Post-Release Feedback: The Skull Merchant Rework (from an SM main)

Skull Merchant 2.0 received a ton of major changes between her PTB and live release. Despite being a major improvement on her prior iteration, SM could do with some follow up changes to make her windows of counterplay in chase clearer, clean up some messes that adding the drone rotation mechanic have created and make getting claw-trapped more lethal as a chase tool without reducing Survivor agency in the chase.

Almost every Killer match I've played since SM's rework has been SM: I've played a huge amount of her and can appreciate how well her kit works for the most part, but I would like to see some polish given to her. Given that she got two new mechanics between her PTB and live release, it seems fitting to give her that much since those mechanics completely change the way she plays and they weren't given feedback time on the PTB.

The first issue: drone rotation switching is great on paper: it gives the Killer much more agency over their power's utility in chase but the way it's integrated into her kit gives the Survivor very little warning that it's happened and very little counterplay in chase to a drone being rotated back and forth over them. To that end, I would polish up the rotation system to give it a bit more clarity as to when it's being used and give the Skull Merchant a meaningful cost to using it to reward proper timing.


  • A sound cue plays when a drone is rotated by the Killer (like an electronic beep from the drone) to let the Survivor know it's happened. This would also help the Killer as it will provide audio confirmation that the rotation has happened.
  • Rotating a drone disable its beams for 1.5s, to give the Survivor room to play around a freshly rotated drone.

The second issue: clawtraps on injured Survivors. Skull Merchant needs to have SOME lethality when a Survivor is clawtrapped: if she has nothing at all she's just a worse Legion, but the 10% Hindered debuff translates to instant death at short tiles and does very little other than potentially force a predrop at long ones: it doesn't give her the lethality she needs at the tiles where she needs it and isn't interesting to play with or against. To that end I suggest an alternative effect, one which requires more direct input from the Skull Merchant but can translate to higher lethality at tiles that she could otherwise have not gotten a hit at.


  • Clawtrapped Survivors are no longer automatically Hindered when scanned by a drone.
  • Killer Instinct duration increased from 3s to 6s, and the Killer Instinct now triggers 1s after a Survivor becomes Clawtrapped as well as whenever a Clawtrapped Survivor becomes scanned.
  • While a Survivor is spotted on Killer Instinct, the Radar gains a new function, Neuroshock.
    • When Neuroshock is used, every Survivor currently Clawtrapped on the map is instantly shocked (in the vein of Doctor's shock) for 2.5s and receives a 5% Hindered effect for the same duration. Shocked Survivors cannot interact with objects for the duration of the shock and scream, interrupting any actions they were doing.

The third issue: drone evasion in chase. Evading a drone in chase by crouching or standing still at key moments is very much possible (despite what some folks would have you believe) and this counterplay should be the key to Skull Merchant's chase interactions, but after the massive scanline speed buff from PTB this has become increasingly impractical: it can still be done, but not even slightly consistently if the drone is in Scouting Mode. Evading a drone in chase should be more feasible, but a consequence of this should be higher lethality if you're NOT actively trying to evade the drone. If you're just taking stacks thoughtlessly, you should take them faster.


  • Scouting Mode drone rotation speed reduced from 85 degrees/sec to 80 degrees/sec. This is a middle ground between her PTB and live speed.
  • Scan line immunity window reduced from 3s to 2.5s (in effect, making the Ultrasonic Speaker addon basekit. This would require a change to Ultrasonic Speaker)

The fourth issue: addons. Skull Merchant's addons are very hit and miss, with some being exceptional and others being more suited to old SM than her new iteration or just being flat out awful.


Without any of the above changes implemented, the following addons would still need to be given new effects:

  • Shotgun Speakers, Adi Valente Issue 1, Advanced Movement Prediction, Expired Batteries

All of these addons provide effects that you would never ever want: seeing the auras of Survivors you can already see with AMP, Expired Batteries giving you a miniscule Haste boost for an ultra rare addon slot, and the skillcheck addons that are more relics of her old kit that don't fit on her new design.

