The Trickster Feedback



  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    Bvhr tried standard him as ranged killer with huntress. since huntress has lullaby, they put one for him. I think lullaby in general are bad design because they discourage the player from using terror radius perks. It is just another mechanic to over-balance killers and restrict their gameplay choices.

  • JDecker
    JDecker Member Posts: 21

    Why not take advantage of Ji-Woon Hak characteristic as a musician, and give Trickster a unique advantage of having "Superior Hearing”?

    I mean, that compared to other killers, he can hear various sounds from distant survivors, also is less likely to miss sounds from nearby survivors.

  • Abseudus
    Abseudus Member Posts: 14

    As much as I thought that this could actually be cool, as inpractical it gets. You'd need to have some sort of indication of "near" or "far away" sounds, on headphones I could imagine this works, but there are also people playing on console with (TV) speakers or heck, even I sometimes, when I just want to try something real quick play on my 5.1 system instead of headphones.

    Also it would be really confusing for new players to pick him up.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    35 meter hatchets still happen regardless of lullaby or not. lullaby is specifically there to discourage people to run undetectable. The other goal is to make it less effective. undetectable still works on lullaby killers... like people have done Wooden fox Huntress on indoor maps like RPD but for open maps, no serious killer player runs undetectable on lullaby killers...

  • ItWasIDio316
    ItWasIDio316 Member Posts: 4

    Of every post here, I hope this is the one they follow. Great job.

  • Shrimplover
    Shrimplover Member Posts: 34

    The worst thing about these youtubers is that in order to increase their viewership, they make a fuss about something even though it's not even a problem, stirring up anxiety and conflict among their viewers.

    Moreover, since they take no responsibility at all, they are nothing but evil.

    To begin with, Trickstar wasn't very strong at the time of PTB except for ultra rare add-ons.

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82

    To add to this BHVR, a lot of people, including myself, play DBD for this character. Not saying he's the only fun character or that survivor isn't fun, however, there is just something special and fun about this character gameplay. It requires patience and time to get better which has turned me from casual once in a blue moon player to more frequent player. Im sure other mains feel the same about their character, but Trickster mains are very passionate about this character... Its not to be stubborn or sulk, when they decide to leave. But what else can they do, if the character is not fun and there is nothing to look forward to with skill, but move on? And thats sad considering how loyal the Trickster community is. Many are waiting for you to announce something today before making a decision to leave DBD...Both high level and low level Tricksters.

  • dance
    dance Member Posts: 75

    Hi all,

    For The Trickster, we are still looking into the slow throwing speed, on both base and Main Event.

  • LeGranEmi
    LeGranEmi Member Posts: 80

    I appreciate it but it is not the only problem, the laceration is very high and falls very quickly, please maintain the 10 seconds but reduce the laceration meter

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,685

    Are there any plans to maybe lower the number of knives required for main event, or raise the number of knives he can hold?

    The knives have tiny hitboxes, and are very easy for survivors to dodge if they aren't in close range... and even the bots are very good at micro-dodging knives. Raising the throw rate will just make it even easier for Trickster to run out of knives, and he will be discouraged from trying to actually rapid fire if he isn't near a survivor, unless he's in main event, or unless he can go back to holding something like 60 knives.

    I thought the goal was for Trickster to have a "rapid fire" playstyle, and I don't understand how that can happen if the throw rate gets fixed, but everything else stays the same. This isn't like Huntress, where the player is supposed to carefully aim each shot. This is supposed to be rapid fire, where it's understood that the accuracy rate might not be extremely high, because the player can't carefully aim each shot.

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82

    Thank you Dance. I know there is a lot the team has on their plate, but this is really tough to sit with without any word from the dev. team themselves. I hope they dont find all this passion insulting.

  • endzej_
    endzej_ Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2023

    The laceration decay timer makes the throw rate an issue. But if we want to keep the 10-second decay Trickster's throw rate per second needs to be half of the number of knives it takes for half state. If he's a 6 knife Trickster he should shoot 3 knives per second. If he's an 8 knife Trickster he should shoot at least 4 knives a second. What he is right now completely goes against what was mentioned in the original PTB patch notes which was "We wanted to focus on this rapid-fire ‘machine gun’ gameplay for this update ". Now he shoots slower than ever. Even the Release date Trickster shot faster.

    Another thing is if he's 8 knife Trickster Main Event Throw rate should be a lot faster than the base throw rate otherwise survivors will continue to body block him and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

    Making him have to equip add-ons to be somewhat playable is not a fix to an issue. Unless We got a better add-on to use until the next bug-fix patch comes.

    Post edited by endzej_ on
  • Maddoka
    Maddoka Member Posts: 15

    Not trying to sound rude, but if you have been reading around alot I'm sure you must have noticed how many people are asking to at least revert him so his mains can enjoy him again.

    I'm not sure why the team would have to try all these bandaid methods (Like whatever that brown addon 'buff' is supossed to be) instead. Wouldn't reverting the changes not be easy while you try too figure out what to actually do with this killer?

