Anti Camping Mechanism

So I've noticed that the anti camping mechanism only works when on 1st hook state and is curious why? Just played a game against chucky and all he did was camp hooks whenever the survivors were on 2nd hook state... pretty pathetic killer but is it bugged or is that how Devs wanted the Anticamping mechanism to work ? Only 1st hook state seems dumb imo
Best Answer
No, it also works on 2nd hook state. However, the bar only fills if there is no survivors nearby, so swarming the hook while the killer is also there will significantly slow down and even pause the anti-camp meter for the hooked survivor.
Once all gens are popped and the exit gates powered, the anti-camp mechanic is disabled entirely.
Not big fan of how it disables at end game but I guess if that's what they want
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Another thing to keep in mind is that it's more an anti-FACEcamp feature, so proxying is still very much possible ;).
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Yeah I'm fine with killers checking hookbut it's the face camping that's obnoxious. Thanks for answering the question I appreciate it