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sprint burst and lithe are everywhere

Survivors are not healing anymore. Everyone are tunnelling generators. They are hearing your terror radius and starting run away. You chase them, other generators will repair so fast. You leave, they will back and repair generator again.
Meg and Feng perks are not fun for killers.
Exhaustion perks are so strong. Why only nerf for killers? Why no nerf for survivors?
because those are one of the only exhaustion perks left that are still somewhat viable that haven't been nerfed or completely gutted
30 -
lithe and sprint burst perks are giving free health state to survivor, they are running away before chase starts. if you follow them, you will waste good time. generators are so fast, chases should be fast too for counter them but those perks makes chase longer.
3 -
Is this post satire? “Why no nerfs for survivors”? *MfT has entered the chat.
Healing has been nerfed into the ground and it now takes forever. Why waste time healing when you could be completing gens? Especially in this current gen-kick/regression meta.
I don’t understand killers sometimes. Back when healing was strong with COH, better med kits, etc, they said “healing is far too OP; survivors can heal in a matter of seconds”. Now it’s “survivors aren’t healing enough, how dare they focus on their objective instead of wasting time with nerfed healing”. Do you see the double standard here?
Final point, exhaustion is one of the fairest mechanics in the game. It has a lengthy cooldown and there are many perks/killer-specific add-ons which directly counter it. Reminder that killer always has the advantage, so I fail to see how a short-lived speed boost to help in chase is problematic. Do some killers just want super-easy, short-lived chases? Boring.
37 -
why bring a perk if it doesn't give you an advantage? why do you expect survivor perks to be useless? ofcourse it's going to give them some distance because they are haste related exhaustion perks? that's the whole point? what do you want them to do? also it's not free? they dedicated a perkslot for that perk to do one thing and it's doing it and they have a cooldown?
20 -
Use monitor and abuse if you don’t like pre runners lol
7 -
they give you free health state and survivors are not healing because they are safe with exhaustion perks. they know they can run to shack before chase starts. they can run to safe loops with exhaustion perks. survivors are so safe with exhaustion perks.
why heal when you are safe? they will repair generators even faster. that is broken.
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honestly better than dh or mft. its boring af tho
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why heal when you could be doing a gen? = play survivor for once then you'll get it. it doesn't give them a free health state either- you're stretching it to make it sound dramatic.
10 -
survivors can't "tunnel" a gen - not the same way a killer can tunnel a survivor at least. And that's the comparison we're making here, no? They can stack up three people on a gen... but contrary to killer, where stacking three hooks on one survivor is the most efficient way to go, if you're somewhat competent in chase and can actually down the survivor and put them on a hook in time, that is, survivors stacking a gen is the least efficient way of doing gens (except in a three gen scenario where they're stacking the crucial gen to get it out of the way). Plus, there's that whole point where survivors don't complain about tunneling because it's efficient but because it basically completely denies four players a full game experience; the one who's tunneled doesn't really get to play the majority of the match and the other three start out playing M1 simulator, followed by punching bag simulator.
Plus, as others have mentioned, depending on what peeves you about exhaustion perks, killers do have a number of options to counter them. - Mindbreaker(/Fearmonger) is one of the ones I like when I get a bit fed up with SB-prerunning or the good old walk-first-then-run. Yes, if they have their exhaustion recovered it helps them time SB perfectly and to keep Lithe for another vault - but it will keep them from recovering their exhaustion. And you can use their pre-running habits: Scare them off the gen, don't bother to actually chase; they have used SB anyway. Scare another one off a gen and then go back to the first one; given your description they have returned to their gen. But this time without SB. There you go, easy hit. (And that's assuming Lithe and SB would lead to so much chase time extension that commiting to a surv, who has one of those perks equipped, would actually mean throwing the game/be equivalent to overcommitting.)
As for the survivor perspective it's really easy: Atm everything in the game tells you "lol, just don't get hit bro - ez". Between Proxy-camping, tunneling, Painres-Pop being omnipresent and healing taking ages as is, topped with Mangled/Hemorrhage in various shapes and forms, there's just very little else the vast, vast majority of survivors* can do when they don't want to count on the killer messing up colossally or deciding to go out of their way to two hook everyone before killing the first surv.
\*I feel compelled to point out that things might look a little different for e.g. Hens and frens or guys like Ayrun or JRM (and others on their level) when they're not goofing around but actually trying and hard and sweating. Then again, as survivor they're imo more or less comparable to a sweating Alf or Zaka or Knightlight playing Nurse, Wesker or Blight or whatever they like to sweat and stomp with in pubs. And since those guys stomp both as surv and as killer in pubs it's more of a player / pubs(aka MMR) thing than a surv-killer thing.
4 -
Now, this is a surprise. Over years Exhaustion Perks have been nerfed. First Balanced Landing, then DH, then MFT. And other Exhaustion-Perks introduced were just bad (aside from MFT, obviously).