With my suggested kit changes, the following addons would also need to be changed:

  • Vital Targeting Processor, Randomised Strobes, Ultrasonic Speaker
  • Prototype Rotor could also be buffed since the rotation speed changes would be an indirect nerf to an addon that didn't need it

I don't want this list of proposed changes to seem like I hate new SM: on the contrary, I know this Killer at her core could be a fantastic inclusion to the roster. The kit, at its core, works, it's way healthier than her old version and is a unique take on the trap Killer formula mixed with a midrange zoner. She's kind of got everything, but a Killer with such a vast amount of moving parts definitely needs some further tuning. The dialogue surrounding her since... well, forever has been absolutely seeping with toxicity and vitriol and that has thoroughly polluted the feedback to this rework. I intend to cut through the noise: people will always whine, but I hope what I've made here is constructive and useful in making Skull Merchant the healthiest she can be.


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,483

    I just want her to have footstep sounds, literally one of the best stealth killers because they don't exist

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 107

    That is fair enough chief, but tbh she is an inherently stealthy Killer with built in Undetectable so she should be pretty quiet I think.

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 107

    I definitely agree she needs some actual ambient noise: be that louder footsteps or the clanking/whirring of her servos being louder.

  • miniccino
    miniccino Member Posts: 4

    I think survivors should be able to see their stacks of lock-on similar to how you can see stacks of condemned with Onryo. It would remove a lot of frustration caused by players simply not understanding the power, along with your other suggestion of having an audio queue when drones are rotated.

  • miniccino
    miniccino Member Posts: 4

    I'll be honest, I never noticed as survivor or understood what was happening, probably due to sheer confusion. It feels a little less intuitive and distinct than other killers, but that could be due to more experience against them compared to SM.

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 107

    This is the difference between 1, 2 and 3 stacks. See the little triangles in the filled circles? That's how many stacks you have, with them becoming full circles if you get a clawtrap. Those circles then go away back to black as the clawtrap batteries run out until it falls off.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I don't like these changes for the most part, sorry. It feels like overall a big nerf and the replacement for direct 10% hindred is just half of the effect and tiny copy-pasted Doctor slowdown that would still be annoying for Survivors, they would still hate her but she would be overall worse Killer.

  • miniccino
    miniccino Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for the visual reference. I actually played a game after reading this and kept it in mind, but still struggled to keep track of stacks since they're difficult to see. May be a bit of an accessibility issue on my end.

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 107

    You're not the first person I've seen to say this: the indicator could definitely do with being brighter I think.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,384

    Power-creep doctor. doctor becomes useless killer if skull merchant just does what he does. her main counter-play is sliding pallets at the correct time. the two killer that i really don't want bvhr to change as m1 killer is skull merchant and sadako. these only m1 killer that i ever feel like playing these days.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I think her undetectable is a bit to much, compared with ghost face it‘s almost better.

    Ghost face has a far too long cooldown, where skull merchant has almost none.

  • Rafii2198
    Rafii2198 Member Posts: 16

    As cool as the Neuroshock sounds I think it is a bit too much, like think of it, she would have: Tracking, Damage, Haste, Hinder, Undetectable and now Shock.

    I personally think that she has a bit too many layers, weak layers that just add to something bigger, and I personally do not think it is good and adding even more would be too much. I believe removing some of her layer and escalating the ones that left would be a better approach. For example, I personally would remove everything related to Haste and Hinder which would leave Tracking, Damage and Undetectable aspects of her kit, mainly because juggling with speed modifiers is hard to balance and from survivor perspective, having less or no options because killer is suddenly a lot faster than you doesn't feel nice.

    The ones that left also kind of match the rest of stealth killers, they are usually about taking victims by surprise or exposing them from the shadows, with Skull Merchant, she wouldn't be that lethal, but she would know a lot about her prey due to her tracking capabilities. Additionally, playing her was made so much easier after removal of cooldown after recalling a drone, which I personally think hurt her depth more than it helped.

    Another side of her that needs to be looked at is the survivor perspective. She is pretty terrible there, you have no idea for how long you are scanned for, you have no idea at a glance if a drone is hacked or not etc. and on top of that she creates some specific scenarios due to her ability to aim drones that will activate quickly. You addressed some of her stuff like changing rotation direction, but there are few more things needed.

    With that said, I have my batch of changes. These changes are not connected to your changes, they are independent of each other. I also must say that I am not a game designer nor an avid gamer, you probably have more knowledge on her, so I hope these ideas will give you another perspective that perhaps you will be able to refine.

