these survivors" and go on, buts not the mind numbing, soul destroying, chipping away at your sanity thing that was old and new DH and MFT.
Some people will always laser focus on "the next thing to get nerfed" or move the goal post immediately, but that's not a movement or general sentiment.
There are a lot of perks that I encounter nearly every game and that I find someone "unfun" to verse, mostly WoO and Adrenalin, but they are both pretty okay. WoO is very popular, because it helps Newby players immensely by learning loops and not getting cornered in a dead zone and by giving veteran players the knowledge which palettes have been used and where the action is. What I find someone problematic about this perk is the kinda auto-pilot gameplay that it often vacillating, ie beeline to a palette, drop, beeline to next palette. Its boring .. but a necessary evil with such a training wheel perk.
Adrenalin is more problematic, because it directly ties into the gen rushing meta we got right now. People never waste time healing on the last gen, they just push through, often with Resilience, and just slam it like ita going out of style, and then let Adrenalin carry them through the endgame. It's very oppressive, especially with the way it's held back on a hooked survivors, but things should get better with the MFT nerf.
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Tbf there could have been more to the convo than what OP posted. I don’t think they meant speed hacks because they seem like a person who would say “I’m reporting you for cheating”
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SB and all the other exaustion perks got allways complains and we would have complaind more if MFT havent brocke the the game. The exaustion perks are annoying to play against, because it feels like no rlly skill is involved. From a Killer prospective. Its like playing against Spirit, SM, Onrio or Knight. (In terms of no skill needed) Thats where the most complains come from I guess. For me I would say yes they can be very annoying, but I dont think they need drastic changes or something. As Killer I played against them to mutch, to care and as a survivor I dont need them to be good.
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SB takes skill to properly 99 it, and lithe takes skill to loop while avoiding fast vaulting until you plan to use it. Both perks CAN be used in a way without much skill expression (just prolonging the start of a chase) but they can also be used later in chase to reset their distance lost/chaining tiles.
Even smash hit requires landing a pallet stun instead of predropping, and head on requires timing and knowledge of the distance required from the locker. I wouldn't call any of them inherently unskillful when they can be used skillfully.
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Are you saying Sprint Burst and Lithe are “objectively broken things”?
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no, mft was. "this" at the end refers to attempts to invalidate complaints, such as this post.
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I don't think Ultimate Weapon is a busted perk - the problem the top S tier it can be paired. But this is another topic of discussion.
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Sprint Burst has always been the better option
As Ive said many times in the past, it was only a matter of time before people realize
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This post isn’t about MFT, it’s about SB and Lithe. Are you saying complaints about *those* perks are being invalidated here?
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are you trolling? read op again
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The window can only show so much of a convo, and the guy was already complaining about "Speed". We arnt seeing the last of the convo, just 2 messages from that killer.
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Are you?
The topic is about people complaining about SB and Lithe. The OP supports MFT being changed.
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They said mft was broken as an answer to your own loaded question:
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You again? Lol.
It wasn’t a loaded question. I asked that for clarity. Because the topic is about SB and Lithe. But that person was apparently talking about MFT. Go read miniwengsel’s post and engage with him. He invalided your whole argument that people don’t complain about SB and Lithe, or whatever you were trying to prove here.
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Did you even read my response to them? Also how does a single person invalidate my argument that the majority of the userbase has zero issues with SB and Lithe? You can find a small amount of detractors to literally any opinion on the game, which is why I didn't speak in an absolute.
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you are dedicated to play oblivious. then why would you interact with my comment which was pointing out an entire different aspect of this post?
whatever moving on, you can find people complain about anything, again, including wraith, make your choice pentimento etc so seeing individual people complain about different stuff doesn't justify nerfs or the mockery of valid complaints.
the comment you mentioned just states exactly what this huntress did: SB and lithe might be annoying but i have never seen anyone seriously complain about them (sb and lithe) being game breakingly strong or anything close to that.
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It's nice how this thread turned into a bait for people not reading the entire thing. 😂
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Bet ya we can post the same pic, change the title to mention "gen rushing" instead and no one will notice.
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You really think Sprint Burst is a fun perk to use? I can't stand having to walk everywhere.
People are also going to complain about every perk that gives you any kind of value. Ignore everything in end game chat unless it's GG's and giggles.
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I’m not ’playing‘ anything; I’m wasting my time trying to decipher the meaning behind your statements. English isn’t my first language and evidently it isn’t yours either as your comments are poorly constructed & therefore unclear here. I asked those context questions so that I could try to understand what you were saying through your eyes, instead of assuming what you meant. Won’t extend such grace again.
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I’m frankly over this.. whatever (argument? debate? banter?) with you. You’ll see in time. Or you won’t. It’s inconsequential either way.
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Thats exactly the reson no one uses Smash hit, because it requires some skill. 99 the SB isnt that hard or skill full.
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It takes micromanagement to make sure you have it up at the right time, which is absolutely a skill. Doing so improperly means wasting a ton of (especially gen) efficiency just to have it 99'd.
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SB and lithe are balanced, but people will complain about just about anything. There will always be player that won't be happy until the other side has 0 chance.