And then the Survivors use the last remaining good Exhaustion-Perks? What a surprise!
Guess what, if they nerf Sprint Burst, you will see way more Lithe.
And why people dont heal... Because it might not be viable anymore. If the Killer brings AT LEAST two strong Perks which regress Gens (Pain Res and PGTW are probably in every game I played yesterday) and tops it of with some form of Mangled (Sloppy Butcher, if M1-Killer, Mangled Add On, if available), you reach the point where healing is not really an option anymore.
Yesterday against a Sadako, I did three Gens (2 alone, 1 with another Survivor) while injured and on Death Hook. I HIGHLY prefer to be healthy, but it was just not possible. So I rather have my 9% Resilience and try to rush the Gens to get Adrenaline. (I did not survive the Match, but two Survivors got out and I like to believe it is due to me being efficient on Gens)
And you can expect more of this gameplay if the Devs dont look at stacking Regression Perks or Mangled. There will be a Mangled-Update (thank God), but stacking of Regression Perks is still as miserable as it was for years. And if this is the case, you will see more Survivors just focussing on Gens.
16 -
In summery*, due to killers getting what they wanted and healing getting nerf'd, without any attention to the impact of mangled on said healing nerf, survivors no longer heal. Due to the tunnel meta which killers control 100%, pre-running and just staying tf away from the killer is top priority. These are the two functions of survivors, as a direct result of killer requests/actions.
*: Gonna hop on the us vs them train to see what it's like.
24 -
Tunneling seems to be at its peak so survivors are having to just do gens as fast as possible in order to escape. But then on the flip side killers are having to tunnel because survivors are doing gens so fast... It's an endless cycle.
Also these two perks are completely fine. And survivors have indeed had nerfs just like killers, killers gets buffs, survivors get buffs, it's not a one sided thing in terms of perk buffs and nerfs.... You say no survivor nerf but MFT which is argueably the strongest exhaustion perk got nerfed...
4 -
There is no such thing as gen-tunnelling. Not sure who invented this but even gen-rushing was far-fetched.
People overall "rush" matches instead of having a nice long one and ultimately: fun.
Exhaustion perks are absolutely fair and they are easily countered with Fearmonger.
13 -
Healing has been nerfed to the ground and yet self healing is still too strong
Medkits need to be nerfed more
0 -
I checked off like 4 different spots on my bingo card with this one.
For future reference, it's spelled 'TuNnElLiNg GeNs'.
You can also save a ton of words at this point and instead of complaining that survivors are injured, just complain that they don't start out on hook at the start of the match. Since apparently 'healthy' and 'injured' aren't allowed for any reason any more.
13 -
People told me i am overacting when i said SB and Lithe are next lol.
20 -
Dude... you're making killer mains look bad.
As a member of the council of dirty killer mains, we don't claim him.
9 -
This will be the 1 post the devs take seriously, lol. This has GOT to be a troll post. Brand new profile and everything. Only thing he's missing is a Clown pfp.
11 -
Yeah ppl will look at this post and say "See I told you killer mains will complain about Sb and Lithe soon" by just looking at this single post, as pretending like OP is representing all the killer players of the world.
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Fearmonger/Mindbreaker completely negates the frequent use of SB and Lithe, plus there are several killer powers that also easily overcome these perks.
1 -
Killer mains wanted Dead Hard to be nerfed, and now they complain about Lithe and Sprint Burst 😂 You guys had it coming, cuz me and my close friends also said that this would happen when Dead Hard was nerfed
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I think its the speed of the turn around that surprises me the most. Like I knew we'd eventually get there, but MFT's corpse isn't even cold yet.
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Mine too. Looks like, smells like, tastes like... Hmm...
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Decisive strikeDead hardMade for this- Windows of opportunity
- Distorsion
- For the people + Buckle Up
- Sprint burst
- Lithe
Survivors need to adapt.
15 -
At this point "adapt" for survs is just a code word for "pick out a hook and throw yourself on it."
14 -
I don't even like Exhaustion Perks as a survivor.
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And here I am with my Nea still using Balanced Landing.😑
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"The end result is that the survivor gets away from them with out loosing a healt state."
I mean, you know that you need to chase and hit survs to make them losing health states or do you want them to suddenly go down while repairing gens? Do you want telekinetic hits?
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Healing should have never been nerfed.
20 -
I mean, if you want the game balanced around survivors sitting on a deadzone Gen that forced to getting a free hit.
5 -
I did a half ment joke that SB, Distortion and Lithe will be the next perks killers are going to complain after the recent nerfs, and it is really happening! ALREADY!
I really cant do this anymore, its just to ridiculous. Comedy gold, but mindcrushing at the same time.