    • Skull Merchant
      • No longer gains Haste based on tracked survivors
      • Makes a bit more sounds while moving as she is so quiet. I know she supposed to be stealth killer, but she is the only one that doesn't make any sounds or have no effects.
      • Undetectable effect will now be given to her when the power is on cooldown and will linger for 1 second
      • Checking the radar will put you to 4.4m/s speed
    • Drones
      • Cooldown increased to 12 seconds
      • Recalling a drone will put an 8 second cooldown
      • Changing direction will make the drone fly up for a short duration, just like walking under it. This in turns means it will be put into Stealth mode
      • Initialization durations increased to 1.5 seconds
      • Drones will rotate too while initiating
      • Detected survivors without a claw trap will have the scan-lines effect for the whole duration, as well as the animation pre rework while inside the drone radius.
      • Hacked drones will be put into stealth mode after 45 instead of being recalled.
      • Hacked drones will emit a glitching light as well as make some faint sounds when nearing the end of duration.
    • Claw Trap
      • Now only injures survivors and reveals them on the radar
      • Being scanned while having a claw trap will inflict broken status effect for 45 seconds. Already broken survivors will not get this effect.
      • Being scanned while having a claw trap and having the broken status effect will reveal your position via killer instinct as long as you are in the area of any drone until the claw trap wears off.
    • Hacking Minigame
      • Now require 6 inputs to complete
      • The next button will also be shown instead of only current one.

    These ideas are intersecting with each other. Having survivors revealed via killer instincts will give an advantage while chasing and mind gaming, but will not make it impossible, at the same time you will have ability to get undetectable which will you even stronger, but you will have to be mindful with your cooldowns, as survivors are only revealed in drones' radii, just spam placing/recalling will not be beneficial as you either need to have some spare drones at hand which means they are not doing anything elsewhere or constantly recall a drone which will slow you down. In chase, she will be similar to basic M1 killers with harder time to mind game as she will know more than you. At the same time, outside of chase she can catch or at least slowdown survivors as well as having a way to surprise survivors using the Undetectable effect, but it has a cost of not being able to use drones properly. Also, the lack of built-in deep wounds makes it harder to tunnel off the unhooked survivors.

    Again I do not expect these ideas to be perfect or anything but is there to give a different perspective in terms of her power. I would be glad to hear your opinion on them.

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 107

    OK, so you've nerfed her ability to aim a drone actively by reverting the arm time buff, removed the Haste and Hindered, made her Undetectable clunkier to use, made the radar worse to use, increased her downtime... so how do you plan on making her not absolutely terrible?

    She's already a mediocre Killer at best and what you're suggesting is taking a lot away but not replacing it with anything substantial.

    If she has no lethality to help her down injured Survivors, the Killer is just a harder to play, weaker Legion.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited December 2023

    Delete her from the game, that's it!

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    As someone who has never played the reworked SM and has faced maybe 1 SM, I have little idea of how her power works. It does not help that chucky came out though, probably the most fun killer they have made since Wesker, but anyhow:

    The changes seem to offer more options in a chase or more time to react which is good, hopefully stuff like this will make there be more than 3 people playing her.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,047
    edited December 2023

    While I might be doing a minor Necro here, I believe the suggestions here are very healthy and would improve the counterplay vs. Skull Merchant considerably. Generally I believe all of this is a very good take.

    The only thing I don't understand is this:

    When Neuroshock is used, every Survivor currently Clawtrapped on the map is instantly shocked (in the vein of Doctor's shock) for 2.5s and receives a 5% Hindered effect for the same duration. Shocked Survivors cannot interact with objects for the duration of the shock and scream, interrupting any actions they were doing.

    I thought the whole point of giving her the neuroshock was to remove the breaking the survivors ankles hinder effect that makes her feel so cheap to go against? Considering a single scanned survivor already grants 3% haste to SM, this gives her an 8% movement speed swing vs. the pursued survivor.