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 200

    "We noticed the floor is flooding and have decided to put a towel on it"

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    So can we just get him reworked again, devs? This version of Trickster is objectively worse to play both as a Killer and for the fun of playing.

    And still doesn't solve the issue of Survivors being put into lose-lose situations against him.

    Honestly, I'd just overhaul him to be an actual mobility Killer that people would like rather than a ranged Killer nobody actually likes.

  • redglyph
    redglyph Member Posts: 33

    I tried using Memento Blade.

    It's better than the default, but I thought it would be foolish to use one add-on to make it better.

    And it's still too weak.

  • TheBorderlineDemon
    TheBorderlineDemon Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2023

    p100 trickster just adding my voice to the mix.

    Revert back to 4 blades per second

    Keep no recoil and loss of movement speed for quality of life changes

    Keep the laceration time, it allows for surv counterplay

    Make main event feel like a main event and not a side dish

    That's all they need to do to make this killer feel good to play again

  • SimpingforThePig
    SimpingforThePig Member Posts: 29

    Thank you for taking our feedback and for being transparent.

  • LordHeXaGoN
    LordHeXaGoN Member Posts: 89

    i thought u are just kidding us, with this memento blades buff)

    And i ve calculated how long with this addon takes to down a survivior.

    5,3 sec now in base, 4,8 with that addon.

    wow 0,5 sec faster, but it didnt count as normal way.

    0,8 sec still long time to hit anybody.

    If u fix the trickster, just make it sure that this addon get back to its old numbers of 5%.

  • Shrimplover
    Shrimplover Member Posts: 34

    It's scary how Bhvr seems satisfied with just fixing Memento Blade. 

    I think Trickster should receive basic performance enhancements.

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82

    I think it would be best to #RevertTrickster as he is too weak in his current state, and its too difficult to try an make him good for both higher mmr with skill expression and easy with little skill expression for low mmr.

    (I was asked to make a full sentence by a mod.)

  • icy_k_
    icy_k_ Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2023

    I hope BHVR and all the crews learned something from the trickster rework and won't mess up other future changes, especially the twins rework. The twins don't need power rework, note that. All you need to do is tweak their mechanic, allow Victor to hook, summon Charlotte, have the ability to recall Victor at any time, and instant switch.

    avoid ruining the main concept of the twins, what makes them stand out from others, what makes the twins twins

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Happy to hear the base & main event speed are being looked at ! I hope the throw speed ramp up gets implemented back somehow, I think the acceleration helped a lot in making Jiwoon feel fast.

    Looking forward to the next time he gets fixed / buffed (hopefully soon)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I would like to give feedback, but I don't see any Tricksters to begin with.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 195

    why back to 4.4?

    now is 4.6 main attack killer

    even have 40m Lullaby

    ABAEX Member Posts: 195


    Trickster is weaker Plague.

  • NAVIks
    NAVIks Member Posts: 32

    Best feedback I can give is, all in all he is just okay in his current state and using his power feels more like you're hurting yourself instead of helping. The 3 blades per second feels really bad, even with no recoil, hitting blades on console is still a pain. Either 3.5 or 4 blades would probably feel a lot better. Please change this, even the people who main Trickster were unhappy with this change. It's like he was before, I still don't really want to play him because the throw rate is so slow, even in main event it feels slow.

  • Abseudus
    Abseudus Member Posts: 14

    I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, because I know, large companies sometimes need more time to fix/revert things that have gone wrong because of policies, rules, workflow, etc.

    But I beg, please don't mess this up. If unsure what to do, just revert to old Live version, remove recoil and change photocard. Maybe keep the 4.6m/s, just don't do one change per hotfix and hope that at some point the community will be quiet or gone as other companies do...

  • Binzo
    Binzo Member Posts: 3

    i commented before but man i gotta say, i played him some more and yes the 4.6 is a MUST with him as is no recoil. that feels amazing from the old trickster and i main him for 2 years now. more speed, no recoil was all he needed tbh. he throws his knifes like he just woke up tho, and is still too groggy to do anything productive- like the entity only let him sleep for 3 hours or something. so old knife throw rate, no recoil and 4.6 would be the way to go.

    please don't take him 4.6 it's the only thing that was really required with him to give him a chance in loops.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    don't worry, there's no plans to remove him being 4.6m/s!

  • Maddoka
    Maddoka Member Posts: 15

    What is the plan to balance him, in that case? If he stays 4.6, it seems like his blade game will remain weaker than before. If that's true, I don't really understand why he's even a ranged killer.

  • LeGranEmi
    LeGranEmi Member Posts: 80

    BHVR I have a question, the announced changes that will come in the next bug fix, are they only changes for the killer basic kit or does it include addons?

  • redglyph
    redglyph Member Posts: 33

    With the current game balance, even if you upgrade Huntress to 4.6, the game will not break.

    It will be a little bit stronger.

    Similarly, Trickster has no problem even if it becomes 4.6 with the conventional performance.