Matchmaking ban needs to be reworked

I've already had support tell me theres nothing that can be done/repealed, but something has to be done in regards to the matchmaking ban. I'm currently in the hospital and the hospital wifi is atrocious. I've been kicked from games so many times in the last year and all I've done is accumulate longer and longer bans. Surely they can better assess if I'm cheating by turning off the game cartridge, then just running around the map or in the middle of a ######### gen.

I've dumped so much money on this game in cosmetics and every DLC. The least the developers could do is improve the matchmaking ban situation. At the very least offer appeals as an option, or make the rules more clear for when the ban resets. That shouldn't be some trade secret from me. I'd just like to know if I should wait two days after a ban to reset the counter. But no, heaven forbid I be allowed to play Dead by Daylight.

And the solo queue experience is already garbage, even if the match continues with a bot replacing me. It's not fair to me as a player to miss out on everything.


  • MadDormouse
    MadDormouse Member Posts: 6

    I've been in the hospital for over a year. I even miss having a job. Do you know what that's like? Do you? You clearly don't understand how miserable I am. And this game that makes me happy.

    My point still stands. Go get camped by a basement Bubba.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937
    edited December 2023

    Sorry you're stuck in the hospital, I can relate :( I hope you get better soon!

    I agree with you, the game should be able to discern between an honest DC and a rage quit. If it's impossible, then they should consider having something where they can investigate it and reverse the timer.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,124
    edited December 2023

    I don’t think the game can tell if a dc was intentional or not. While you have your circumstances, the devs also need to think of others as well.

    I’ve had games which were lost simply because someone dc-ed early on in the game when they could have been winnable otherwise. If I lost a winnable game due to a DC and I learnt that the DC was due to unstable wifi, I wouldn’t be very sympathetic.

    It may not be “fair to you”, but the same goes for other players affected by your DC even if there is a bot replacement

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,296
    edited December 2023

    First of all, im sorry about your situation.

    That being said, communities should make rules based on the majority not the minority.

    Most of the people that DC, do so because :

    • they dont like the map or their map offering were rejected.
    • they dont like the killer.
    • they get downed as the first player.
    • they fail a loop.
    • the team dont rescue them within 20 secs.

    I dont want to sound harsh but they should really not have a free pass because of your unlucky situation, and you have to suffer the price it is to be the minority in this case. I feel with you, but we cant have rules made for a very little amount of the player base, that the majority then have to follow, that is not how things work.

    As for the bot replacing you is a good thing as your repeated DCs might otherwise have ruined the game for the rest of the survivors, but i really think the killer should have an option to end the game when all players are dead or replaced with bots, a lot of killers think it really sucks that they are forced to play vs. bots because people DC.

    Get well soon .