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Decisive Strike and Off the record shouldn’t deactivate

Hi guys.
so it brought to my attention as new perks have been introduced as well as new killers and survivors. I was wondering if perhaps due to the camping and slugging is on the rise (as always), and the majority of survivor perks being nerfed. They should make it so decisive strike and off the record doesn’t deactivate anymore when interacting with a gen, totem, healing etc. I know the developers won’t read this but I would love for the community to have feed back on this. Obviously the perks should deactivate once all gens are done so I don’t think that should change, but during matches should change.
no bro, u don’t know how PAINFUL that was, it will never happen, u can look to some old footage so see how terrible it was, players ware in essentially god mode at the time.
Post edited by EQWashu on26 -
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Ok but what about decisive strike. A one time use perks. Once used never to be used again. In fact it was the closest to sort out the tunnelling issue
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Not really much to go on but ok
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thats one of only thing balanced about the perks 😭 just buff the stun duration and DS is fine
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They then become offensive perks again when the point of them is to be defensive. Absolutely not
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NO, way back survivors weaponized the hell out of those perks for the immunity they had. If anything DS could have is 5 second stun back since 3 seconds is a joke.
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Alright fine heres more to go on
Decisive strike used to last 60 seconds and be a 5 second stun that was never disabled. Normal play survivors could fully heal do half a gen or don't heal and do (at the time) ~75% of a gen and decisive strike would still be active. It was a 60s you can't do anything but slug me bubble or lose a ton of time and pressure (assuming they didn't have a locker 2 feet away) It was terrible and annoying because without thinking about it you would be "tunneling" survivors, chase down hook a survivor, do it again go back and chase after the now healthy working on gens survivor, whoops it was only 59.9s you actually tunneled so 5s stun full chase reset. On top of it not being disabled during endgame. And on top of that you don't know who is ds so you had to treat EVERY survivor like they are running ds because even if they weren't the punishment of if they did was very high so every unhooked survivor was basically let go unless the killer knew otherwise (if no one had ds there used to not be an obsession). It was terrible for game balance and health having a cumulative 480s of survivor invincibility in the lobby just from 1 perk.
Combine that with other perks that made it even more broken with the fact that it could never be disabled like unbreakable and you have a combo that drains all fun out of the game, can't slug them, can't pick them up, no real pressure gained from chasing and downing a survivor even from healthy even after they worked on a gen in your face.
Hook rescues in your face for free because the first guy unhooked had ds all kinds of fun stuff. So rightfully so it was properly nerfed with adding conspicuous action so that a survivors couldn't get a bunch of free time to do what they want.
It was terrible to face and it should never come back in any way shape or form and strong perks that increase survivability like off the record shouldn't mimic its old effect of being a free safety bubble, whats the point of ever healing when you have a free extra health state for 80s after being unhooked on top of it activating twice per game even if you are hit
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Nuh uh
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I know the developers won’t read this
But more seriously, this is not something we're considering doing. Decisive Strike in particular was like this before. The reason why this stipulation was added was because it would punish the Killer even if they chose not to tunnel. If a Survivor who was unhooked decided to work on a generator, cleanse a hex totem, or something else that the Killer would understandably want to stop, they would have to take the stun anyway.
The goal of these perks is to protect you for a while after you're unhooked. If you've been unhooked and decided to start repairing a generator, you're not exactly being tunneled. We can't expect the Killer to ignore you while you work on a generator in front of them.
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What about letting decisive strike Being active end game ? Why should I do well all game and get tunnelled out by a blight end game with no protection I find that stupid in all fairness I’m so happy you guys are buffing this perk but I think all it needs is 5 second stun maybes if no end game it works twice per game ?
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Coincidentally, it also used to work during the end game as well. The issue here is at that point in the match, being unhooked made you practically untouchable. If the Killer chose not to go for you, you could still run in and take hits to protect the others. If the Killer did go for you (or was forced to because you're taking hits), you could crawl to the gate in most cases before the perk ran out.
In other words, as soon as you got unhooked, you were safe. There was zero risk because as long as it was equipped, you would be able to make it to the gate before it deactivated.
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Is removing body blocking (beyond DS) something that is discussed among the development team?
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that would literally kill the game, and logically would be the dumbest change in the game. that is a legit teamwork strategy to help your teammates survive.
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CA's are most certainly a good thing, but I personally don't quite agree on endgame in the same way. I can easily hit a would be rescuer instead of the person of hook, so the justification is too slim for me to recognize. As Killer I can also simply play better in the early and/or midgame instead. Endgame shouldn't be the only chance for me to get a kill if I suck at the game, nor should it be gifted to me on a silver platter by nature of it being endgame.
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Why should I do well all game and get tunnelled out by a blight end game with no protection
There is no such thing as tunneling in the endgame.
