Gen speeds are extremely fast... What would be better? Base kit Corrupt, or 10 Seconds added to gens

A while back 10 Seconds were added to gens, which I think was a much needed and solid change on the game, but in terms of dealing with the current gen speeds going so fast, I don't think adding another 10 seconds per gen is the best way to handle this. 1. That would be more boring for the survivor side for what I enjoy, and 2. I think Base kit corrupt can help with a lot of these issues.
Base kit corrupt would help all killers out, while also helping to deal with the larger maps, and also helping to deal with survivors spawning right on top of the objectives.
I know it's not optimal to spawn and work on a corner gen, but often times that's what survivors, including myself do. It's fast and convenient, and gets the gen done usually before the first down.
However when the killer has corrupt the survivors are forced to work there way into the map, and explore more to see what gens are not blocked, and what they have to work with.
This I think makes it more on par with killer since the killer has to also work their way into the map to find their objectives (i.e. finding survivors to chase).
It would be really unfair for the killer to spawn next to a survivor. Which is why it doesn't work like that. It should also be seen that it's really unfair for survivors to spawn next to the gens. Since we don't want the maps to be huge, it's hard to spawn a survivor away from a gen, which Is another reason why I think base kit corrupt would help. It would allow survivors to spawn next to gens, just ones that are blocked for the first minute of the game.
This would allow both sides to get set up properly and begin the match at "the same time". Because as it feels for killer right now it's like survivors start a minute before you do.
The issue with that is how disproportionately it helps different Killers.
Sure Killers like Trapper and Hag or Myers could really use the early slowdown (Corrupt is almost mandatory when climbing the MMR ladder) but the issue is that for Killers like Nurse & Blight it would basically be giving them a headstart and most likely a down before a gen is halfway done.
Powerhouses don't need a basekit early-game slowdown or advantages that further widen the gap between them and the rest. It's the whole reason why nerfing STBFL and Sloppy is a bad idea: they can barely use those perks but weaker/M1 Killers can use them well.
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Unironically the best way to slow gens right now would be to buff DS.
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Adding more time to gens (even if I agree, gens can be really fast) would be horrible idea in my opinion. Against mobile killers it would be imposibble to win especially with slowdown perks.
Maybe there should be a general slowdown based on how many gens left, and how many people still alive.
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The problem is that some killers don't really need to help and making a system that works differently depending on the killer being played wouldn't feel good either.
A possible idea is to apply a repair penalty for the first minute or until a survivor becomes injured. That way survivors can still progress gens they spawn by, but killers who can get a first hit in quickly won't benefit from the system nearly as much.
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The problem with gen rush is that if you don‘t you lose. The times are already too high and wasting time makes the difference in winning or losing. That makes survivors even more gen rush. Maybe reducing the time would make games last longer (80s).
I personally would like generator events (malfunction) to be introduced where we get skill checks like with merciless storm and there is a higher chance to appear when more people are working on gens. When failed the gen gets blocked for a short time. Or reducing the time to 70s and you have to find oil etc for them.
Giving killer better base regression could also make it better for example kicking a gen gets rid of 5 more % of progress.
Post edited by jonifire on0 -
The only thing is, I think killer should have a down before the first half of a gen. The killer needs 12 hooks, and survivors need 5 gens. Even if you get a down every half a gen, you still have to do 10 hooks in that time to keep up.
Perhaps for the base kit corrupt idea, it's 60 seconds (half of corrupt), it works the same as corrupt, and then the actual perk corrupt can add another 60 seconds and make it so it doesn't go away if you down a survivor. That way killers who need set up can still run it, but they don't have to if they are confident 60 seconds will be enough.
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Between 3 genning, Pain Res, Pop, Corrupt, Deadlock, Jolt, Pentimento, overcharge, No Way Out, and tunneling/camping etc, doing anything to increase gen times would make escaping in solo q nearly impossible.
And we really need to stop pretending like M1 killers just lose every game at higher mmr. They don’t. Just ask anyone who mains a m1 killer and considers themselves “high mmr”. I’m willing to guess that their win rate (3k or better) is somewhere near 75%-80%.
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The issue is that would require BHVR recognsing an imbalance in killer strength, which if they're happy with killer balance as it currently stands, they are never going to do.
And presumably they are happy with killer balance as it currently stands, because if they weren't we'd be seeing major changes to make them happy.
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I'd rather say instead of making gens take longer, they should make them harder to finish.
Or "you have to pay attention to them" if "harder" is too much for the survivors.
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I'd rather see another mandatory objective so killer can have a bit more time while survivor gameplay is not "more skill check simulator", gens are already boring and 0 interesting as they are, don't need more of that.
Or give gens extra mini games to make them more interesting, but that would require changing every skill check related perks.
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You can just change spawning system, so it never happens each survivor spawns on different gen. That's situation where most killers are going to lose.
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At the current state of the game (Chucky is the latest killer in 7.4.0) I think gens are just designed badly. I would redesign the objective sense of it completly because there are facts we can't skip in the game IMO:
- Gens at 90 seconds can be rushed down incredibly fast if a team is at least slightly coordinated on completing objectives
- Some slowdown perks are getting value more than others and stacking them is not good for game health I think ("Hostaging" meta)
- After more than 7 years simple M1 objectives need a touch-up I think.
- Also reworking gens [and maybe even hooks] would freshen the game up, and if implemented correctly the game would not lose it's identity.
To sum up I think the game at this time is just plain and not much is involved. I guess an overhaul would fix stuff (change objectives, add game modes, items, power&perk variants possibly, etc.) because I played this game for multiple years and it lost it's fun and exciting feeling when it started to look more like a prank wars, where both sides (and survivors amongst themselves sometimes) have to screw with each other.
To me this was one of the 1st games i put more than a thousand hours into and it just became stale because of the toxicity, the old and dumb mechanics that stayed in the game, the constant bashing of one side before the other gets any changes, And the huge issues that are not addressed or band-aid fixes that just doesn't sit right when playing the game.
I'm so sad that this game is a rubble, and it needs some serious fixes.
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That would be a really cool idea!