Killer winstreaks

Otz just released a new video on some impressive winstreaks on killer. Beside Scotts Bubba speed limiter streak and Fungoose Plague streak, they are relative recent and some still ongoing.
When i see that a mediocre killer like Wraith is capable of winning over 40 times in a row (1st and only try!) without loosing more then 2 gens or a Blight that wins 1600+ times in a row, or a Nurse winning 500+ times and ongoing without even using addons or perks - this begs the question:
Should this be a thing? And where did the ballance go? Keep in mind, survivors are currently at 38 wins in a row solo and 200 wins in a row as SWF, done by one if not the best team in the world.
Our only question is this: If you have the drive to do it and put in the effort and are good enough to actually pull it off, why shouldn't it be a thing to have a win streak?
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In a balanced game, most of these shouldn't be possible. No disrespect to anyone and their commitment to the game, but a 500 or 1600 win streak says as much or more about the imbalance of the game as it does the skill of the player.
They are often entertaining, though.
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The “win streaks” don’t carry much weight to me, after seeing the winstreak style of gameplay.
Congratulations, you hard tunneled and slugged at 5 gens using all slowdown in pub matches. More than half the games have people just immediately give up and go next.
Not impressed. Without that style of gameplay, regardless of the killer, the streaks would be nowhere near as high.
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Apparently, this is not possible on survivor, no matter how hard they grind and no matter how much they try. Not even close.
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Just shows how strong tunneling is. You will win the game when you turn it into an early 3v1.
Obviously it should not be possible that a Killer can get that many wins in a row.
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I am not saying this is always super impressive (some are, some are not so much) but the question stands: Should this be possible that a game is so extremly unballanced that you can win hundreds if not thousend times in a row? While the other side, at least right now, can not.
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Well said.
Like, what is the point?
Wow, congrats you made the match unfun for you and for everyone else more than a thousand times.
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One side must rely on a team and is weaker 1v1. Their objective is much harder to reach than the other's which is simpler. That said, it probably IS possible, just no ones done it yet. Extremely difficult and unlikely, but possible.
Also does not really answer the question asked, unless the answer was "Because survivor hasn't done it, killer shouldn't".
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Wraith is not mediocre, he is strong, because he is fast. Sloppy + Gen-Kicking is VERY strong on him.
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Could be why there is always a survivor bonus anymore. Seems to be a dev problem..... they need to fix it or people will not play.
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This just shows the absolute state of survivor players, which is also why you keep seeing threads about the state of soloq: THESE are the players you get. Which is also why you keep seeing people here crying about CoH, medkits, MFT nerfs or other busted stuff that got rightfully tuned down
Regarding the perkless nurse streak, Knightlight himself says that if he gets sniped by some decent players he will lose it. I'm following that streak and watched most of the games, and man are most of those survivors utter potatoes. The moment they see someone tryharding they either immediately give up or anyway stop thinking critically and lose any possible game sense. There's plenty of games that would've gone way differently if the survivors didn't throw by trying to protect a tunneled team mate.
Wraith is a soloq destroyer. V1 did an amazing job with his streak but again, look at the survivors' gameplay. Compare it with any comp wraith match where even the best wraiths get at most average results against equally skilled survivors.
Regarding the other nurse streak and the blight streak, I don't really think there's much skill behind them. I agree that bringing the most busted stuff on the most busted killers and playing "efficiently" too is overwhelming and particularly unbalanced, and will just give an easy win 99% of the times. Nothing skillful basically. There's no solution for that other than butchering the killers (which won't happen fortunately, because they're both pretty fun when played normally).
So, hard to swallow pill: 99% of the survivors these players went against are really bad at the game and I'm willing to bet most of them are of the kind to say "DBD is a party game" as an excuse to stay in a permanent state of cluelessness instead of trying to improve
Also, just a reminder, as soon as we get 4 really strong survivors together we get equally lasting streaks (Hens e co.?), which kinda proves my point regarding how bad most players (in this case, survivors) are
Btw I'm not in any way downplaying the skill of (most of) these players. They're really good, pair it with what I just said about the majority of the playerbase and we get these results
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Don't forget, these are also people that have pretty much perfected their play style. An unprepared solo group will not stand a chance against these killers. Put them in a tournament setting though with the survivors knowing who they play against and suddenly this looks a lot different.
