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Chucky is so fun to play as/againts but...

it's not when you see every match Chucky tunnels first person, has Pain with Pop and plays like it's some turnament esport for 5000€ or something. It's shame since he and Tifanny are so cool yet you see your teammates getting deleted in 5 min of the match and then just 3-gen until you give up. Fuuuuuun...

That just tells you that any Killer can be fun to play againts, even these with more easy / boring powers... just depends on the player.

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  • Member Posts: 547

    Welcome to chapter release day. The super sweats come out.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I can't believe it's going to take them until at least April until they possibly finally buff DS again.

  • Member Posts: 378

    As long as gens fly like they do, regression perk are needed to even stand a chance.

    3-genning is an issue that can be avoided most of the time by being smart about your gen positioning - or use Déjà Vu.

    Unless the Killer preps for it at the beginning of the match but that's another issue.

    The difference between 4v1 and 3v1 is too good not to optimally remove a player asap because of how it affects the dynamic of the game. Hence, Tunneling isn't going anywhere anytime soon ( not that I like to partake in it but that's how it seems to work for me when observing the game).

  • Member Posts: 775

    It won't be an easy fix because tunneling is the easiest and safest tool left to win nowadays.

  • Member Posts: 295

    With 4 players running deja vu every single game then I can assure you gens are getting done faster.

    I don't tunnel but I can see the attraction and benefit.

    Take a recent clown game. 9 hooks 3 survivors escaped. Playing 'fair' is never ideal if you want to win.

    For me the 9 hooks was more fun than going for the win but some people just can't help themselves and freak out if they don't win.

  • Member Posts: 5

    4 players out of 5 are Survivors. That's 80% of Dead by Daylight Players. That's why all changes in the meta are almost always in favor of making the game easier for them. It's 80% of people who buy DLCs, etc.

    It is a competitive game. If with everything in our favor, we survivors are not able to know how to act if they tunnel you, it means that you are bad.

    Compare it to Texas Chainsaw. 1 or 2 Hits and dead, but very exciting and fun! Here, each assassin must hit you with a chainsaw 2/3 times, pick you up, take you to a 40cm hook, hit you again 2/3 times, pick you up, take you to a hook again... hit you again 2/3 times, and kill you.

    And all that, for each of the 4 survivors! If you cry because they are tunneling you, you are a very bad player.

    Make your build capable of holding up, and challenge the assassin to make that your role.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    That's always been the case, especially for solo queue players. The tone of the match is generally set by the killer. If they decide to tunnel or camp people out of the match early on, it's not going to be fun for the survivors. It just becomes stressful and nothing else.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Killer could afk the whole match and still get accused of tunneling 🤣

    You could write a novel on what survivors class as tunneling in this game.

  • Member Posts: 524

    on "basekit" the gens aren't faster. but realistically once you take perks into consideration they are actually much faster.

    9% from resi = 81s gen.

    6% from deja vu = 85s gen.

    If the survivor has both, the gens now take 76 seconds, which is 4 seconds faster than pre-6.1.0s 80s basekit.

    A single commodius with yellow addons lets you shave close to 30s off a gen while solo.

    All in all, Resi needs to be specialized into a chase perk by deleting the gen speed boost, deja vu reverted, and commodious getting a severe nerf aswell as the remainder of the toolboxes.

    its important to take these nuances into consideration before making a gen speed claim.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Chucky is broken... every new killer is broken aswell. We just have to wait the nerf !

  • Member Posts: 646
    edited November 2023

    I've been waiting on the counterplay video on Youtube but all I've seen so far is 'omg Chucky hype, we've been waiting years for this', 'haha, smol killer, funi' and 'THIRD BEST KILLER??!'.

    I played against him earlier today and I don't see what I'm supposed to do. He's tiny, he has stealth, he's mobile and he ignores pallets and windows. I don't understand where all the hype is coming from. Is it only franchise-wise? Because from a game perspective, he seems busted to me.

    Post edited by Gylfie on
  • Member Posts: 4,655

    I think a perk shouldn't be the solution to tunneling. It should be punishment of tunneling and a reward for other playstyles base.

    You can't just punish the killer. You have to give a reasonable alternative.

  • Member Posts: 663

    Mft was nerfed less then 24 hrs ago.

    Can you chill with these goalposts for a second?

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    The problem with "tunneling" is that they gave it a name. Now everyone sees it everywhere and blames it for everything.

  • Member Posts: 121

    Man it's not fun when surviors gen rush and play like its $5000 dollar tournament. It's a shame that I can't play against the same people I have on my team in solo queue

  • Member Posts: 121

    I figured he was going to be busted just from the ptb so I've just stopped playing survivor lol. He seems really frustrating to go against and that's not what I want to deal with.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Currently i am doing only pub 1on1s and other games until this killer is rightfully nerfed. With the way he is right now, i would be shocked if that takes very long.

  • Member Posts: 276

    I don't know what I am supposed to do against this killer, I feel I have no option to counter him.

  • Member Posts: 524

    Imagine the fire deparment going "We just put out your house fire, now you want us to deal with the burning shed too??!" thats how these "moving the goalposts" comments sound like.

    MFT was a 10/10 Problem.

    Resi, Deja vu , Commodius/Toolboxes in general, FTP+BU is are 9/10 Problem.

    Can't be telling killers to "develop gamesense and pressure gens" when gens can vary from 90 seconds to 34 seconds *with just a single person*

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