Friends 'til the end is too strong

I came back to dbd for the chucky chapter cause it sounded fun and it is alot of fun but the perk friends til the end needs a cooldown.
Every match I've gone into has been chucky which is fine he's fun to go against but I'm ALWAYS the obsession so if he hooks someone I immediately get downed and I won't even be near the survivor who was hooked.
I think there should be a cool down of like 20-30 seconds so that way the obsession isn't always being chased.
But other then that this new chapter is really great!
What would a 20-30 second cooldown even do? They have to hook someone to activate it. It's also pretty easy to avoid the killer for 20 seconds when you know where they're coming from, and it helps keep the killer from tunnelling. It's also really only strong on Blight and Spirit.
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Distortion counters the Aura reveal side of it. The scream will only pinpoint your location, so move to a locker and wait it out or hide some distance away from where you screamed.
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New perk that actively rewards killers for not tunneling. That gives killers a new target...
How is that a bad thing, that needs to get nerfed?
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Not sure why not tunneling should be rewarded with a one shot down. It’s basically bbq on steroids.
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I've only really noticed it in a game versus a Dredge, who absolutely wiped the floor with us. I can't remember the whole build, but it was nasty.
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I believe hiding in a locker prevents it from making u the obsession. I dont know for sure when its 4 survivors. But i know for sure when it was just me and another person, it didnt change the obsession to me when i hid in locker while the obsession got hooked.
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all you need to do is survive in chase for longer than 20 seconds once the old obsession has been hooked, and that’s if the killer even manages to find you, and then you're safe and the exposed effect runs out. personally i don’t think that is hard. as a survivor main i think this is a healthy perk that reduces the need to tunnel and helps a healthy game flow. if you get hit within 20 seconds of chase i believe you should probably have looped better. no shade.
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Is the perk meant to expose only one survivor for the entire match? Everytime Chucky hooked someone I was exposed. It happened four times and it exposed nobody else. Please tell me it's a bug and BHVR didn't build a perk specifically to help killers tunnel.
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I saw someone else say Distortion doesn't affect the aura. Can anyone confirm that it does?
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It only exposes the Obsession for 20s if the Killer hooks a non Obsession. That means the Killer was chasing and hooking someone else multiple times if you got exposed 6 times, how is that tunneling?
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It does affect it. I play it on Chucky (including the Add Ons which lower the Terror Radius and M&A, so I can get really close before people realize that I am nearby, catching them off-guard) and in one game I had a Jeff with Distortion who became the Obsession and I did not see anything.
That being said, so far the Perk is very, very good.
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Cheers for that. With perks like Ultimate Weapon and now this one, I feel like stealth builds are going to make a comeback. Not sure how I feel about that potential meta. Calm Spirit doesn't work on the scream though right?
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Why does it only expose one survivor? There's three other players, yet it's designed to only expose one player?
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it exposes the obsession and reveals their aura so that the killer can go and begin a new chase, once and if they succeed in downing the obsession, a new player becomes the obsession.
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It should work against the scream. But I am not sure if it is good that people have to run both Perks (Distortion and Calm Spirit), because only one of them might just be the wrong one in many games...
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I just wish it would inflict itself on someone else. Getting exposed every time someone gets hooked is frustrating. The obsession should at least change so it doesn't hit the same survivor constantly until they are dead or the match is over. It's like Rancor but it lasts through the match.
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The Obsession changes when the Killer hooks the Obsession. If the Killer hooks a non Obsession, the Expose and aura reveal on the Obsession happens.
If you wanted to not be the Obsession, you could take chase and get hooked to lose the Obsession status. So either the Killer deliberately chose not to go for the Obsession, or the Killer found someone else before they found you and chased them instead. Either way you didn’t get chased much let alone go down due to the Exposed status effect.
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It does. Used up tokens even have a sound effect as confirmation.
