If Nowhere to Hide got a nerf i would not complain at all

Its almost just not fun to use, 4 seconds is just too long for an aura reading perk, especially with how frequently kicking generators is a thing, and the range is a lot, but i think is appropriate for the idea of the perk.
If the duration was reduced to 1 second, or instead of revealing an aura it made survivors scream, or activate killer instinct
The idea of in only being activatable every 30 seconds or something, with the potential tradeoff of something really cool like for every survivor caught in the radius when the generator is damaged, it instantly regresses 4% or something
it just feels kinda lame to use imo ive enjoyed it but its meh
Making the duration one sec would make the perk literally useless.
Also Killer instinct would in fact be a buff, cause theres zero way to evade that, unlike Aura Read.
The perk its fine, it requires kicking gens to even use, which kills synergy with perks that automatically regress gens, like Surge or Pain Res.
Yeah, it has no CD, but the real "CD" is walking from gen to gen and also kicking them, which takes quite a few secs.
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It's too free for aura reading imo. I would add a prereq to use it instead of nerfing it tho
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The only thing I dislike about NTH is that the range moves with the killer after kicking a gen. I think if it was just within 24m of the generator instead then the perk would be fine.
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I mean if you don't find the perk fun to use you can always use one of the many other aura-reading perks. Personally I love seeing someone with Nowhere to Hide, act like I don't know they're there and slowly turn around and go for the hit.
"If the duration was reduced to 1 second, or instead of revealing an aura it made survivors scream, or activate killer instinct"
More survivors run Distortion than Calm Spirit (and that will be even more true after Ultimate Weapon gets nerfed) and Killer Instinct is totally uncounterable, both of these would make the perk stronger. Making the perk 1 second long would just make it completely useless, and it has no cooldown because you still have to walk from a generator to another to activate it a second time and that still takes time.
Since there are multiple ways to counter NTH (lockers, pre-run, Distortion, Blast Mine, Repressed Alliance) I really don't think this perk deserves such a harsh nerf, or a nerf at all in the first place
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With Distortion being the way it is, I hardly ever see NTH.
Also like, if the Killer is kicking the Generator, use the time to make distance.
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brb making distance versus the nurse and blights moving at high speeds with their lethal extended aura duration.
Oh wait
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This is what I've been saying for NTH and even Ultimate, both of these perks only start to get ridiculous on killers who can cross large distances with ease. If both of these perks just stuck to the point of activation they would remain usable but are no longer as easy to abuse.
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Notice how I never mentioned Nurse or Blight in my original post.
Also, ya know, those are only two Killers out of the entire Killer pool.
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If the range moving is what upsets you, try it with LP on Dredge :) I love that combo.
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Hillbilly, Oni, Onryo to an extent, Hag to an extent, need i go on...?
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It's so funny using this perk with Oni while rushing through the entire map
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I wouldn't actually say it "upsets me," does it get annoying sometimes? Sure. I use it on Huntress often enough myself, but I also can't cross the map at mach speed. But I can sympathize with others who dislike it because they're entitled to dislike it if they want, and frankly its not just a few people who have an issue with these perks on certain killers. My comment was just a proposed change that only effects the the more problematic aspect (and most common complaint) of both the perks without gutting them completely. They can both be tweaked into a state that still makes them great choices for all killers, without them being busted on others.
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Yeah, I get that. I didn't mean "upset" in a way like it makes you sad, more like it can be frustrating. It's a fair criticism, being a walking radar after kicking a gen can be really strong in a good number of situations, and some killers can use this more effectively than others; Dredge, Nurse, Blight. However, as it is like other info perks, it tends to be higher tier killers that can use these more effectively than lower tier ones because of their base kit, leading to the problem lying with the killer itself rather than being solely on the perk.
As far as info perks go, NTH is reliable and incentivises killers to spend time kicking gens which a lot of killers don't do all that often anymore, relying on Pain Res or Jolt and the like to passively slow the game down. It's like with Friend's Till The End, a great perk incentivising killers to play in a more 'fair' way, but people are wary of the fact that mobility killers can use this perk more effectively, but when it comes down to it, the only real time you'll see FTTE or NTH come in to real play is if it's used to catch survivors who are out of position or trying to hide close by, and usually if the survivor is smart enough, they would realise that this perk is in play and play around it by; not crouching next to the gen as it gets kicked or when they are the obsession not getting too overly confident when the killer is about to hook someone. With the few edge cases of mobility killers being able to make better use of the perks, they are currently fine as is in my opinion, but I see your point and OP's point as valid regardless.
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All they need is to center aura reading point on the generator you kicked. That's it.