Removal of keyboard support for menu(s) navigation

Why does keyboard support for menu navigation keeps disappearing with every other update?

A very long time ago we used to be able to switch characters using "Page Up / Down" (or "Home / End") like console players can use R3 / L3.

Recently we could navigate Rift Pages also using keybinds instead of needing to use the cursor. Now its gone.

Currently we still can navigate perks and cosmetics pages using the keyboard but I won't be surprised if its removed soon.

So my question is, why? Shouldn't it be the opposite way around? Add support instead of removing it.

I still find it mind blowing that console players must move a literal cursor instead of having the option to navigate using d-pad like any other game in existence.


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    "I still find it mind blowing that console players must move a literal cursor instead of having the option to navigate using d-pad like any other game in existence."

    Wanna know what's even worse? Some of my biggest lag spikes & freezes actually are in the menus, particularly during the first time starting DBD for the day, and in the blood web it's bad too. And that's on an Xbox Series X.

  • Decutor
    Decutor Member Posts: 169

    Coming back to this suggestion again. Please restore the keyboard support for navigating ALL menus and also to shuffle between spectating players.

    Tapping 2 keys located next to each other to navigate pages or players being spectated is much more comfortable than dragging the cursor.

    The input event is already there for controllers, you just need to set up the keyboard keys.

  • Decutor
    Decutor Member Posts: 169

    Restore keyboard input for these buttons, please!

  • Decutor
    Decutor Member Posts: 169

    Another suggestion. Keyboard support to navigate while spectating.

    Escape (ESC) works to leave this screen but Left & Right don't have keybinds.

  • Decutor
    Decutor Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2023

    Another suggestion:

    Make the keys 1, 2 & 3 in the keyboard usable to change loadouts.

    While all of these suggestions might seem like irrelevant for most, its basically a step towards better accessibility.

    Years of gaming eventually put a strain to hand/arm nerves and its much more comfortable to press buttons on the keyboard with the hand fully rested than having to drag and click with a mouse across the screen.

    I noticed console also doesn't have a way to navigate between loadouts without having to drag & click. RT & LT aren't being used in the menus and could be set to change loadouts.

  • Decutor
    Decutor Member Posts: 169

    Just found out that, in any menu featuring a scrollbar, you can move the page down by pressing "Numpad Minus" but you can't scroll it back up with any other key.

    Please BHVR, add proper and full support for menu keyboard navigation.

  • Decutor
    Decutor Member Posts: 169

    Some keybinds navigation for the new store would be greatly appreciated. At least the up/down arrows to navigate the list of characters/cosmetics.