New mechanics and unic perk ideas

Put firecrakers and refined serums as normal items with addons.

Wall up: press ability button while being in contact with a pallet or breakable wall to reinforce it, which takes 12s (skillchecks) and makes noise. Increases the pallet/breakable wall breaking time by 50%. Has a 90s cooldown.

You can also reinforce pallets and breakable walls by consuming toolbox charges.

Snare trap: press ability button while being in contact with a pallet to trap it with a rope, which takes 12s. When the killer passes through the pallet, this falls down stunning them for 2s. Has a 120s cooldown.

Fragile hook: press ability button while being in contact with a hook to make a special sabotage, which takes 16s (skillchecks) and makes noise. 10s after a survivor is hooked, it breaks, freeing the survivor. Has a 150s cooldown.

Without fear: supresses the killer terror radius, but increases field of view by 15º and gives immunity to killer aura reading perks and the Exposed status effect.

Handyman: shows the aura of the remains of broken pallets on the map. Press ability button to pick up a piece of wood (can't do it more than once on the same place), after collecting two pieces you can rebuild a new pallet. This one will break if stuns the killer or a survivor vaults it (can't be used to pick up a piece of wood afterwards).

Hurry: gain 20% Haste while being more than 40m away from the killer.


  • TrueGuardian32
    TrueGuardian32 Member Posts: 134

    Not terrible. Hurry is a big no in my opinion. Like you do not realize how strong that is. At most of should be 2 or 3 percent.

    I would change wall up to be charged based, and recharge whenever it is broken. Don't think you should use toolboxes to do it by default. But it would be an interesting use for toolboxes. I would still limit it to one pallet per survivor.

    Snare Trap is interesting. A bit strong, but at the same time I wouldn't mind dealing with it as killer.

    Fragile Hook is mix of op and useless to me. But it can also be used by me to tunnel out a survivor. Like if I figured out you fragiled a book and I wanted someone dead? I would hook them there so I can get them off the hook fast enough to murder them.

    Without Fear is a also a mix of OP and Useless. Great for Stealth. But terrible once your discovered because your basically no mither with extra steps.

    Handymans downside isn't needed. Your basically making a holiday pallet in exchange for two broken pallets that you have to go and get. So remove the downside and your good.

    Already mentioned hurry.