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The game has huge balance/matchmaking issues that's why things like this became the norm
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I highly doubt all these wins were against competitive SWFs and not random qoloQ ppl with almost no chance of countering a competitive person without communication.
I'll take these streaks seriously the day a competitive mode is added where you only face real competitors and not random ppl without a sweaty mindset, many times placed where they don't belong because of a weird Matchmaking system.
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Exactly. That is another key point. These are not average killers.
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I have to agree when others say it's hard to take it seriously,
Congrats, you brought the strongest ######### you could and played the strongest way possible against a bunch of randos in pubs and won. What a surprise.
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These streaks only prove that most survivors are bad at the game.
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definitely shouldn't be possible.
win streaking was more impressive when i first started playing but after going on numerous win streaks myself it not that difficult. You just need to play dirty as possible and have a good understanding of your killer strengths/weakness. Im especially not shock by blight, top swfs, and nurse streaks.
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Aha. So killer players are more skilled, gotcha.
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It should also be noted that the introduction of such a streak is the only incentive for them to play.
Even Otz says in one of his videos a streak was needed for him not to get bored.
More than 10K hours is what they invested already. The Blight player with over 1,000 streak is probably an expert or at least decent with every killer.
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Nope, most killers are also bad. The reason kill rates are near 60 is that when a bad killer faces bad survivors, the killer usually wins. When a good killer goes against good survivors, the game is massively survivor sided. It also goes without saying that the people achieving these streaks are the top 1% of the playerbase.
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I guess I will never understand what these people want to prove with their winstreaks in a game like this, seriously does anyone give a damn about this stuff?
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To be fair, I think (hope) what they meant was in a given match, odds are good that at least one of the survs isn't going to be great, and that's all it takes.
A decent chunk of the player base (maybe most?) aren't very good at the game. This is true of both sides, but the difference is that a killer is always going to be one of one, and a surv one of four, and a skilled killer only ever has to depend on themselves and won't be subject to the potential ineptitude of a teammate.
Or maybe they did mean killer players are more skilled than surv players across the board, which is just stupid. At a high level playing killer often demands more skill than playing surv, but that in no way means that killers are just more skilled on average. Especially since most of the best killer players are also very good survivor players, and vice versa.
And of course all of this is illustrative of the deep imbalance that facilitates the goofy streaks. In a balanced 1v1 setup, these streaks simply would never happen.
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Acording to your argument, good surivors beat good killers. Are you trying to say that in hundreds/thousend games, they never came across good survivors? That is extremly unlikely, especially when you believe people here claiming that every second game is against an unbeatable force.
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Most of this is absurdly wrong (like all of your takes) but the most egregious thing is the part where you say ‘when we get equally skilled survivors they do it too’ and that’s patently false. The literal best survivor team has a win streak of around 180-200. Every major killer win streak going on right now is at least twice that. At least.
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It should not be a thing. And I’d like to highlight that no survivor (solo or SWF) have winstreaks anywhere close to what most of these killer mains have. I think the highest I’ve seen for solo was Ayrun with like 30. And a SWF (Oracle?) with around 190.
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It mostly shows how bad the matchmaking is and that it is basically impossible to get "top mmr" matches for players like Knightlight, he didn't lose a single game in over 500 matches and the survivors are still nowhere near his level... Guess the reason why it works is highly skilled killer players where the matchmaking cannot find somewhat equally skilled opponents is the reason for this.
Also the 200 for Swf is not true, there has been a 500 escape streak on survivor some years ago, Otz also made a video about that, it was something about madlads in DBD...
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The caveat should be that four good survs will usually beat a good killer. But three good survs and a weak link? That's a different story. And it usually is. You could run into the anointed golden god of all survs, but if their teammates are mid, most of that skill and experience loses its value.
And the it's also assumed that in the case of the extreme streaks, the killer player utilizes high efficiency and utterly ruthless tactics (i.e. hard tunneling).
The fact that these streaks haven't been ended by a SWF death squad also serves as evidence that there really aren't many of these out there, despite what many killers like to believe.
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I think it just shows that when you reach a certain skill level on a good killer the matchmaking just cannot find equally strong opponents. But yes I agree, if the matchmaking worked properly this should never happen...
