Should the MMR boost be lessened if the player "tunnels" and "slugs"?

It's a serious question. Those players are just going to reach a point where they can't catch survivors players and then just derank anyway. I'm kind of tired of having matches where the killer player just leaves their Avatar looking up at the sky and goes AFK.
If you talking about solely for "getting up with mmr for tunnelers", I absolutely agree, let them play against the opponents who know how to deal with this play-style.
As for slugs...? I don't understand why you "implemented" slugging in there tbh.
You also have something about killers afking in your matches...
Please correct your thread. I'm having a "brainfart" each time I'm trying to read what you wrote, not gonna lie.
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You want players who use cheap tactics to rise in MMR, so that they'll go against players who know how to deal with it. If you keep them in lower ranks, that just means the players who don't know how to deal with it have to deal with it even more than before, overall.
Also, slugging is fine? It's not a problem in the same vein as tunnelling.
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You want players who use cheap tactics to rise in MMR, so that they'll go against players who know how to deal with it. If you keep them in lower ranks, that just means the players who don't know how to deal with it have to deal with it even more than before, overall.
Also, slugging is fine? It's not a problem in the same vein as tunnelling.
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I agree with @jesterkind, if players want to play that way, then they should be pushed to play against opponents, who can deal with that, so that others don't have to. It's the same with people that use the strongest loadouts to get carried.
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Tunneling and Slugging being done in a match does not represent a lack of skill.
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Bad killer players giving up against good survivors after inflating their mmr by tunneling inexperienced players is hilarious to me.
On a more serious note i don't think the mmr system will be changed for them. It is working as intended after all.
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I am fine with players who want to sweat getting harder opponents.
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Thing is, decreasing the MMR gain of anyone that tunnels or slugs (good luck programming that) would have the opposite effect. People would be encouraged to tunnel and slug because it would hinder their MMR growth, allowing them to play at a level they were happy at for much, much longer.
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No, I think players who play that way should face tougher opponents. The problem we have right now can be seen by watching any winstreak killer content. They're on game 50 of a winstreak and the survivors still have no clue what to do in a pressure situation. You're usually going to have 1 or 2 survivors in a game who don't understand the assignment
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Your suggestion will punish new/low mmr players for no reason. If killer player is not that good but carried by tunnelling, then they deserves to be stomped by better players. They wanted rise in MMR, so they are getting what they asked.
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Absolutely not, if someone wants to play "tough" they should get increasingly difficult competition until they end up at a point where they get matched with players that do the same.
Even then, matchmaking is more of a suggestion than anything else unfortunately. A lot of the time the games people remember as "sweaty" are actually the ones they SHOULD be getting if they're someone that goes all out on the regular, no matter if we're talking about killers or survivors here.
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They will start getting survivors who are harder to catch and know how to hold M1.
Why punish the lower MMRs and reward the tunneller? Just so they don't derank?
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I agree with every one else here, we should send these people to play against survivors who can handle it.
And speaking of tunneling, I just got tunneled by a Wraith. Ya hate to see it.
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If you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen.
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Should have tunneled back
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Well, he wasted a lot of time trying to kill me, so everyone else got out.
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I completely agree, keep moving up the ones who meet the win conditions and let the low mmr players get chill games.
I wish more survivors were chill with slugging, I love the perks that support it but I usually just get a lot of salt when I try it.
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IT doesnt have to, but still, it often does.
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I think MMR should be balanced around Hooks, chases, generators done and the time of the match more than Kills and escapes.
I'm tired of some matches where i can get a 3k or 4k because someone gave up right at the start and then everyone is hopeless. I don't deserve more MMR as the remaining survivors doesn't deserve lower MMR.
I hope Behavior changes how MMR goes up and down.
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The other way: a killer who slugs most of the time is a very experienced killer that knows how to create pressure at the right moment. Slugging its a very precise strategy to create pressure without hooking.
Begginer killers doesn't slug, just hook and tunnel mindlessly.
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Nah , this is terrible suggestion. If more hooks means more mmr, people will just tunnel and camp more. And then for end game, they will get some kills with Rancor and NOED. So they will stay in same mmr when they won games easily.