    The biggest consistent complaint vs. Skull Merchant is the fact her power forces you to leave loops. I don't think this necessarily a problem perce' as this is not new... its something that can already be done by Hag, Trapper, Nurse, Clown, etc. Between the fact she has a speed boost (that is hard to track/get a feel for how fast she's actually going), can hide her red light using her drone (without really losing any speed), see you on her radar once you're tagged AND have Killer instinct (making mind games almost impossible), and with the ability to force you into a neuroshock and prevent use of windows/pallets, this seems like plenty of strength without the hinder effect as well to me.... and given the shock from Doctor doesn't have the slow down, it seems curious SM would get one in conjunction with all the other things in her kit.

    So to try and resolve the above frustrations and give some compensation for the complete loss of hindered, I would consider ditching the scaling speed boost based on the number of scanned survivors, as this will rarely be above 2 anyway (but still makes her speed inconsistent and hard to track at loops). I'd suggest making her movement speed a consistent 3% whenever a scanned survivor is within her TR, regardless of how many survivors are scanned, and 5% (or 6%) whenever a claw-trapped survivor is within her TR, again regardless of how many survivors are claw-trapped.

    This makes her a more potent when she commits to a survivor, and gives a natural chase incentive. Getting caught by a claw trap means you now have a faster Skull Merchant coming for you, who can see you via the radar, and if you get hit by another scan, she will get killer instinct and easily catch you at windows and pallets. It also means there is a trade off for her while planting drones to become undetectable, so successfully dipping and getting to another loop means you can buy yourself a reprieve from her speed while she sets up a new drone.

    This also means that it is the chased survivor that is at fault if they are getting pursued by the Skull Merchant, rather that someone else being the cause of the speed boost going against them, so rewards a more skillful survivor who is better at avoiding getting tagged, rahter than them being punished for a teammates mistake.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    I never played skull merchant before the final rework and I hated her with a passion before just as much as everybody but after the rework I played her some to learn how to counter the new powers and since then she has become on of my top played killers next to wraith and pyramid head. I was working on my own post to give my ideas for tweaks to her but now i dont think i need to. I agree with everything you have said and if they implemented these changes I think she would be more fun to verse and play while also having a higher skill ceiling as well.

    I understand the release version had issues but they have mostly been worked out and I would like to see the mindless hate that she still gets at least be reduced. Last night I switched back to wraith just so I could have a serious match. Three teams in a row either DC'd or gave up on hook immediately even before I had done much of anything, and I run full chase build too. No gen regression or slowdown.

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2023

    I thought someone would ask about this: the 5% Hinder for 2.5s is basically there to mitigate the issue Doctor has with Survivors on high ping. Doctor's power routinely doesn't work against Survivors with high ping because on their screen they've dropped the pallet or vaulted the window before the shock hits them. Maintaining a very small Hinder (half her current Hinder strength for less than half the duration) would give her some agency against Survivors whose net sucks without being overbearing.

    Similarly I would not mind Doctor also getting this effect: Doctor's a pretty garbage Killer by all accounts.

  • WiseTraveler
    WiseTraveler Member Posts: 131

    In my opinion, every killer should have a unique and distinguishable power difference. We shouldn't be asking to add powers from other killers to be put on another killer. It's like asking Chucky to be kicked like Victor. I'm all for coming up with a different type of way of catching survivors other than hindrance or doctor shocks though.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,047

    Hmmm... fair point, although it was my understanding that Doctor was disproportionately punished by the MFT era. The 3% against him was especially punishing due to the need for him slow down to shock, consistently screwing up his ability to catch up when using his power.

    Not that I have data outside of to back up that claim of course, there is a mysterious bump for Doctor last month, maybe a correlation with the gen regression meta? However very recently Doctor seems to be on a bigger bump since MFTs nerf.

    I did notice the hindered effect was significantly reduced, maybe its fine? However it feels a little band-aidy to me to keep it, and I'd prefer not to balance around "what if you have a bad ping?", as this disproportionately punishes players with good connections.

    I do actually like Skull Merchant, and I want her to succeed. The shock seems nice, especially in favour of hindered (I'm also keen to hear other ideas if anyone has any).

    However do you have any thoughts on my suggestion for removing her scaling speed, to make it more consistent so survivors aren't having to perform calculations on how many scanned survivors are in effect to understand her speed?

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 107

    Lots of decisions get made with respect given to player ping: hit/Dead Hard validation being the big one.

