Game modes I would like to see!

Hey in the survey they asked about some possible new game modes.
Here are these I would absolutley love to see in the game.
First is of course the 2 Killer 8 Survivor mode. That sure can be so much fun, just if the killers both are not use any dirty tactics. But still fun.
Next would be the 5 v 5 I would understand it like the killer of each team have to get the survivors of the other team and the survivors need to make the gens to keep their points high. That would be so much fun too. Since that also would mean you can play in a group of five where one plays the killer? If it would be like that it would be so funny.
Also the hide and seek mode would fun. And the Among Us mode. But I hope the killer see himself as the killer he choose.
I also do like the mode where the Killer is gigantic while the survivors are tiny. I think it would be fun as well.
And I am not sure bout the mode where you become the killer when you got caught, but maybe it is fun as well.
I hope these modes all or at least some will come into the game, because the game needs more relaxing game modes. I think the killers and survivors nowadays are so mean to each other cause how they play, that it would be good to take tension out of it. It is spiraling down more and more. And that is why I hope some of these modes will find their way into the game to give us all some good time.
Take care of you guys, and Killers as such as Survivors, be kind and killing with kindness please XD
I liked idea of 5v5 and both Tag versions.
VIP would be terrible mode tho.
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I am with you the VIP mode would be really bad. It was the mode where one is the obsession who only can open the gate right? And as soon as this person hang it is over right? Yea that sounded nowhere near fun.
I also would see how it would turn out. The killers just focus on that one survivors the most and the survivor who is chosen as obsession just hide as long as it is possible. That is no fun.
I really hope at least the 5v5 the double wedding and these among us version will come. And the normal tag version would be the best. And the hide and seek could be fun to, but not with these every few seconds aura reveal, because that would be a bit annoying so you have to change your position every few seconds. That is too much. But we will see.
I think when they just ask about all these modes in the survey they already working on them cause why would they ask if they do not already knew that the one and only mode in DBD is not enough anymore. And I for myself at least hope that will really help to get so much fun back in the game.
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There's room for all of the suggested modes, but personally i would rather have game modes that differs more than just slightly from the current mode we have, as i believe the game will benefit the most from those types of mode, since it would offer different ways for people to enjoy the game when they're bored with the current mode.
Maybe one day dbd can get a Survivor racing game mode like the one Identity V has.
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Or Imagine a mode where the survivors can fight back haha. Or a mode where a group of killers play against a group of survivors in a mode of snowball fight or stuff? But not only in event than more all time. At least in winter.
But I am not sure if they should go all away from the base. I just have no idea what they could do. Maybe some kind of legendary missions for the killers and survivors where they have to play against the entity itself before it got them?
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I don't think DBD would fit best for an entity boss fight, that would have to be it's own entire game as i have a feeling doing it in this game would just come off as anti-climatic.
Although not like any of them could actually harm The Entity physically.
Maybe a Soul-type DBD game or some DBD fighting game with The Entity as the final boss that cannot be played as because it's too overpowered to be played as. (kinda like Master Hand and Crazy Hand boss fight in Smash Bros)
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There were many new game modes suggested, but I think bHVR does not need to copy other games into their own.
Community have been asking for 2v8 for a very long time, this could introduce Killer Lobbys and Kill with friends in the main menu.
two survivor teams vs each other for generator control vs 2 Killers would also be a good idea. using 2v8 as base.
idd really hate to see that 2v8 which is the oldest suggestion for this game get side lined for bHVR to rip off prophunt or amongus.
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I think vip would be fun but only with a 4 swf
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Yea that would be nice too, The master hand idea. But therefore any survivor need some special moves and the killers will be the stage bosses.
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But these game modes could be fun here as well. Even you do not really like to see it along with the one mode which is wished for so long time. I absolutley understand it. But it just is natural that game developers go with the current stuff. And Among Us and Prop Hunt just is very popular. And sure it is just a copy, that is why I do not set it above the 2v8 or 5v5 but it would be my next game mode I would like to see in this game. Since imagine an Among Us Mode with survivors and killers in it. Or a tag mode.
And maybe I repeat myself but I think if they just suggested the modes, they already work on some of them. So I am very curious which game mode comes first to the game.
The least likeable mode I saw in the survey was the lottery where all items and perks are random. That is not good.
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But these game modes could be fun here as well. ... But it just is natural that game developers go with the current stuff.
Could be, or could be bad copies. But you say its natural the game developer would go with current stuff, then they should go with 2vs8 because that is not only a current mode suggested, its literally their game but twice the input.
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Yea I have to admit before start playing the game I thought it was already a game mode because I saw videos with two killers and 8 survivors haha. But to see that they did not really have another gamemode since the game was released was quiet disappointing. But I think they now want to give the players some good modes. I really hope that they not just do one mode and leave out all the rest. They should really add more modes.
Sure the first which really has to come is the 2v8 but since it is not really a big game changer, and maybe do frustrate more gamers, since nowadays the players are pretty much toxic to each other, it should be something, what make the players have more fun again.
Also even when it is double the input, it just is the same basic system. I think a little twist which do not put the players in some anger would be good. That is why I also recommend the Among Us Gamestyle. Since here it is more about fun than try hard. And it sure will be much fun when I think, how the killer try to get anyone while pretend to be a survivor. And for that I think they also should maybe change the angle of view from the survivors to first person too. Or change the view of the killer to third person too. Because when the survivors just can look around everywhere if someone got killed, they knew already who it was and just are too op
I think it would be fair if all have the first person view what make it hard to see anything around you more so the killer would have more opportunities. Also the killer can not see if anyone saw him when he do not check if it is safe