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I haven't had much issue with it yet. but that may be because I've only palyed against Chucky with it, and Vigil is one of my go-to perks, and as far as I've noticed, Vigil affects the exposed status timer.
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I outran and hid from him the first two times I got exposed. The third time I went down, got hooked and the obsession changed. I got rescued and healed only for Chucky to get another hook and I became the obsession again and he exposed me. I just wish the obsession would swap between survivors instead of just afflicting the same survivor constantly.
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Distortion only works for a certain time frame and wouldn't really be effective. I also think it's a token up perk. Boon Shadow step would work but you run into everything needs a totem now. It's funny because the killer has all these aura reading perks but you can have one but the person next to you doesn't and your immediately outed. I ran Distortion for a bit it really doesn't help. Calm spirit has worked after Alien's perk but this one is a double whammy and there really isn't anything to counter that. Chucky's perk will get nerfed because they are figuring out complete silent games without terror radius' and I am pretty sure the Devs didn't think that was a possibility.
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The Obsession was switching between Survivors, it’s just that you proved difficult to catch so you remained as the Obsession.
The general use of this perk is to have a snowball effect especially when paired with Furtive Chase/Nemesis. The counter to this perk is for the Obsession to not get hooked constantly which you managed to achieve by escaping him twice.
I would say you managed to counter his build to some extent by not going down immediately and stalling out the Obsession change. You not being hooked constantly was the reason why the Obsession wasn’t constantly switching as well lol.
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So I got screwed over because of my pro gamer extreme skills? That makes me feel slightly better lmao
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Yup. The concept of Friends is to encourage the Killer to keep chasing and hooking the Obsession. The exposed and aura reveal when a non Obsession is hooked is to incentivize this. If you got exposed 6 times in one match, it means:
1) The Killer was given multiple chances to catch you but chose not to or failed.
2) If your teammates were constantly going down and getting hooked while you were the Obsession, chances are that they would go down much faster if they were the Obsession and got affected by Exposed and Aura reveal.
Be it failing to catch you or you keeping the Obsession status, you are buying time for your team. It’s no different from the better looper distracting the Killer while the rest crank the gens. I think you did quite well regardless of the match outcome lol
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Obsession should be on the least hooked survivor. If a Dwight just got down and hooked, Meg become obsession and then hooked, then Dwight become obsession again is not right.
Some killers down Dwight, then Meg, then Dwight, then Meg, then last hook Dwight while not chasing Clau & Jake. Is quite effective (not as effective as hard tunneling), if the perk just luckily put obsession on Dwight every time a teammate got hook. Its not fair for him.
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I appreciate the sentiment considering how badly my matches went tonight lmao
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It would be nice if it didn't switch the obsession to a survivor who has just been exposed, downed and rescued from the hook.
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it is indeed way too strong, and it will get nerfed eventually 100%.
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I dont think its too strong, but the full blow info of the perk (screaming & aura). Blight/Wesker/Spirit can close to the target in no time, and have time for M1 chase (with 10sec aura that survivors cant mind game).
Though, its clearly beat BBQ in every aspect.
- You dont need to see 4 survivors at once, but one, killer can only chase 1 survivor at a time.
- Less counter (BBQ has range limit at <40m), the perk let you see at all range.
- Expose
- Longer aura reading
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The obsession changes. Anytime the obsession gets hooked, a random survivor screams and becomes the obsession. The exposed part would then kick in for THAT person if a non-obsession gets hooked later on.
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Unlike BBQ, Friends to the end basically announces itself. You KNOW it's in play if you see stuff like screaming and obsession changes happen after hooks. This makes it pretty easy to play around since the current obsession can choose to avoid showing their aura.
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It's a bit weird because I guess the idea is you hook a non-obsession, then get aura reading and exposed on the obsession so you can down and hook them quicker. But then the obsession changes and screams but you DON'T wanna go after the new obsession because you then won't get the aura-reading and exposed anymore, which is the much stronger part.