    If her strength would be fine without the stacking Haste buffs or the Hinder, I'd be okay seeing them go but the goal isn't to nerf her here: it's to raise her skill floor while also giving her more reward for intelligent gameplay so playing her closer to her skill ceiling gives you more tangible rewards.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 727

    I'll just leave this here...

    I honestly believe Skull Merchant to still be an issue simply because she still has no meaningful counterplay to her (especially for SoloQ), the guy in the video goes into it in a rather detailed breakdown.

    She's less obnoxious than before (although the bar was set incredibly low) but her rework shifted the issue rather than fixing it completely.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,047
    edited December 2023

    There is good argumentation in this video. Indeed the huge swing of 13% Hindered + Haste sticks out as the most unfair part.

    I've held the opinion that Skull Merchant is improved, @PixelBush said in one of his previous videos that 'her power is now more importantly buffable', which is a statement I agree with, and also means it is also 'nerfable'. I know you're against nerfing her, and there is counterplay walking under drones, but the precision required by survivor is so much more than SM, it does seem a little unfair for anything outside the very best players, and I think that's where the data points most.

    Unfortunately it is hard to know how much of the stats are players giving up and not playing, vs. How much is actually genuine gameplay. Assuming it is accurate to actually pkaying though... The scanning part of her drones is the direction I wanted her to go instead of the auto detect AoE she had before. I actually have fun sneaking past drones and disabling them... so this is the change that tells me we have potential here...

    However I've always said her kit is really busy, with a lot going on, and this video summed up those points very well. I think the Deep wound is fine, especially as this can is countered by Made For This. Broken is probably fine to have a haphazardly scanned afar effect... realistically any player paying attention while not pressured shouldn't get scanned and can disable drones. The recall though is a little nutty, it feels like disabling a drone shouldn't permit SM to immediately just take it back, especially as the fact it is disabled is information to her as well. Something could be looked at here as well.

    All of this means, I support Pixel's changes above, the nueroshock is a much nicer route in conjunction with her other changes, however I would definitely want the Hindered gone. The haste I would like normalised to only be active when scanned/trapped survivors are in her TR, and to simplify it so that its 3% for a scanned survivor, 5% for a claw trap. Throwing up a new drone to enter undetectable loses the haste, so there is an associated "set up" cost.

    All of this makes it so the survivor has a clearer understanding of the 1vs1, and doesn't make looping SM an automatic death sentence.

    I'm not smart enough to know if this would work, but it seems healthier to me... and I'm determined to keep pushing actual discussion around Skull Merchant, instead of just "Delete her".

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Curare
    Curare Applicant Posts: 5
    edited March 19

    Honestly I lean more towards Skull Merchant's original power because there were a lot of simple solutions to fix her instead of opening a whole can of worms with a new power. This may be the best way to redeem her new power and I'm glad we can discuss it rather than complain about it until the devs eventually do something.

    The new ability name is a little corny though. Maybe Shocker instead?

    Post edited by Curare on
  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Still using this flawed video? That guy is just biased and sets lot of things just to push his agenda...

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited March 19

    Surprisingly I am not fully against most of it (as for most Skull merchant posts I read), but I don't think Neuroshock idea is way to go. It's definetly not more fun to play against than Hindered. As long survivor has pallet, Hindered is not that good.

    I am definetly fine with nerfing drone rotation switching. It should be used only as a tool for drone to adapt for specific loop direction, not spam it so it's impossible to dodge.

    Rotation speed and immunity is fine too.

    I definetly agree with addon changes, those are just bad... I would change Low-Power Mode so rotational speed is reduced only in scouting mode.

    I don't think it is good idea to add more effects to her kit -> Neuroshock. Hindered works and you can play against it. It's not something you get that often anyway. So I wouldn't focus that much on it.

    I think there should be changes to make it easier for new players and more interesting for experience survivors and probably rework her haste.

    For new players:

    • remove broken
    • survivors always get in deep wound when claw trap triggers

    Let's be honest, it should rarely happen to get claw trap outside of chase, but it happens (mainly to new players). You don't need broken in chase and this would give survivors chance to recover, but they are still visible on radar, so good luck with that.

    For veterans:

    • Disarmed drone can't be recalled first 15 seconds and aura is displayed red

    After it disarmed duration is same, but drone can be recalled and aura changes back.

