Change survivor buttons in lobby

When I ready up I want my selected character to be LOCKED. How is this not a thing in 8 years?
I play with a controller that had back buttons and every couple games I'll ready up and at the last second accidentally swap survivors or if I set my controller down on anything but a flat, hard surface sometimes the button gets pressed. When I ready up it should lock the character I've selected so this doesn't happen
Or, get this, stop pressing the swap survivor button after you've readied up.
There's zero need to take away freedom of choice from players to accommodate your mistakes.
I like leveling up my various survivors while waiting in the lobby.
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I wouldn't mind hate the survivors last min switch anyways.
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Idk if you can read or not but when you ready up on lobby that means you are ready to play. If you wanna level up then don't ready up and let the timer run out until the game starts? Literally doesn't affect you at all but cry more please.
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Get I never thought about that. Lemme go get better at not accidentally hitting a button while picking up my controller or setting it down or moving it. You wouldn't be "locked" into anything unless you are readied up so don't ready up or unready and change. Use your brain a lil buddy
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Again the change doesn't hurt you and would help anyone who has a similar issue. So grow up and realize the world doesn't revolve around you and your non sweaty hands 🤷
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Doesn't really seem to be a big issue, just don't switch characters after you ready up.
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Why are people so mean towards a basic suggestion/request that wouldn’t harm anyone
you realize Op is talking about ready up in the pregame lobby and not ready up to start to search for a lobby?!
when I played controller the character switch happened to me too often on accident by just laying down the controller or quickly grabbing something and the bumping into the controller. It happens and it would actually make sense to lock in the character with ready up - while still being able to switch/level up other characters when taking it out without leaving the lobby?!
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read again, with this request you would still be able to switch and/or level up other chars in the lobby. just not while readied up.
and OP clearly stated it happens on accident when lying down the controller or something. Many people do not just sit in the lobby and hold their controller the whole time when there is nothing for them to do other than wait.
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You wouldn’t be character locked though. That’s the whole point. So you still do not understand.
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I mean… please try to explain to me how you would be inconvenienced by this proposed changed?
you would not be character locked unless you hit the ready up in the lobby with killer/survivors. Which you shouldn’t do if you are still changing characters anyway because anytime everyone can just ready up and then it’s go time and then you would be character locked anyways.
unless you are in a swf and your whole ‚strategy‘ is one of you isn’t setting ready up so that you can all ‚unexpectedly‘ change characters I really don’t see a scenario where anyone would be hindered by this but it could help some people which could kinda count as an accessibility adjustment…
so please, without just insulting me or the op, explain how this change would actually hinder you?
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It autolocks the last few seconds. When you could have just already switched to the character you wanted to play as before tabbing out.
also last second swapping is something already complained about by many killers whatsoever.
i also don’t see how this beneficial experience somehow outweighs OPs or others that struggle with accidental switching because of (possible) accessibility reasons. IMO that’s a very good reason and not a waste of resources at all. Especially considering the reason to keep it as it is boils down to you not even paying attention to the game and demanding no change even when it would directly benefit a minority.
i had problems with this and can only imagine that others are there as well, even when they aren’t vocal about it.
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All they are saying is locking the character when you pressed "Ready" in a Pre-Game lobby (so when the time is ticking down). That's actually a quite reasonable suggestion, why are you so hostile against that?
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Only level headed person on these forums. Thank you 🙏
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Bro you can't argue with people who are set in their toxic mindsets. Thanks for the defense
Post edited by okaayletsgoo on0 -
First, half the game not working is a giant exaggeration.
Second, OP is making a suggestion. Devs decide what gets implemented. Also, this very suggestion would be fairly easy to implement.
Third, ever considered that OP is defending it so strongly against you, bc you constantly trash talking him, downplaying it, neglecting every benefit it might had?
You saying you are not against it in the future. That's new to me, bc in your previous answers there was not a single hint of that, only a bazillion iterations of why that suggestion is stupid and why OP is bad.