An idea to stop tunneling

Pink_Ronin Member Posts: 118
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

What if instead of each survivor having 2 hook states before death, they had a collective pool of 8 hooks shared between them? So theoretically one person could be hooked 8 times and at that point the team has no hook states remaining and everyone is now dead on hook. This would probably de-incentivize killers repeatedly targeting one person because the option of quickly creating a 3v1 scenario would be gone.


  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    It is actually a very difficult one to evaluate. Because just tunnelling 1 guy 8 times is a lot and you would most likely just lose if you did kill them since you would be pressuring literally only 1 guy for 8 hook states, and that is assuming you can hook 1 guy 8 times before all the gens get done.

    I think if the right amount of hook states was found (since I don't know if 8 is the right number) then it could in theory work. But the point you made about the tunnelling issue is much less big a deal than you think, put it this way, you can lose tunnelling a guy for just 3 hook states if you do it at the incorrect time etc.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    Do survivors still need to be unhooked or do they automatically respawn somewhere after hooking?

    The latter is the kinda removal of survivor-survivor interaction was one of the nails in Deathgarden's coffin. With that kind of life pool survs have no need to help each other, afterall that hooked survivor respawns by themselves. Just gotta rush objectives...

  • Pink_Ronin
    Pink_Ronin Member Posts: 118

    That's true but you have to figure out who the weak link is first. It seems to me that most tunneling killers don't even search for the weakest link and just tunnel whichever survivor they're able to hook first.

    You're right it doesn't solve the issue of the simpler option being to go straight for the unhooked survivor that is already injured, however by doing that the killer loses pressure on gens. 2 other survivors can just be working on gens elsewhere and so I think killer would be more incentivized to check gens than chase the same person.

  • Pink_Ronin
    Pink_Ronin Member Posts: 118

    I don't think respawns are good, I think it's best if survivors still have to be unhooked. The penalty for staying on a hook too long and reaching second hook state would have to change though.

    Maybe the consequence for not unhooking a survivor by the 2nd hook state, it would lose another life for the team, and the penalty can be increased the longer they stay on hook. So after they reach 2nd hook state once, the time restarts and if it reaches the 2nd hook state again maybe the team loses 2 lives.

    Or instead of losing 2 lives, once it reaches 2nd hook state the first time and the team loses a life, the time restarts but it's 33% shorter, if it reaches the end the team loses another life.

    Idk something like that