H:NOED counters survivors who try to punish camping/tunneling

The killer can camp and tunnel for free. No perks slots needed. The survivors can try to "punish" camping and tunneling by rushing gens, but then H:NOED counters that. It's ridiculous.
- Corrupt Intervention is disabled when the first survivor
is put intoenters the dying state. - Hex: Ruin is disabled when cleansed or the first survivor is sacrificed.
I suggest that the aura be removed from H:NOED and instead it becomes disabled (will not activate when the gens are finished) if the same survivor was hooked twice in a row during the match, or if the hex is cleansed once activated.
Just add a way to distinguish which survivor is which so that SWF's cannot use the same model, cosmetics, and player names to force the killer to tunnel on accident. Maybe put a number/letter next to each survivor portrait and have the prompt for picking up a survivor read "Pick up Survivor 01."
Maybe have the pick up prompt text shown in red if they were the most recently hooked? 🤷♂️
Or just cleanse the totem.
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What if it's right next to the hooked survivor?
It's like Ruin being in the middle of a 3-gen , but worse. At least it would mean that all 4 survivors are still alive and the killer has to split their attention between 4 things.
NOED can happen regardless of player count and the killer only needs to guard 2 things (3 if there's a gate nearby too).
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If it's next to a hook, that is definitely an issue with totem spawns rather than NOED itself. I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that those spawns, for multiple reasons, have needed looking at for ages now.
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Or just don't camp and tunnel, and then throw on NOED to get rewarded if the survivors try to punish you for it.
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Did you genuinely just forget that you already responded to this?
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I think what he’s getting at is that noed should still be a hex, but deactivate when near a hook or when you down 1 survivor 😂
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If you break all 5 totems before endgame, this cant happen.
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You misread. I said hook the same survivor twice in a row.
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Then the survivors are no longer punishing the killer for camping / tunneling.
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At that point behavior might as well make the survivor rule book a real thing. Plus to your comment there’s off the record, made for this, hope. If you are struggling so bad either use perks to help or just get better at running from NOED
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You want me to use 3 perk slots to counter the killer's 1 perk (on top of the camping / tunneling they can do for free)?
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Survivors can just unhook themselves if they are camped and will get built in BT and haste when they unhook themselves. L Argument. There is nothing to complain about
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Yeah? That’s what perks are for? You don’t get a 3 in 1 like shampoo, it’s just the same way you see killers using all 4 perks slots on gen regression instead of chase perks or other fun perks because survivors have gotten good at the game and gen rushed. There is a thing called synergy get that noted instead
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The whole point is that killers can camp and tunnel without needing any perk slots AND can throw on NOED to do more damage should the survivors actually try to do the right thing when the killer camps / tunnels.
This shouldn't be defended.
Not that any of you are; you're just here to prove me wrong and call me a loser. The description for the Feedback & Suggestion category should be changed from "Our team will be happy to read these!" to "Our forum users will be happy to tear these apart!"
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Feels bad but truthfully honest that how everyone is, read all my post, nothing is positive everyone call the other dumb this this and that. You never end up getting behavior actually commenting on the issue until enough people complain and they start losing revenue. If it doesn’t make behavior they will put it aside until the next couple of years. Never was trying to be mean but it ends up happening anyways with how toxic we all can be in this community
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Yes... that is the point of hex perks, hexes are *designed* to be overpowered (even though atm they are a joke) with the tradeoff of being removable from play.
Also yes... killer perks are supposed to be 3-4x stronger than survivor perks, hence the fact that killer has 4 perks while survivor teams have 16.
If the threat of noed bothers you that much, you can still have 2 gen jockeys and a totem hunter to "punish" camping.
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Well, then you should have thought of that risk before you didn't cleanse the totems.
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We change NOED as I suggested and when it doesn't activate in endgame because all the killer did the whole match was camp and tunnel 1 survivor at a time, we can say "well, then you should have thought of that before you tunneled."
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Doing bones is so 2020 *rolls eyes*. But for real, it would be nice if doing bones were a viable side objection again, but for that, totems would need to be actually worth playing. That achievment where you have to cleanse 100 hexes or bless 20 would take ages in the current meta. I got them done when you saw hexes at least semi regularly, but these days hexes they are so odd and rare.
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killers can tunnel and camp because it´s a basic way to play the game, survivors can bodyblock, flash bang/flash light save, use anti camp/anti tunnel basekit mechanicss and anti tunnel/anti camp perks like reassurance, camaraderie, resurgence, reactive healing, off the record, made for this, the classic dead hard, decise strike,, unbreakable if tey wait your DS, sprint burst, babysitter, no one left behind for end game rescues, BT, medkits, etc etc and etc, you have options dude, just try to play around it, play with friends, but if it´s a nursse, blight, artist, pinhead, pyramid head, wesker or spirit you´re just dead lol
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There are many reason why you would hook the same survivor twice in a row without purposely tunneling. Survivor gets unhooked and than works on a gen in your face. Should I just ignore a stupid mistake just because I brought a perk? Survivors healing directly under the hook? Should I just ignore the injured person right there and chase the uninjured person instead? 1 gen left to do and the only person on death hook comes off right next to me? Should I give up the game or make the smart move and remove a player? Tons of reasons to tunnel without being toxic about it and we shouldn't punish a perk load just because the state of the game.
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I can tell you that in a lot of my games if we took the time to cleanse all 5 totems we’d die before the last gen is done. Especially if the killer is tunneling someone out early. NOED is mostly fine, but I would like the speed you gain from it removed.
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If the Killer is Camping, you have time to cleanse 5 totems and do 5 generators. Even more so if you use Reassurance.
I cleanse them to avoid noed, while others don't cleanse and would rather complain about noed. Noed isn't the only perk you can avoid by cleansing them. if you feel its not worthwhile to cleanse against Noed, you are just objectively wrong. No away around it.
Then maybe you need to speed up your Gen progression, approach your playstyle scientifically and see what you can improve.
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I play mostly solo. I do most of the gens, lol.