3 gen solution?

What is the proposed 3 gen solution? Getting 3 gen'd is 100% a skill issue that comes from lack of planning, it would be absurd to punish killers for planning out well the mid game when survivors can get rewarded for a lack of planning.


  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    Of course it's absurd but that's how it works. People complain about something for long enough weather on killer or survivor and it gets changed. The die hards will hang there and adapt to a new play style that will eventually be complained about and changed again. It's just the way it's always been. Neither side will ever be happy about the other.

  • HandsomeJack_049
    HandsomeJack_049 Member Posts: 136

    I worry that depending on what BHVR chooses to do Killers will feel increasingly forced to rely on unfun tactics (tunneling/proxy camping). Right now only noob killers and sweaty try hards use these tools, but at the end of the day they are catch up tools for the killer. Depending on what BHVR does, they may become a mandatory strategy for certain M1 killers.

    Also what about trap killers like the hag? Her slow movement speed and overall weak power is intended for guarding a specific zone of the map. She's not like SM who can drop a drone and move one. Are there plans to buff the hag in relation to this proposed changes to 3-gens?

    I feel like most of the 3-gen issue was reflective of OP gen regression perks and old pre-rework SM. With both of those things no longer in the game, is 3-genning still the predominant issue in DBD?

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 261

    i just played the most disgusting game on gideon. it was a doctor playing the face the darkness 3 gen regression build. 2 gens spawned in the main room, and the 3rd was at the bottom of the stairs underneath them. the game lasted at least 30mins but we all escaped. boring as hell. map generation has, and will continue to kill the balance of this game. in taht game, the doc spawned in the middle room and was running distressing, so he immediately chased me from the beginning of the match when he discharged.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    I don't play that often anymore but even i had three deliberate three genning killers.

    Easiest way to test how hellbent they are ok their three gen? Give them a semi free hit and then leave the three gen area - don't even have to go far - but the second the three gen is further than ten seconds away they turn around as if on an invisible leash.


    As for the situations where three gens remain it's one third on survs, one third those kinda killers and one third where survs decided its not worth their time to sink 20+ minutes in some kind of ridiculous standoff and after realising the killer is guarding a set of gens like it's their first born or sth they just get the other gens and totems for points and then go next; hold m1 on three gen and get grabbed, e.g.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    Lots of people expect one gen from a 3gen cluster to be moved elsewhere randomly, and this is by far the easiest option to deal with 3 gens issue. The DbD devs have shown us in the past that they love the easiest way!

    However, the devs could fix most 3 gens issues during map creation:

    • Populate all parts of maps with gens (how there is NEVER a gens behind the big boat on swamp? Same behind the saloon? Very rare behind the big house on swamp-pantry, ...)
    • Respawn the gens during loading if too much gens are located on the same side or too close to each other (e.g. 4 or even 5 gens on the main building side from Azarov in 2023, so no check about gen locations is done during the loading procedure for sure)

    Another quick fix, so we can avoid the dynamic respawn of gen during the game itself: a given gen cannot be regressed twice with perks, so no more painres into pop into another pop later!

    • prevent a lot the 3gen cluster sitting by the killer from the start (hello SM, hag and knight!)
    • do not punish killer (or reward survivors) if a 3gen cluster was created at the end ; hypothetical fix about moving gens is not needed anymore, and gens stay in place (even if they are very close)

    So many options, but I expect the devs to prioritize the easiest fix (respawn of a gen far away from other gens in a similar way than PHead cage, lol)

  • Callahan9116
    Callahan9116 Member Posts: 127

    This would be absurd, survivors can fix a gen very quickly with minimal coordination, and not 1 of the three gen killers is S tier, let alone A tier by most reckonings

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I made up some solutions back in October,

    1. Repeated Kicking has lower and lower effect until Killer cant even kick.
    2. Repeated Kicking will explode the generator and spawn a new one furthest away from the remaining two.

    What do you think?