You kinda wanna alternate between going after non-obsessions and then the obsession, but that makes the scream part of it pointless.
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You do realize that in your example here, it meant that the killer hooked ONLY the obsession and only received from the perk 1 scream each time rather than aura reading/exposed. The perk is kinda screwy in that to get its stronger effects, you have to find and down the people who AREN'T the obsession, AKA the people that the perk doesn't help you find.
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Yesterday I was targeted by the perk several times and I only got downed once. It's not that hard to avoid a killer for 20 seconds.
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The idea is to use it with Furtive Chase or Nemesis.
If you hook Obsession with FC, you get Undetectable + Haste and the scream tells you where to go to find the new Obsession.
If you hook Obsession with Nemesis, new Obsession becomes Oblivious and you get a few seconds of Aura reading.
If you lose the Obsession and end up hooking a non Obsession instead, Friends tells you where to find the Obsession.
This means the Killer is incentivized to keep going after the Obsession so that they can jumpstart their next chase.
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I get that, I'm just saying if you run it on it's own it doesn't make complete sense. Perks shouldn't need to be ran with other specific perks after all.
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It’s still a decent perk by itself. By itself, it incentivizes chasing the non Obsessions. In general, the Obsession would try to get as far away as possible from the Killer or to a safe loop if they were exposed for 20 seconds. This means one less Survivor potentially not on gens/healing/saving for small chunks of time throughout the trial. It’s the same logic as how Survivors will try to be stealthy around a Myers in tier 3 rather than do objectives.
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I've had much success running it on my Artists' build with DMS, Granted not much use out of the exposed effect, but the lengthy aura reading and the scream side of it potentially a blocking gen with DMS if they happen to be on it. I find it worth it for the aura read alone tbh, way better than Gearhead / BBQ.
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I contacted support as I have been losing tokens while in a locker with distortion. They said they're looking into it.
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Its only a one shot down, if the survivor doesn´t hide in a locker.
Devs probably noted how the bloodpoint removal of BBQ lead to more tunneling (what a surprise) so they introduced a new perk, that does what BBQ did previously.
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So people complain about tunneling/camping,and then when the devs create a perk (like bbq) to incentivise not tunneling/camping and people still complain lol.
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Well, are you trying to make prove that BBQ is better than Friend till the end?
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Just run distortion.
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It is not. BBQ applies to all survivors further than 40m away.
It is an interesting perk idea which has an easy to understand trigger and decent counterplay (like hopping into a locker before a hook, walking in one direction then going back, Distortion and even OoO or Vigil). I have encountered it a few times and it seems fine.
Having obsession perks that make it more dangerous to be the obsession are cool. I missed those interactions since the Devs nerfed Remember Me and Dying Light over 4 years ago.
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I've played as Chucky and also Survivor and I can dodge him long enough when I been exposed then I'm sure you can it's simple and no there should not be a cool down besides it's only 20 seconds
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Disagree the perk is created so it makes the Killer not camp, if you cant avoid the Killer for 20 seconds after a hook, then you need to go down in MMR. Come down to my level, We have cookies.
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You say this as if there aren’t many killers who can easily get across a map in less than half that time. And that’s assuming you are on the other side of the map when it happens.
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BBQ is a better tracking perk for sure since you get the best form of tracking in the game (auras) after every hook. Friends on the other hand gives you the exposed hits SOMETIMES, but only if you hook a non obsession first which the perk doesn't help you find.
Between auras, killer instinct and screams... Screams are the worst form of tracking. Since Friends gives a single scream anytime you hook the obsession, and that's preferably the survivor you DONT wanna chase... Friends kinda falls short for tracking.
That being the said... COULD always run both...
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Lockers and Distortion: exist.
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There will be some killers that can use it easier than others. But overall the perk isn't OP or in need of a Nerf. It promotes a healthy playstyle of constantly switching targets and rewards players for doing so with good info or an exposed.