Underated or bad perk you just cant keep yourself from using.

All you pain res enthusiasts can leave.
This is about the weird and quirky perks.
What perks do you guys like. Not only because they are strong or useful in every situation. Perks that have niche but fun effects. Perks, you use despite others telling you: "wow, really? THAT perk?".
Ive seen a lot of people using rapid brutality the last few days, therefore the idea for this post.
My personal favourite is huntress lullaby. Its an hilariously bad perk that is even more funny when it works. Cant keep myself from using it.
Potential Energy just because I like the animation.
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True. The blue pattern is fascinating.
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I keep trying to use Empathetic Connection with Autodidact with hopes of getting a "Come to me my child" build going...
So far it's been maybe 1 game out of 30 games where it has actually done something and my team has figured out to come to me for heals... the rest of the time I finish the game sat on 2 stacks 😭
Edit: more often than not it leads to rage when said teammates can see my aura working on a 90% complete generator in the middle of a 3 gen, and decides to bring the killer straight to me.... it's like I know you can see me man!!!! 🤬
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Third Seal.
It can be deceptively strong.
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I tried to use the same build but it ended up with getting sandbagged way to often.
My favorite perk combo is Chemical Trap + Flashbang + Blast Mine. It has no specific reason other than being the most evil survivor build there is.
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I like that it always helps at least a little, but occasionally being faster than the survivors while carrying ends up carrying the game.
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Surveillance. It's a tracking Perk with 0 counterplay.
It gives you really nice info, I combine it with Discordance so those 2 tell me how many Survivors are on a gen.
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Dark Devotion - Unique and niche obsession-stealth perk that can bring the funnies
Thrilling Tremors - I just think it's neat
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Try running it with ruin
the combo isn’t strong like it used to be but it was something when ruin didn’t self destruct upon killing a survivor
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I use it with Pain Res so it tells me which gen got hit or if someone is still there.
Other than that, I kick gens for tracking. And I personally don't want Hex Perks in my main builds. I use them when I do fun builds.
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That's a really underrated combo actually.
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Made For This.
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If I'm in a good mood and just vibin', sometimes I like to put on distressing and my two favourite mix tapes (Julie's & Susie's) so that Survivors can hear Legion's awesome terror radius theme all over the map. I call it the Legion mobile disco build.
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Does it completely work as intended now?
I know it was bugged for a long while, where it provided false information.
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I really like dark devotion. So many stupid situations happen with this perk.
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Try it in combination with undying and huntress lullaby.
Braught me many tears of laughter.
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I've played Balanced Landing + Spine Chill on my Nea since '17. 🤣
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A distressing enjoyer.
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I played with a Steve earlier who was running Autodidact and Empathetic Connection. It was actually quite smart, everyone was absolutely coming to him and he wound up with super fast heals.
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Neither of the below are true any longer, but for the first six months that I played the game they very much were:
For a long time I was stuck on empathy. The first character I played was Claudette and I was so used to having empathy that it was really hard to move away from because I'd just grown accustomed to the auras.
On killer, probably Bloodhound. Again this is a perk that I stuck with because of early game play, but I find those extra seconds that blood trails stay visible make it incredibly easy to find injured survivors.
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As survivor: autodidact...because I love when my SWF mates rage when I am healing them and they found out I brought it again.
As killer:hangmans trick. Because it is completely useless. I like to equip it on blight with no other perks to baffle players in the endgame. I pair it with black ward and no add ons so they think im crazy
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Spies from the Shadows, especially on Ghostface. It’s a pretty good tracking perk that no one ever expects. Also it’s pretty funny to think about the killer talking to the birds.
Unfortunately because Ultimate Weapon is making everyone run Calm Spirit the birds refuse to speak to me.
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At least that is one person who achieved the dream xD
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Interesting. I'm curious if others also use beginner perks for a longer time, because they provide essential value that goes beyond the obvious.
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As Killer, my top 3 underated Perks are:
1. Dark Devotion: This is such a fun Perk to use, both adding stealth as well as unnerving Survivors when the Obsession runs into them. Such a fun confusion perk.
2. Forced Penance: Gets far more usage than some people think, especially with altruism. Also, if everyone is bundling in on you, there's no cooldown to worry about. The effect is pretty strong too.
3. Hex: Two Can Play: This is a fun meme Perk which actually is more useful than some make out. Seeing Survivors running into walls and obstacles after slamming a pallet is just funny to watch.
As for Survivor...
1. Lightweight: I'm certain this is slept on. So many Killers have lost me because of this Perk.
2. No One Left Behind: This is such a great Perk, whenever I make it to the end with this. It feels like I'm cheating, basically. The information is staggering and worth the pay-off in my book.
