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Tunneling at 5 gens necessary???



  • Member Posts: 1,384

    I can subjectively say that almost no killer I run into chases good survivors first. Smart move if all you care about is winning. I don't think it makes you good at the game though. I have not been successfully tunneled in my last 100 solo queue games because killers will usually drop chase with me when they realize I won't go down quickly. 90% of tunneling I encounter in my games is an experienced killer bullying a less experienced survivor. Usually the lowest hour count player. It doesn't mean you have no skill but it does mean you are taking the path of least resistance. The majority of killers I run into who tunnel at five gens are very mediocre in chase based on my interaction with them. They win solely because there is one survivor who is significantly worse than the other three. If you can't win consistently without having a bad survivor to tunnel out then are you really any good at the game? Probably not.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Sure and I’m not gonna say that your experience is in anyway invalid, it’s your own experience after all.

    However… just as being able to effectively pressure 4x survivors is an example of skill… so is being able to quickly identify a weak link and exploit it for advantage.

    A player may be stronger in one tactic than the other but that doesn’t necessarily make them “unskilled”. I’ve seen plenty of players who pressure gens pretty effectively but also make poor choices chase wise and often end up on the back foot in the long run.

    Remember after a game you only have that single experience on which to base your assessment of another player and as Nietzsche says “even the strongest among us will have moments of fatigue.”

    While some players love the statement “if you tunnel you have no skill”, I would argue that if you know whom to tunnel to maximize advantage then you are applying game knowledge and decision making, and those combined are what defines skill.   

    Does it matter if someone “goes for the win” or not? Playing to win is a completely valid motivation to play. 

  • Member Posts: 94

    its not that hard to believe if a survivor goes down in a dead zone againts an alchemist ring blight he is ######### it doesnt matter if he is the best player in the world

  • Member Posts: 5,796

    tunnel at 5/4 gens usually you get a 3v1 with 2/1 gens left, tunnel at 3/2/1 gens you get 3 escapes, hope this helps

  • Member Posts: 749

    As long as it's possible for the gens to be decimated a few minutes from game start, the killer has to take that into account and act accordingly. There is no way to accurately gauge the players you are about to face and nobody with an iota of sense is booting up a PvP game with the intention of losing.

    If you want the game to be more chill, then the win conditions have to be altered, but all the devs want to do is screw around with MMR to lessen their work load.

  • Member Posts: 987
    edited November 2023

    I get what you’re saying, as someone who plays both sides I go out of my way to not tunnel especially at the start of the match since it’s simply not nice for the other side lol… Any decent killer usually has no reason to. But 1-2 gens left? I get it then.

    People who tunnel simply don’t care about other players experiences (which they don’t have to). Trying to explain how it sucks won’t do much to change their minds. They most likely don’t play enough survivor to empathize. Just know it’s not you, it’s them lol… they just want their precious 4k.

    edit: My point is, they do it because all they care about is winning, which is fine. Some killers like me on the other hand, have a different definition of a win that isn’t a 4k, or they just play casually.

  • Member Posts: 454
    edited November 2023

    "repairing a generator is the easiest thing you can do and yet it is also the most important objective for survivors" so you just gonna stand there as killer and let me do gens and chase someone who isn't on a gen only?

    or how about they remove basekit gen auras for killer, survivors dont get to know where gens are all the time. If survivors objective is doing gens, just like killers objective is to protect them not really fair.

    See person, chase same person is much more intuitive to win than split on gens to win, double up on gens they'll go faster dominates soloq thinking. My point is soloq survivors need to be told to split gens and be convinced its more efficient.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    If you're good enough at killer, you can kill every survivor in most of every match even if you refrain from tunnelling altogether. This has been proven (while also refraining from using a killer ability...). With matchmaking as it is, getting an actual challenge is a once-in-a-hundred-matches(-if-that) occurrence for good players. Goes for good 4-player SWFs as well. Well, maybe one in fifty matches now, with the seemingly somewhat more strictened MMR.

    But tunnelling at any amount of gens is fair game, and regularly the optimal play if you want to kill as many survivors as possible as consistently as possible. For anybody that is struggling to get kills and cares more about getting kills than chasing and engaging every survivor and whatnot, tunnelling ASAP is something that can only be recommended.