    This will make it kinda trade off drone denial with information as it used to be and funny thing would be disarming drone in chase, so skull merchant is not able to recall and replace it asap. It is possible to do it on safer loops and should be rewarded in my opinion. Helldivers would have fun with this one, when we have so much practice with this right now...

    It's just another thing that would become valid as counterplay against her.


    • remove system of stacks
    • whenever there is survivor displayed on radar, Skull merchant gets 3% haste
    • whenever there is an active claw trap, Skull merchant gets 6% haste (total)

    This should make it kinda easier for survivors to know how fast she actually is. Her stack system is kinda relic of her first version and should be changed.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 727

    I honestly kinda like the idea of limiting the Haste to two "stages" (3% and 6% max) to reduce confusion and overkill potential against inexperienced Survivors (the majority of the playerbase). Although quite frankly I still believe that Haste can stay if Hindered goes or vice-versa.

    Although I'm iffy about the drone broadcasting it's been disarmed through aura change, trading removing info from the Killer for giving info to the Killer is counter-productive, unless the Killer tries to recalI it or sees the drone then a deactivated drone shouldn't show it's been hacked, I hardly ever saw anyone manage a hack mid-chase unless they had a massive headstart.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

     hack mid-chase unless they had a massive headstart

    Issue is there is no point in even trying it, so why would anyone bother other than flex.

    Although quite frankly I still believe that Haste can stay if Hindered goes or vice-versa.

    Haste is way more important to Skull merchant than Hindered will ever be. It's quite rare for me to get to Hindered.

    I think there should be something, so drones can't be ignored when injured, but I wouldn't mind nerfing hindered to like 5%.

    trading removing info from the Killer for giving info to the Killer is counter-productive

    Well, that's how it used to be. You denied her drones, which is not only information, but got claw trap -> mostly information. Currently disarm is kinda boring and I definetly prefered when it was more of an trade off. Disarmed had more impact, but it had draw back.

    Good merchants know you disarmed anyway. Drone aura is not visible when you are disarming and aura is then higher than other drones -> but that is hard to tell on some maps...

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,047
    edited March 21

    Generally like your ideas. 5% Hindered for even just 3 seconds is a slow window vault in most scenarios that count. I've advocated for a while that her speed should be standardised. Mine took the form of chasing a scanned survivor is 3%, chasing a claw trapped survivor is 6%, to keep the survivor you're chasing responsible for their penalty, but if removing broken, then having it off anyone is good.

    I also think a scanned survivor should have their scan appear in red on the HUD for the duration (for both sides) so both can easily see on the HUD when SM has the speed in effect.

    Might be nice if drones placed had like an encryption build up. Drones placed start with 3 direction checks, increasing by 1 check every 10 seconds up to a max of 7. That way it may actually be do-able to disarm a drone in chase.

    With your other changes, and cause of the drone proximity, she can't just recall and throw another one, which would actually make it rewarding.

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 530

    The shock element is quite interesting. I think survivors should spawn with a claw trap with no charges, and for every drone they trigger get a stack, an effect based on add-ons, include a way for survivors to remove stacks that isn't too fast.

    Now you have a chase power that doesn't trigger because some random across the map got a claw trap while the one who in the chase had none and did nothing wrong and has to deal with the haste (that is btw the biggest complaint i have about Skull Merchant, her power seems to be sometimes a bit out of control for both sides with that weird haste).

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 530
    edited March 21

    If stationary drones are to much for you then wait till you find out that Trapper exists, you will probably lose your mind on how OP he is, i mean he straight up downs you with them in chase, incredibly OP isn't it?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 108
    edited March 21

    his traps are avoidable and can be permanently disabled unless he has a add on

    skull merchants drones isn’t avoidable and no crouching and standing still during a chase doesn’t count you’re still gonna end up taking a m1 or wasting a pallet in the first 8 seconds of a chase if you do that and that’s just not counterplay and you can’t really disable them since she can just recall it and immediately replace it in under a second unlike trapper

    unlike skull merchant, trappers traps require brainpower to use unlike merchant who starts out with all 6 of her traps all of which can be replaced in a second and on the go and have a massive radius

    I guess what I’m trying to say is, skull merchant doesn’t require skill nor brainpower.

    Post edited by EQWashu on