  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,297

    Bhvr said that the mechanic is aimed at killers who are 3 gening from the start of the match. So i doubt that the mechanic will be that impactful if survivors actually do just 3 gen themselves

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    So you are saying, a three genning Killer would not kick the Generators? thats a new one for me.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    3 genning could be on the survivors fault until a couple of years-ish ago. If you have not seen killers (certain ones who excel in that especially) purposely sitting between 3 gens that due to map RNG are extremely close together, I invite you to open Youtube and do a quick search where you can find some of the "best comp teams" in the world struggling against that, and it's showcased how that gameplay works.

    Maps are being looked into to be smaller (rightfully). Now, there is no excuse to just be boring and be sitting in the 3 gens from minute 1 no matter what killer it is, and with certain perks that to this day still allow it. The fix will probably fix this and not 3 gens that happen naturally or under certain circumstances, just like the anti-camp mechanic has only punished people who were standing still in front of the hook for no reason (in regular games you don't see this mechanic even triggering, therefore it has not changed at all how fluent and smooth regular gameplay is meant to happen).

    Props to the dev team for realizing it has become a problem and makes games extremely boring and stale.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    Killer would, but the kick itself is not a problem because it doesn't do much ( 2.5% regression is a joke ). The problem is when the triangle of gens is very close and killer has both power and perks to keep those gens covered. Very often this happens because survivors try to repair what they believe is easier ( distant gens or the ones that have loops and pallets nearby ) instead of going for tough ones first, hence they end up with a situation where 3 gens close to each other are left. Now if there are still 4 survivors then the game can turn into stalemate ( which survivors consider killer taking them hostage which in reality both sides are trapped here ) since killer can't commit to any chase anymore while survivors can't repair generators because they constantly get either harassed or are taking hits.

    Only few occasions happen when generators spawned too close to each other ( more prominent on certain maps ), in which case it's still not the killer fault because it's one of the tasks that has to be done. It's a bad spawn location which devs should address in the first place.

    While we are at it, how come totem spawn location is not being discussed? Do people believe it's ok when totems spawn on open spaces and are lit as beacons and are seen miles away?

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 799

    Sure, one could say that the 3-genning is on the Survivors, but then you have the reworked Garden of Joy where gens spawn ridiculously close together (check the bug report forums). But once the Survivors are 3-genned, the Killer then insists on defending the gens instead of trying to kill the Survivors. They just do hit and run and that's it. Don't do that; just kill the Survivors and end the game already.

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 261

    purely survivor's fault

    this entire half of blood lodge had 1 gen

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 261

    have you ever had 3 gens spawn in the same building? I have. One upstairs, one in the sun room, and one by the back stairs in Disturbed Ward. total bs.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    You say that until you notice games when killers load in and instantly prepare the 3gen. Without a coordinated or competent team you often have little you can do.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Blood Lodge is notorious for at least one 3gen (if not a 4 or 5 Gen) at shack.

  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 417

    Have you seen Yamoka Estate? 4 Generators along Killer Shack's wall. 3 around Main Building. Nothing in between. Easy to 3 Gen if Killer remain guarding a side.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 223

    EHHHHH, the problem is not that simple. If you think its simple watch some comp play. The best most coordinated survivors in the game still have to break 3 gens. If the killer starts 3 genning at the the start then it really isnt from the survivor side lack of planning.

  • Laendra
    Laendra Member Posts: 93

    Base kit Deja Vu's 3 gen aura (and maybe buff deja vu's 3-gen speed buff to keep it relevant). Another possibility that doesn't require a bunch of game logic rework, add another gen to the mix for a total of 2 gens per survivor on the map.

    Honestly, I would rather there be something like 3 gens per survivor and you have to complete more than half (say 7) to minimally power the gates, allowing a much slower opening of the gate, but completing more gens allows for a quicker opening of the gate with each additional gen, and perhaps killer instinct on someone working the gates to allow killer to provide pressure on the gates.