Why is Nemesis contamination the outlier of all infections?

Wesker - The Uroboros Infection builds over time. Upon reaching Critical Infection, the Survivor suffers from the Hindered Status Effect, reducing their Movement speed by -8%. If The Mastermind grabs and slams a Critically Infected Survivor while using Virulent Bound, he will automatically begin to carry them.
Plague -
- Hitting a Survivor will cause them to become infected.
- Hitting an environmental object will cause it to become infected for 40 seconds.
- Survivors interacting with infected objects will also become infected themselves.
Sick survivors cough.
A Survivor's Sickness Meter increases each time they are hit by Vile Purge. Once the meter is filled, they are put into the Injured State and suffer from the Broken Status Effect. A sick Survivor will vomit at random intervals, infecting nearby environmental objects as well as other Survivors.
Nemesis? Survivors cough.
#########? Are the devs trolling?
I think the devs just consider whips very strong which is why both Nemesis and Xenomorph have built in nerfs to their power which sure I guess.
I do think contamination should mean more than Nemesis can hurt you lol even if it just means survivors can spread it to each other. Not much of a virus if it isn't infectious.
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I don't think it makes sense either. Nemesis contamination should at least help the zombies in some way. Zombies could immediately sprint at maximum speed to a nearby infected survivor?
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I would say it is mostly because of the very limited amount of cures for the infection... On Wesker, if he does not constantly switch targets, you have enough sprays to last the entirety of the game... Their reasoning was basically two hits is too little on Nemesis...
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There are 2 ways to buff contamination
- Zombies get bonus movement speed and detection range for every survivor infected.
- Contamination inflict debuffs.
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Nemesis=survivor cough and can be damaged after infection.
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You should not really compare Nemesis to Plague or Wesker. While they all resolve around infection, Nemesis is the only one who can hit over Pallets and Windows with his ability. Plague can only do so when using Corrupt Purge, and this is completely unaffected by Survivors being infected or not (at least to a point). And Wesker cannot do this at all.
I dont really understand why people always ignore the fact that Nemesis can get a lot of good Hits when the Survivor is infected. And the number of supply cases is really limited.
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it has a debuff but the number are so bad that you do not notice it. when nemesis hit you with whip... your suppose get hindered for 20% for 0.2 seconds. he has add-on called licker togue that supposedly increases it by 0.2 seconds but difference is so minor that no one notices it. under-powered killer that they might eventually fix one day.
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lol, he does not. Any of the buffs I've seen thrown around are either patently ridiculous (rocket launcher) or missing the point.
He is only weak against extremely strong players. His Tentacle is downright oppressive in the right hands and turns almost every loop in the game into something significantly less safe if not an outright death trap.
The fact that there are only four vaccine crates requires that his Infection do no more than make you more audible to Zombies and allow you to be injured via Tentacle.
His two main weaknesses are the early-game, which I mean, almost every Killer not named Blight or Nurse has issues there; and then his lack of movement which could be offset by Zombies, if the AI were fixed.
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It needs to be buffed.
- Make the infection deadly : If survivor is infected for 3 whole minutes they die and a zombie spawns at their spot.
- While infected zombies will not chase you
Now survivors need to be careful when they use vaccines . They still have 3 hit shield from tent anyway.
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even just some movement speed and wristband effects for infecting people would suffice imo.
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That will not work, at all.
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They just die? That sounds horrible... You have only 4 syringes, 3 with a certain addon... This basically means if I run this addon and infect 4 people 1 is basically guaranteed to die, unless I play so bad they manage to get all the gens done in under 3 minutes... How is this even an idea my man?
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I dont think that he sucks. Far from it. IMO all he needs is an Add On-Pass (there is not really much aside from Infection Rate-Add Ons IMO) and Zombies should not grant a Speedboost when infecting people.
But other than that, I think other Killers need more Updates. And I dont really have a problem when playing Nemesis, but I see quite a bunch of players using STBFL on him and nearly never using the tentacle. But if you basically play only with the tentacle and reach Tier 2/3 really early, he is not weak at all.
And I also think it is fine that the Survivor is not damaged when getting infected, because afterwards, their looping possibilities are really limited.
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Nemmy infection is instant on hit
Like yeah the killer needs buffs but you can't deny the infection part of his power is instantly available the second it hits and doesn't take constantly puking on someone or chasing them for a full minute to actually have its effect
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whip is a good chase power. Also nemesis gets stronger slowdown than any other infection killer due to his zombies
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Would be nice if survivors who didn't even get injured didn't have a speed boost after getting hit by that first testicle. Other than that, maybe an addon pass...
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The difference not being noted is that Nemy's infection makes him stronger.
The infections are only similar in the name, they are all unique game mechanics. Plague's is also meant to represent a disease so it is thematically appropriate.
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Make chests produce infinite vaccines like with the emps for singularity.
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A mechanic that just makes you die is still dumb, does it only work while standing? Does it work while in chase and what not?
I get that you want to give the infection somewhat of a slowdown part, but the issue is that it is cured really fast, and it gives survivors a third health state, if it is basically an unlimited ressource then this is basically a nerf to Nemesis, if the mechanic is build reasonably so you don't just die randomly... Such sudden death mechanics are really problematic because of the many ways they can be used that are really unfun to go against.
Maybe just increase the time it takes to take the antidote, to give it a little bit more slowdown or give it some other minor side effect and make it spawn indefinitely, but then you still have the problem of needing 3 hits for a down if that is the way you go, that is why Weskers power is well designed, you just get the infection while also, most of the time, getting the hit, and you only have to go out of your way to get the infection by using your power and not an m1.
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Nemesis infection coughs should alert nearby zombies, even if there’s no line of sight. That would make the zombies much more useful.
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It's called "Balance" - Lol just kidding, BHVR doesn't know what that means. Else Nurse would not exist and Blight would not be so broken.
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Never sat right with me the idea of zombies getting buffs heading towards infected survivors. Makes sense for gameplay... makes no sense for lore. This is actually quite a neat suggestion... though infection itself is still kinda meh.
If we can't have more than 2 zombies because of technical limitations, can we at least make these 2 zombies not completely suck? Maybe have them mutate to crimson heads or something the more they sense survivors to become faster and more dangerous over time (say 4 tiers that tier up every 5 seconds)?
Killing a zombie with a pallet/head stun will replace that zombie with a normal zombie, but this would actually mean that staying infected is actually bad, cause you're gonna be getting super zombies finding you more often, and moving faster to the point you have to find a way to stun or lose them via a locker.
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The question is always for what group of players... For the best players Nurse and Blight are alright, probably same for the worst, since they don't know how to properly use the power of those killers, the main issue is that for average players the counterplay is probably not easily accessable? Or it is a matchmaking issue in the sense of getting matched against killer players that are just better than you?
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Just because they're all called "Infection" doesn't mean they can't have different purposes.
Plague's Infection is to keep Survivors constantly Injured.
Wesker's Infection is to add some base slowdown to his kit.
Nemesis's Infection is to build his mutation rate and to stop his tentacle from being too oppressive. It also adds some base slowdown as well.