Post edited by xEa on10 -
What do you mean "tunneling generators"
13 -
There are gonna be some perks that are annoying...if they didn't annoy you as killer then they wouldn't be any good. The point of every good survivor perk is to escape and help others escape. The killers goal is to let no one escape. These perks are strong but fair. Just like pop and BBQ are for killer. If the game is too easy for one side the other side will quit. Gotta look at it in a more fair way...I want survivors to play so they need to have a chance to win or they will not play.
5 -
It's still flawed logic though. Just because someone used SB or Lithe doesn't mean a hit is denied. It may be delayed but not denied. Meanwhile DH or OTR grants endurance which is actually more comparable to a health state. Just because you made some distance doesn't mean you're invincible. So saying SB and Lithe grants you a "free health state" is still incorrect and just an exaggeration.
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"Waltuh, put your flashlight away Waltuh. I'm not juking the killer with you right now"
9 -
Play stronger killers, if you find people slamming gens and not healing then find killers that punish them for it. Oni, spirit, dredge all love injured survivors, and you can always just play blight / nurse
If stronger killers isn't an option then use perks that counteract survivors doing gens like pop, pain res, and gridlock (this one is my favorite), or perks like ruin to get a bit of extra time for corralling survivors off gens
0 -
Perks that modify your terror radius or give undetectable are great against people that refuse to heal. And they don't have MFT to bail them out anymore (a survivor perk that got nerfed recently). There are balancing issues in this game but Lithe and SB are fine.
This is just confirmation bias. One random person complaining does not prove that killer players are out to get lithe and SB. If you where right there would be a lot more complaints like this and more people agreeing with them.
4 -
The year is 20xx. The last 4 survivor players are choosing between a 105% for 2 seconds sprint burst and a 110% for 1.5 seconds lithe. the 8 required generators take 10 minutes each. toolboxes can reduce this by a maximum of 3 seconds with ideal addons. the killer meta includes a perk that permanently exposes all survivors and shows their auras. somewhere, a killer player is calling the game survivor sided because the survivors finished a whole generator before getting the 4k.
19 -
Who cares? Lithe and Sprint Burst usually frontload all their power and you can decide, right at the start of the chase, if its worth pursuing this survivor or to go after someone else. DH and MFT were disgusting, due to their soul crushing nature, dangling the price right in front of your nose, but snatching it away time and time again, letting you die a little bit inside each and every time you got "outplayed" by them.
Yes, I sometimes roll my eyes when a survivor SB away from a gen, right when I approach or when they vault back over a dropped pallet and zoom off, but thats just "their power". Exhaustion perks are essentially the survivors main power and nearly everyone will be running one. And as far as exhaustion perks go, SB and Lithe are about as basic and baseline as they get. Just leave this perks be, least us killer mains will be accused of moving the goal post and going after "the next best thing after you murdered DH and MFT!!!1" or "survivors are not allowed to have strong perks :V".
SB and Lithe are pretty strong in the right hands, but not gamebreaking or soulcrushing or suffacoting. They got way around them, counterplay or you just deal with them and soldier on. My favorite SB users are those that walk in front of you, baiting an attack and zooming off just before you could hit them. If you never swing, they lose massive distance by letting you getting that close and its often pretty easy to catch up to them afterwards.
8 -
No, not "killer mains", "some very few killer mains". Most of us couldn't care less about SB and Lithe being the main exhaustion perks, their very nature will never allow them to be as gamebreaking and soulcrushing as DH and MFT were. So go ahead, my lovely survivors, and SB and Lithe away at your hearts content. Sometimes you will get away, sometimes I will catch you, but now its a fair game.
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Oof, thats rough. Someone, please make this a short animation spoof of "A Christmas Carol" with Trapper as the MC. "A Very Foggy Christmas". He then wakes up in his bed in the cowshed, drenched in blood and unhooks a Dwight next match, who had SB away.
4 -
And here we go again
8 -
So you just don't want survivors to be healed at all if they nerf medkits. Like just at that point just cancel dbd altogether bc the game will surely die. Nobody will play it then you will complain about that.
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SB and lithe are fine, what exactly do you think they should do OP that would still make them worthy of being run? Also Survivors have gotten plenty of nerfs recently(healing, mft, 6.1.0, dead hard)
6 -
6 -
Strange, there are more "I called it" posts than there are agreeing with OP (unless I missed one, I don't see any.) In fact there are multiple saying killer side doesn't agree with this guy. Also OP only has 3 upvotes at the time of this post.
SB and Lithe aren't a problem, and most people agree with that.
9 -
No, I'm saying that they're still too strong: you can still actively get two full self heals without dedicating a single perk for item consumption + syringes are still a thing which has no place in a balanced game
1 -
No kidding... You're gonna have a hard time finding people who agree with OP, but I'm seeing a lot of "Killers want it nerfed" from the replies. While I may have some things that irk me about DBD still, this ain't it.