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I’ve played since 2017 I know about endgame decisive I played just before mikey released lol but I think personally it should work but deactivate within range of an exit gate so you can’t force decisive at the gate for one last HAHA to the killer
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Well I mean there is such thing as tunnelling during the end game please don’t start the killer main mental gymnastics with me in my opinion if you haven’t earned the kill during the game you don’t deserve the kill just because it’s end game but that’s just my opinion
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I'm not a killer main, I'm not doing any mental gymnastics, and there is no such thing as "earned" or "deserved". If you get put on the hook and die, you lose; it doesn't matter how well you played beforehand, and it doesn't matter how badly the killer played either. Just because you reached the endgame doesn't mean you should get a risk-free escape, you haven't won until you've stepped through the exit gate and the killer is allowed to stop you from doing so.
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No it wouldn't, purposely body blocking teammates in a corner or whatever (griefing) should remove collision after you get 1 crow
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Bro we aren’t gonna agree so don’t try change my mind my opinion is killers don’t deserve a pitty kill or an easier time in end game just because they are bad like if I equip a perk why should it be disabled the killer main feel sorry for me victim mentality has been around for years I know it when I see it :)
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I main Pyramid Head and I think decisive and off the record should be on cages I think it should be end game why because that won’t affect good players
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I generally don't respond to anyone who writes "this would kill the game", because it already shows scaremongering. If old CoH/DH didn't kill the game, removing body blocking wouldn't even remotely affect the player base. But the fact is that body blocking is often being used in situations where it was not intended, such as BT basekit and OtR, and in these situations removal should be a point of discussion.
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Giving someone a guaranteed escape was not fun and that is why the devs have wisely decided (as he just explained) to make it deactivate. I myself got so many free escapes with the perk back in the day.
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what about 4% change hook survivor will Sacrifice that survivor immediately?
if you think that is not fair.
this DS is not fair too
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next time dont respond then, removing collision with endurance is poor design, and removes teamwork from the end game.
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Not sure how removing collision would be poor design but I guess it's too much to expect someone to explain themselves on the forum.
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how is removing teamwork "good" design? you think killer should be gifted free kills at endgame?
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I mean it's not free. 3 people and it's an out vs a large majority of the killer cast. A sadako might wiggle past the 3rd person who body blocks and nurse might blink and a blight might slide past. Teamwork is having a tiny bit of confidence and a tiny bit of recognition of a situation to go find at least one teamate while the other is on hook, heal and swarm the hook. If you think it's a free kill just because one person can't tank an endurance hit then I really don't know what to say.
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its removing teamwork, theres no argument.
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What you want is a free out, there's no argument XD.
Equal levels of discussion ^.
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And make it usable 2 times so it's an alternative to OTR. If you only use DS as anti tunnel, the killer just eats the 3s stun and continues to tunnel. After the 2nd hook they can just instantly get you again, because they know you gon't have anything left.
On cages yes, but not in end game. I got too many braindead escapes due to DS.
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no? i want there to be strategy and teamwork in a game that revolves around 4 survivors trying to survive a killer. remove the ability to help your fellow survivors who risked their tail for you would be silly.
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Body blocking is an intended part of the game and used it every form of comp
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It is clearly not intentional for the BT basekit, the devs were very clear about the purpose of this mechanic. I also highly doubt they reworked OtR for this.
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Blight isn’t meant to be able to hug tech neither is wesker oni shouldn’t be able to 180 and abuse a terrible hitbox the devs don’t care about the intended purpose of stuff
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Bro I’ve played since 2017 I have over 7k hours in the game and all the killer has to do is go for the unhooker
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No, no, and no.
They would be busted if allowed in endgame.
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Then I think you forgot to read my reply before the one you responded to correctly.
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You are comparing survivor perks/mechanics with killer powers, with the first case being considerably easier to resolve with numerical adjustments (such as removing the body block while the survivor has the endurance status). And about Blight, what you said is simply not true, Hug Tech is a known problem but difficult to adjust, as it involves map structures and not just power. You just want to use the unjustifiable to justify another unjustifiable thing, which proves that changes are necessary
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Well if you have that level of experience then you should know that if the person is close enough to the gates then you cannot simply just go for the unhooker. You instead have to wait out the BT for the guy they just rescued.
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If DS is deactivated during Endgame, Why is Off-the Record not?
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Off the Record does deactivate in endgame - if you are unhooked at that time the perk doesn't activate.
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Maybe Im wrong, but I swear I see it used endgame.
Could bHVR consider displaying the perk icon to Killers for like 2 to 4 seconds after hitting an Endurance Survivor?
Like there are so many effects for endurance, its hard to know what I did wrong. or does bHVR still consider that sharing too much info?