3. Scene Partner: It just keeps making me laugh for some reason. It's useful, although often can screw me over unless "Calm Spirit" is thrown in the mix. More of a pain when trying to do something, but it's just a stupid, dumb, fun Perk that I cannot help but love.
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Bloodhound for sure. It’s so nice being able to find Survivors you normally wouldn’t.
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I imagine the aura readings ones would be the hardest to get away from. If you play with one from the start it just feels like a base game mechanic and suddenly missing it feels strange.
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Not sure if it counts, but I bring Mad Grit a lot without any other carrying perks.
I just think it's funny.
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Does Rapid Brutality count? Cuz personally I think that perk is insane especially with STBFL and I can't stop running it on all my builds.
I am horribly impatient on chases so it felt like it was meant for me with how fast it gets you back into the chase after a hit.
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No one mentioned Gearhead still? Really? One of the most underrated perks right now.
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It an be quite useful but RNG is a thing
And I pair that with Surveillance
Also Whispers
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lol It's fun to make survivors scream after they drop a pallet on my face.
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i love autodidact and solidarity together on survivor.
on killer... i almost never use pain res, deadlock or corrupt idk if that counts lol. i like gearhead on some killers and love floods, which is an incredibly underrated perk for some reason.
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Apparently Lightborn. People seem to think this perk is unnecessary and i think otherwise because...
Avoiding flashlight saves is becoming damn near impossible since they buffed background player coupled with the buff they did to flashlights with the knight chapter. Background player also improved the usability of Flashbang.
You also can't avoid being blinded when breaking pallets and vaulting. Yes, you can hear the survivor, but not only do they know this and can use it to mislead you, light footed was added which silences your footsteps when healthy.
They also buffed blast mine significantly (120 second duration) you cannot avoid the blind of this normally so lightborn helps with that and it reveals the culprit, allowing you to serve justice!
I'd rather not push myself so hard and just use lightborn so i can focus on other things other than dealing with blind tools.
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It needs an audio notification, too easy to miss.
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xD i tried it too but better equip Empathy or AfterCare tho because most survivor will heal themselves with Medkit or SelfCare.
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Even though it got nerfed from PTB, it's still good. You just have to be smart with it and don't trigger the 5th skillcheck at a time that is disadvantageous for you. Get the first 4, then wait to hit the 5th one until you have something else to do like healing or unhooking someone, or alternatively, be like me and run it with a boon build and you can go do a totem while waiting out the penalty so you're still being efficient with your time. (The full build is Scavenger/Circle of Healing/Shadow Step/Detective's Hunch)
Gearhead is super underrated. I really like using it on Wraith personally.
I've been running this ever since Empathic Connection released - it's one of my favorite combos to use. Autodidact by nature doesn't work every game but when it does it feels SO good and it helps counter Sloppy too.
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Because many have mentioned autodidact,
Breakdown in my opinion is very underrated, for 3 minutes the hook is destroyed, imagine if it was a scourge hook, the spawn location already random and then destroyed by breakdown again.
In my opinion, if breakdown becomes a meta perk (at the level of distortion) I'm sure all killers will scream for this perk to be nerfed.
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Terminus. You can hit teams stacking Adrenaline completely off guard.
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I use Whispers on most of my killers. I know there are better alternatives and Whispers still messes me up at times but I just really like it.
I forced myself to use Discordance on a few others and that's so much better in many situations but I still just love Whispers so much.
Also, when I shut the hatch and gotta patrol gates, nothing is better than Whispers. I've only ever lost like two survviors through gates ever with it.
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Sure does, I started using it myself.
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This actually made me laugh xD
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I’ve always liked using soul guard
Even if no one uses hexes the endurance from being revived is still awesome
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Agree, i'm keep saying it since its last buff. But it very useful even without it.
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You should consider swapping out one of those boons for Overzealous, it brings the whole thing together really nicely. The time spent setting up your chosen boon also gives you more generator repair, on top of the toolbox you brought in.
That's my answer to the OP's question, at least. Overzealous, paired with a boon and Detective's Hunch. Really nice build.
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shadowborn. i dont play projectile killers.
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Calm Spirit.
It's so good because not only do crows leave you alone but it completely counters doctor!!
I really hate doctor
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Well if you're running autodidact you probably deserve the rage. Bad survivor. Go sit by the hook.
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i really would and want to use boons but i every time i think of it i instantly get flashbacks to the times when coh was meta and even then people would cleanse dull totems. it was infuriating.