Basekit NOED

Now hear me out.
NOED's performance varies very much. It depends on whether the killer has it's just to get 1-2 free kills or has an antire build around NOED. It depends on whether survivors are in team or solos. At last, It depends on random(totem could be anywhere or even spawn next to hook nearby).
It really frustrates when after perfect plays you just have to give a kill because of NOED, but it also frutrates when your NOED is destroyed right away. Noed had a good change which helps survivors to find it in the endgame. Also you can cleanse all totems beforehand, which is difficult. So to say, the perk is inconsistent.
I think it should be basekit so survivors wouldn't have to guess if it is in play and were always ready for it. But they also need to have more counterplay to it. I'd say it shouldn't spawn if only 2(or 1) totems left. This would create additional objective for survivors, buying a bit time to killer, but survivors would also be sure that their endgame is safe.
So, basically i think that nerfed NOED should be basekit. Kinda like BT.
It will not be received well.
Some Survivors think it’s unfair that they complete all the gens and everyone gets downed due to one misplay and no ed invalidating all their hard work.
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If NOED be a base kit,
Survivors always destroy totems before the endgame.
It makes no sense.
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BT was made basekit because it was basically mandatory if the Killer was camping or tunneling someone. NOED is not mandatory by any means; it's not even in the top 10 most-used Killer perks.
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No. And not just because it's a massive crutch.
NOED has the side-effect of single-handedly slowing down people's ability to learn how to play and frequently gives utterly undeserved kills (sometimes even 4ks if the Killer goes on a slugging spree and the Survivors are too altruistic/the Survivors aren't good enough at looping) despite the Killer having been demolished the whole game.
NOED is basically the ultimate crutch and is arguably a source of toxicity (or at least enhances it) and it's bad enough that there's a perk in the game that gives a massive power-up for losing without it being basekit and actively discourage going for endgame saves (not to mention it would make almost every game end roughly the same: Everybody running away and everyone for themselves if someone has the bad luck of being hooked too close to the totem).
And worst of all: SWF teams, if they knew 100% they will have to deal with a busted Killer, will use comms to tell each other totem locations/amount of them destroyed while SoloQ would be left in the dark, further widening the gap between the two, which BHVR is actively trying to avoid.
Nowadays, basically only beginners/bad/toxic Killers use NOED to compensate for their lack of skill (and it's usually pretty easy to tell if they have it depending on how well they play), having every player including pros having NOED basekit would just make the game more miserable.
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But the idea is effectively get rid of NOED in exchange of 3 totem cleanses.
Yeah, that's the idea. To add a new objective and give them a possibility to secure their endgame.
This change actually will just make sure survivors control NOED appearence, not killer. 3 totems is an easy enough task even for ONE solo survivor.
I think you kinda missed the part about 3 totems, otherwise you wouldn't type all this wall above.
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I mean you are basically saying NOED is bad because i gives free kills and denounce nerfing it to 3 totems cleanse(thus, easily countered). Now gap between solo and teams is even bigger since NOED comes in play at the end, where solo survivors just almost always escape when they see NOED. Cleansing 3 totems is a thing that can be done by any survivor beforehand. And implying that PROs aren't able to cleanse 3 totems is... well, it's a bit weird.
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And apparently you didn't read the whole thing through so let's clarify;
I said this would widen the gap between SWF and SoloQ because SWF can tell each other totem locations and how many were broken, making the time-loss from the side-objective less effective.
The moment 3 totems are done then SWF would just go on with the game BUT SoloQ would be in the dark and wouldn't know the totem status.
How many totems are broken?
People would see the totem icon on the HUD but not what happened when it goes away; did they get interrupted somehow? Did they simply changed their minds? Where was this totem? Was it a Hex or Dull totem? Was the totem broken when the icon went away?
SWF teams can get rid of this version of NOED easily and efficiently while SoloQ players would waste 10 times the amount of time searching for totems that might even be irrelevant if 3 were cleansed already. The sheer time-loss for SoloQ would likely make Killers not even have to use "basekit" NOED since they would have ample time to get at least 3k in mid/low MMR.
This mechanic would propel mediocre/beginner Killer players's MMR upwards by being carried by NOED (something that already happens) until they end up against SWF teams/good Survivors that just destroys them since they can't reliably count on their crutch to save them and they don't know how to properly play.
I don't know about you but if I was a new Killer player, going from getting 3k-4k nearly every game to getting maybe 1k at the end because the totem spawned close to a hooked Survivor during endgame would be frustrating, especially since the other players would make damn sure you know the only reason you had a modicum of success was because of NOED in the post-game chat/messages.
Even current-day NOED has the same issue: it rewards the Killer for losing and punishes SoloQ way more than SWF (hell, good teams sometimes go out of their way to destroy all totems specifically to avoid NOED or for the points).
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Good killers and killers in comp use noed all the time, its not something only newer killers would use.
Example of supaalf playing ghostface in a comp dbd tournament and using noed.
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I said "basically", which leaves room for a few exceptions (streamers in particular are fond of this perk), also when playing to win in a professional setting, bringing the most busted sh*t is expected (especially on Ghosty, an M1 Killer).
The majority of people using this perk are beginners or pretty bad.
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Well the majority of people arent good at killer so that would make sense, noed is a popular pick for better killers too tho.
I dont think its a crutch perk or overpowered, it counters meta survivor perks like adrenaline.
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That's the thing: if it was just giving insta-down for losing until this point it would still be dumb but it also gives a slight speed-boost, that speed-boost is enough to turn a 110% Killer into a Killer that's barely slower than the standard speed while making 115% Killers go at almost 120%. While it doesn't sound like much it does make a big difference (just look at what the "measly" 4% given by MFT could achieve on Survivors). It also doesn't notify the Survivors until the Killer hits a Survivor (downing them in one hit).
When you climb the MMR ladder, NOED loses some of it's luster since people know the totem spawns and how to loop (with some teams downright doing every totems to try to prevent a possible NOED or Plaything). However in the mid-low MMR it is absolutely busted and almost turns the endgame into autopilot depending on the Killer (as Nurse can't really get much value out of it thanks to the much needed adjustments she recently got).
Also, you did not just say a perk that gives insta-downs for losing isn't a crutch. NOED is the biggest crutch in the game and, by it's very effect, is there to compensate for failing until that point. Adrenaline is a one-time use (if Terminus isn't in play, which imo is a much better hard-counter to Adrenaline) and unlike the Killer, Survivors are not guaranteed to even still be in the trial until all gens are done, it has the same flaw as Hope.
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You could classify it a second chance perk like alot of survivor perks(like maybe unbreakable, i'd say adrenaline aswell for healing a healthstate for completing the gens, perhaps otr). You could also say deadlock is a crutch perk then cause it activates and gives you slowdowns for losing gens. Just because they got the gens done shouldnt mean a free escape, endgame is a part of the game too.
If theyre injured noed doesnt do anything besides the 4% haste, and it doesnt do anything if you cant hit them with it m1s. Also they can do the totems and it doesnt do anything and it can get cleansed straight away after the gens pop with zero value. Mft on its own pretty much counters noed haste and hope is 7% so still a bit faster.