Okay... tunneling is every game now. I'm tired, make gens slower and make tunneling disappear

I just started playing the game again last week or the week before after 5 months and now I'm ready to leave again. I just don't get the chance to participate in the game to the fullest extent because I get tunneled at 4 - 5 gens constantly. I'm just bored, frustrated and tired of it.

I feel like the way to combat this is to make gens slower so killers don't feel the need to tunnel, and add some sort of basekit anti-tunnel. Solo q is just pain the way games go right now.

Like right now I'm just thinking I have to switch builds to go full gen rush mode to at least see end game right now. Like prove thyself, hyperfocus, BNP, that one Yun-jin perk or something. Like idk what else to do. People say you should like being tunneled because chases are the most fun part of the game, which they can be, but I'm still learning and having to improve with looping, I just don't stand a chance with tunneling with many killers at whatever mmr I'm at. Like "get good" doesn't apply here because everyone starts somewhere and anyone that is a casual player or beginner in this game is doomed with tunneling.



  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 278
    edited November 2023

    If I'm only ever getting chased in a game how am I supposed to improve at or enjoy any other aspect of the game? That's not an opportunity I want or asked for in this game. Nor can I get the chance to improve in chases if I'm consistently on a hook and not getting the chance to heal or move a large distance away.

    Are you expecting people who aren't gods at chases to just deal with getting tunneled all the time until they finally are able to survive tunneling? Doesn't sound like fun gameplay, nor will I be ever be awarded a sufficient amount of points at the end of a trial until then. How about instead we just fix the issues on both sides? Problem solved, or maybe you just enjoy tunneling because it makes the game easy.

    This thought is a bad thought, you could have kept to yourself.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    What other aspect of the game you mean? Holding m1? If your finger is steady, you are already as good in it as the comp players!

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 278
    edited November 2023

    You still need to be able to hide in certain situations, coordinate in helping your teammates survive whether thats taking hits or being able to time hook rescues or picking up downed survivors or distracting the killer, making sure you don't end up 3 gening, making sure gens are completed in a timely manner, survivor isn't just purely m1 and being chased.

    Like ofc you can boil it all down to holding m1, but survivor is more complex than just holding m1 and there's a lot more survivors need to be aware of to escape consistently. And this is 1 point in my argument of which you pointed out, the other reasons are still very much valid regardless and points to why this is a valid issue that needs change.

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 278

    Yes! I would definitely be interested in something like this. Been wanting new game modes, but so far only mobile has gotten them unfortunately, I think it would benefit the different play styles in this game and make the game feel more fresh and exciting.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Then use perks to help with this playstyle?

    Lucky break, Lucky Star, Distortion and any exhaustion perk are going to help you a lot to get out of any chase.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    I do that already. I also didn’t complain about tunneling but other players talking down this playstyle? Which happens A LOT

    (and no, I am not just hiding and never getting chased. I tank hits if necessary, I trade hook states, pull Aggro of killer, all if needed for anyone already jumping in to shame me more distortion lol)

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    sounds like being in chase is the learning opportunity you seek. Learn to loop, lose the killer, mind game , etc -- all stuff you will pick up more quickly while being in chases as opposed to just observing from afar as you do 5 gens. Trial and error.

    I guess you 'learn' how to take hits but it's mostly a bit of common sense & situational awareness - gates are 99 and your teammate just got unhooked and is gunning for the gate, you are healthy, you take hit if it's clear that hit will get him out. You can pick up on this during your end games where the situation arises and just see how other players behave (sometimes anyway). The part you can't learn is actually being willing to take the hit, some people will absolutely refuse to lose a health state for anyone, you don't learn that part, that's just the type of player you are and your awareness

    timely gen completion and 3 gens will likely be out of your control beyond your own actions. You can't dictate whether or not your teammates are efficient or their level of awareness

    with that said, being able to loop has benefits that trickle down to a lot of the gameplay you mentioned. If you can loop then you're buying your team time to do gens, hook save, pick up, reset, gates, cleanse noed, etc

    I'm not a great player but I do recall starting out and disliking the game cause I would die instantly. It wasn't fun but it's a learning curve and eventually you'll get the hang of it. You might just die a million times before you get there tho lol

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    The new soft cap literally means: Survivors are GODS now. Its impossible to touch them on these XXL-Super-Safe Maps.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Is it really a wild take when a significant majority, including CCers noticed and pointed out that matches have been feeling significantly harder recently?

    Hell, we even have multiple threads in the forum pointing out that matches have become unpleasantly sweaty. (In which mandy confirmed the softcap increase no less.)

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Well, I don't like to play with, or against hiding survivors. But sure, it's matter of preference.

    I don't really think it's connected with issue of tunneling tho.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    it was also directly stated that most players wouldn’t affected by a changed softcap like that. Placebo effect is a thing.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    It doesn't make them gods in terms of actual power level, unless you are referring to their skill level as god level.