    It is definitely a balance problem for solo queue/duo queue scenarios, but good players that are in a group will or at least should welcome the challenge of a killer playing optimally and hard. Getting tunnelled is also very engaging for the person getting tunnelled, if they actually want to play the game (i. e. get chased). Of course, some killers are so oppressive in chase that tunnelling is particularly problematic and allows these killers to consistently 4k even against the strongest of teams, and win thousands of matches in a row. Those killers need adjustments.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Because we are sick of dealing with bs and playing 1 v 3 is easier than 1 v4

  • Member Posts: 9,439

    If it takes zero skill, what does that say about the survivor that went down? What does that say about the team that can't time manage one gen in the time it takes to chase, down, and hook a survivor?

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I think its acceptible, killers dont need to wait for survivors to prove how good they are. Taking it easy can completely backfire and there is no proper gen count for pressuring survivors or going for a kill.

  • Member Posts: 899

    Gen rushing at 0 hooks necessary???

  • Member Posts: 1,735

    my snarky sarcastic response is "you know technically nobody has to do anything"

    my more serious response is that i'm fine with any killer who says that tunneling at 5 gens is necessary, so long as they agree to add the caveat "in order for [them] to have a chance to win against the opponents that ranked matchmaking regularly puts [them] against" and to own up to all that entails

  • Member Posts: 91

    The entity is gaslighting them by saying "the entity hungers" lol. It is not your sole responsibility to feed the entity, the entity has eaten too many survivors every match it needs to loose some weight and go on a diet.

  • Member Posts: 91

    It says that's how easy it is for a killer to eliminate a player once you find them. Don't be deceived by those selective well edited YouTube videos of survivors looping killers, for all you know it could be a setup to farm content

  • Member Posts: 985
    edited March 4

    first of all, tunneling at 5 gens is a term made up by people whose teams are so inefficient that they can't:

    1. split gens early;
    2. hold a decent chase.

    You simply can't be tunneled out very early unless you and/or your team are severely inefficient.

    Next, let's talk about this:

    just takes the fun away and it needs 0 skill. Is it even possible for a solo Q team to win such a round ?

    while i absolutely agree with the 0 skill part in aspect of killer getting into match with nothing but the "i tunnel or i lose" mindset instead of making decisions based on how your first chase goes and what happens, saying how early tunneling is no skill and very easy in general is way too much of a stretch.

    Tunneling relies on mistakes of individual survivors and survivors as a team, not to mention that tunneling is borderline impossible with all anti-tunneling perks + basekit mechanics existing in the game. Tunneling at 5 gens? How long does a chase last in this match? What are teammates doing during the chase?

    A 3 v 1 at 4 gens? i understand that it is necessary to tunnel at 1/2 Gens but at 5 gens is a free win and its just annoying to be a survivor in such a round.

    early 3v1 is the best thing killer can achieve, same as survivors breaking every possible 3-gen earlier into the match. But honestly, with this giving up epidemic nowadays, ratio of early 3v1 due to giving up and 3v1 due to tunneling goes very deep into giving up part. Say thanks to your soloQ teammates for so many very early 3v1 situations.

    Bhvr just should buff DS so its Meta again.

    DS is...literally meta lol

  • Member Posts: 736

    As I have said many times before.... "Takes the fun away" "zero skill"? Yet survivors picked a role where the main objective is sit on a gen and press a button now and then. Not fun and takes zero skill.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Saying 5 gens doesnt really mean anything though. How much progress are on the gens? Even if the survivors have 0 completed they could have a bunch nearing completion so it is a bit deceptive and it bothers me when people say "5 gens" as though the survivors have no progress towards their objective.

  • Member Posts: 136
    edited March 4
  • Member Posts: 10,404
    edited March 4

    I wanna know "how?" How do you have 2 hooks before 1 gen pops? Makes no sense. The survivors must be playing awful. No killer can do that on their own power.

