Can we please just buff decisive asap

I’m sick of all the tunnelling and killers have no repercussions or threat no one runs anti tunnel because they are so useless you guys keep releasing fun killers to play as but against every killer you guys have released has been utter misery to play against
Off the record is useless?
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Off the record is a nice perk but it's not a prime DS
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So I waste a perk slot to get hit through basekit bt anyways it’s alright but so situational that it doesn’t even prevent tunnelling
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Prime DS granted free escapes during EGC and allowed survivors to sit on gens in front of the killer's face, since conspicuous actions didn't deactivate it. I'm all for considering buffing the stun duration for 1 or 2 additional seconds, but to ask for old DS back is to ask for the return of a completely busted perk that can be used extremely aggressively against killers.
Also keep in mind that DS can always be paired with other perks (OTR, which is not just nice but one of absolute best survivor perks, and stuff like DH or Lithe) and be used aggressively by coordinated teams that can plan these things out with voice comms.
I get wanting a lil DS buff (i don't know if it's possible to check user history in these forums, but if it is you'll see that I also asked for a DS buff months ago) but it's important to remember that survivor perks are the same among SoloQ players and coordinated bully squads with a plan and with the possibility to do bodyblocks much more effectively. It's important to try and balance the perks taking into accounts both of these types of players
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This game can’t be balanced around swfs any longer while letting solo queue players rot I’ve played this game through every variation of decisive strike I play both killer and survivor 60/40 in favour of survivor.
that being said yes I’m a veteran player I have played since 2017 and decisive strike after the conspicuous actions Nerf was perfect the funny thing is why should your perk be turned off end game to guarantee the killer a hook it’s funny that killers think they deserve a pitty kill I really find it hilarious you don’t deserve that kill just by hard focusing someone end game when you got juiced all game
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bHVR obviously want to take their time with it and it has to be balanced as well.
They cant just buff DS like everyone wants either.
The problem with Old DS was: 1. everyone was using it. 2. people were still tunneled. 3. you could abuse it with head on.
Off the Record is so much better.
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5 second stun active until you reach like a 16-20 meters of an exit gate once the gens are powered boom you got a perfect perk
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Then it will be abuseable with Head on again AND loads of people will use it again. No Thanks.
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Yeah I honestly think after the buff every survivor should run decisive strike if you don’t tunnel you won’t eat it if you body block they slug you guys have gotten used to easy tunnels and so what if it had synergy with head on don’t tunnel boom you won’t get hit with it
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And don’t say someone can force a head on DS you need to be tunnelling them and chase them to a locker but also they could make decisive put head on on a five second cool down
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It wont change a thing though, I played back when 4 DS a match was still a thing and Killers still tunneled.
If you want to kill tunneling address the issues that makes Killing one player fast the best possible strategy, bHVR cant do that with a perk.
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I’ve played since 2017 and I started a killer main I don’t want people thinking this is some survivor bias because I play both side but I think a 5 second stun and it deactivating in range of an exit gate is a great idea for the perk I think if you take a protection hit it maybe could deactivate to stop body blocking it’s not gonna fix everything.
but back when there was 2-3 decisive strikes a lobby you were seeing less killers tunnel by a mile off I have been fighting for this perk to get buffed for so long I’ve made about 20-30 posts on it because it’s the only thing that made a killer think twice about tunnelling someone out I think it should put head on on cool-down maybes and something to help body blocking but something needs to change
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When I play survivor I mostly play SoloQ and duos and DS (+ Dead Hard, that I purposefully wait to use after DS) never leaves my build. It's super useful as it gives me time to get to a safer tile where I can then use DH when needed. Again, 1 or 2 more seconds for the stun would be great imo but to say it's a useless perk that's leaving players to rot is just not true. OTR is currently better (I just fine the stun part of DS more fun lol) and if you combo it with the 2 perks above you can really cost the tunneler the game, granted you also loop aside from using the perks.
It's not "getting a free kill" lol, it's having the chance to get one last kill in endgame. The killer can still leave the game without a single sacrifice if the team plays the EGC well. Having DS active in endgame would be a completely free escape, though. Perks like OTR, Dead Hard and even Deliverance can still be used to have relatively safe options in those endgame situations, and they are not as cheap and granted as prime DS was.
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Decisive is so situational tho you gotta admit it dead hard is the one perk that has never left my build since 2017 I feel like it should deactivate in 20 meters of an exit gate but I know that’s likely not gonna happen I’d be happy with just the five seconds back
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I disagree 100% with that, that's not how I remember it at all. I only remember loads of DS and us playing through them, either slugging people for a minute to burn it out or picking up the person anyway. That is the EU experience I recall.
Tunneling were 100% in the game back then and it might even be worse back then than now.
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I mean, most second chance perks are situational (if you healed after getting unhooked DH is useless against perks/add-ons/killers that make you exposed; OTR will go wasted if the killer simply doesn't hit you after you get unhooked; Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Second Wind and Deliverance are never guaranteed to give value, Adrenaline might not give you a health state if you're sick against the Plague, and it can be countered if you're getting carried by the killer...) and that's probably fine, a second chance is really really big all things considered and it's good that it's not given out for free. I agree that a slightly bigger stun duration would be great on DS - but that aside I think the perk is perfect as it is.
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I’m an EU player lol I disagree but that’s ok people can have opinions I think without basekit bt sometimes it could be worse but it’s definitely worse now in my experience I’ve chewed through a lot of decisive strikes in my killer time lol and have tunnelled quite abit until I realised how miserable I was making the game for other people and just realised id rather express skill than rush a win
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Oh yeah 100% most of them are situational since the dead hard nerf I don’t run adrenaline as I trust my E more lol 5 second stun imo perfect I have made about 30 posts on decisive and glad the devs are finally doing something about it.
dead hard decisive OTR in the right situations can be just as good as old decisive but very rarely the amount of times I’ve been hit off hook so otr wasted into a decisive to get range attacked after getting off the shoulders because I made 0 distance
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My memory recall isn't opinion and I just checked most of my saved endgame screens, We got at least a use rate of above 40%.
I dont know what bHVR is planning to do, but making DS any stronger will sky rocket the use rate and we will have the same problem.
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Yeah my memory ain’t opinion I have over 7000 hours Have probably been playing longer than you unless you played way before mikeys release I remember old decisive saving me from a tunnel 60-70% of the time and if it didn’t then the gens would be popping like your memory isn’t facts I have loved this game for 6 and a half years I’ve been through every era of dbd
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Also usage sky rocketing isn’t a bad thing it’s an anti tunnel perk
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I would "nerf" it and remove Iron Will part from that perk, so killer can't tell you have it.
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ds still works you just have to not die immediately which a lot of people just can't do. If you are gonna go down do it in a good spot it shouldn't make up for your lack of smart play with a duration so long you can't use it wrong thats boring, if you want free second chances even stronger without even using them right in the first place idk what to tell you