    Buffing DS again would be a joke. It was strong as a 3-second stun, because the strength doesn't come from the stun duration. It comes from forcing the killer to waste a chase or chase the same survivor a 4th time to kill them. All those extra seconds are just extra, and make the perk a "turn your brain off" type deal, because you won't even have to go down near a loop to be safe.

    And it's funny how you don't see any of the problems leading up to your predicament, and instead blindly blame the killer. Obviously if the Dwight was that inexperienced and the Blight was that experienced, it's a mismatch, a matchmaking issue. The other 2 survivors gave up, as they probably do often, because there's no little to no punishment for giving up. And then you hid instead of tried to win, wasting the killer and other survivors' time, because the pity escape mechanic was there. I understand your situation, but why do you get a free escape when your team played the worst possible? Why does the killer have to let up because people don't know how to play?

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Playing a multiplayer game and treating your opponents like AI punching bags is toxic.

    In any competition, kicking your opponents when they are down is regarded as poor sportsmanship and is far from a behavior which should be celebrated, supported, or encouraged.

    The only reasonable case that can be made here is that DBD is a game of momentum, and it is in the spirit of competition for either side to maintain their momentum in order to achieve victory. It is up to individual players, based on their experience (and their experiences), to determine the necessary course of actions to maintain such momentum.

    Players who knowingly exceed the necessary course of actions for victory are poor sports, and WE THE COMMUNITY should forever challenge each other to be better competitors in order to cultivate a more enjoyable experience for all.

    While it is neither my place, nor anyone else's, to determine what is considered appropriate to achieve victory, it is important that we continue to remind everyone that we are all here for a good time and we do not tolerate those who use this game as a means to harass and deminish others.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    So... this whole "if your winning too fast, you should slow down" argument for EVERYONE? If the killer isn't getting downs fast enough, are you also advocating survivors should get off gens?

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Yes, it is the responsibility of EVERYONE.

    Survivors have no excuse—if 3 gens pop and there are 0 hooks the team needs to evaluate the state of the game.
    - How many pallets have been thrown/are left (do we need to keep pressure because we've burned through all our resources)?
    - Did we 3-gen ourselves (should we work on a gen near the killer/unsafe)?
    - Does it look like this chase will end soon (can I position myself for unhook/rescue)?

    If survivors find that they have a comfortable lead, they should absolutely reduce their gen efficiency and take time to do totems, watch how their teammate loops the killer, take chase themself, or practice some skill they want to develop (in my case, learning how to look behind me on controller—not an easy adjustment from KBM).

    Again, there is no black & white answer to these situations. Players need to use their experience to make judgement calls, but the responsibility is on all of us.

    If you cannot identify when there is a major skill gap between you and your opponent, you're either still learning and shouldn't worry about such things OR you're apathetic to the effects you have on those around you and I would STRONGLY encourage you do some self-reflection.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    Unfortunately, ppl don't really play like that. Killers never see survivors go easy on them when they're having a rough match, so they arnt likely to return the favor. It's actually typically the other way around... Alot of survivor teams if they see there's an unexperienced killer will drag a game out and make it as unbearable as possible with flashlights and bodyblocking. Killers gotta just bare with it or eat a DC penalty since they can't call it quits until the survivors finish the last gen.

  • Member Posts: 2,129

    I mean, you can't say no one.

    I've definitely given up an escape to killers who had a rough game, and will usually offer my item if I have one.

    I remember a game where Myers carried me to the open gate and I crawled back in to give him the mori he brought. We both gg'd at the end, and I consider both of us to have been good sports about the match.

    I may be the minority, but I generally don't care if I escape or not, if the match was fun and played fairly.

    I basically have no issues with matching the energy of the other team of the same match, but a lot of people seem to either A) sweat like crazy and then complain that the other team is also playing competitively, or B) get demolished and then take that out on the next match.

    And, at least for killers, it baffles me that people don't seem to have the game sense to realize they're up against an uncoordinated team / solo q. I guess if all you care about is winning, then take your easy W, but MMR will just give you sweatier games too.

  • Member Posts: 8,938

    What you described though is essentially the equivalent of a killer giving hatch rather than going easy on them. You finished the game already, the only thing your changing is the end.

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