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I mean, the commitment and consistancy over such a long period of time has quite some weight, especially considering that the performance is somewhat the same even on indoor maps, which makes average nurses struggle quite a lot... But sure you don't get comp players in pub games a lot and the matchmaking struggles to find proper opponents for this guys, resulting in such winstreaks.
The all slowdown part does not really apply to the perkless addonless nurse does it?
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What do you mean? We had a 200+ winstreak from Hens and his friends and a 500+ winstreak a few years ago made by another streamer/youtuber, Otz also made a video about him.
The issue is that you need 4 people to all have time for such a long thing, it is one thing for a streamer to just queue for games and do his best for the streak, but way harder for 4 individuals to constantly have time... And don't forget that the survivors mainly slam gens for this amount of time whereas the killer at least has some more interesting gameplay... Resulting in survviors getting fairly easy burned out on this... This was btw. apparently the reason why the 500 winstreak group stopped, because they were so annoyed and done with doing gens, they just stopped... They never even lost the streak... I think the name was WimaTv? I don't know for sure, would need to search Otzdarvas video again..
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Do you really think it is the game and not the matchmaking? If for example Knightlight himself says that if he gets equally skilled players he would most likely lose this? For me this is basically only a matchmaking issue... If Knightlight went against a 4 men comp squad of equal skill every game he played, then the matchmaking would do his job properly... Because that would be equal skill... But since this does not happen we basically know for sure that the matchmaking fails at this peak of skill level in dbd.
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And matchmaking would need to find not just one equally strong opponent each match, but four. And if it were so strict that it had to, the queue times would be insufferable.
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From what I’ve found the highest verified win streak for survivors was 383 around three years ago. Didn’t find anything about a 500 escape win streak. Is there a source?
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Sure, no doubt about that a bad survivor can ruin a good team. But here is the kicker: In such a streak, i say there is a 0% chance of not running into multible groups without any form of weak player. And like i said before, many hear claim that every 2nd lobby is full of SWF sweats.
To go even further, many strong SWF and even "pro" teams are also trying winstreaks, by mission or simply by default. How come they are not even close to such a high numbers? They are miles behind the counterpart. This becomes especially strange since according to woundcowboy they should even have the advantage. Where is the advantage?
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I mean, that is basically the whole point of why for example Knightlights streak is possible.. There is just not enough suitable players that could get matched against him, which is why he gets whatever is out there. Even if you made such a competetive mode and all... You still would not find opponents as there are just not enough comp player queueing for pub matches.
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That basically happened when they first introduced MMR, Dowsey queued on twins for literal hours... I think he also did a quite high twins winstreak or something?
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The 500 streak was years ago, at a time where the game was so much different.
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Around 9.35 or so the relevant part starts. The same guy who also did the 383 streak before that.
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Still, not impressed.
Also, it’s nurse. Lol
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The chances of coming across 4 good survivors outside of SWF is rare (although it happens.)Individual survivors die no matter how good they are if their teammates aren’t carrying their weight. Even then, if the killer happens to start chasing the one good survivor first, that can cost the killer the entire game. Lastly, yes, there is a solid chance you can go a play session without seeing competent survivors because, again, most people are bad at the game.
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I think the comp community is just too small to constantly get those two player groups playing against each other, as far as I know SuperAlf got some 4 men comp teams against him that tried to ruin his streak, but since he was running quite the strong build, as he did all the time, he managed to still win. I cannot tell why this did not happen to Knightlight yet? Maybe they were just interested in ruining the day of a fellow comp player? I don't know... The problem is compared to one of the best comp nurse players around there there is always a weak link...
The reason those streaks are not nearly is high is because they are not doing this as frequently... When Knightlight did his Nurse stream he played like 10-20 games a day, just crushing survivors, he always had chase interaction and therefore I guess a somewhat good time. However the survivor gameplay is mostly holding m1 on a generator while one person does the chase action, which is just boring... Which is why they tend to take bigger breaks in between the games, just look at how often Hens and his friends play for the streak, maybe once a week or so?
That was basically the reason why the 500 winstreak on survivor didn't continue, because they were just so bored by doing gens and all that they just stopped...
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Do it then buddy XD What do you expect me to say here dude? ^^ I find it quite impressive, not only would I probably get bored way earlier, just because playing the same killer that many times in a row tends to not be that interesting, besides the point where I am not even close to as skilled as those guys... But I find the commitment quite impressive...
As for the "it's nurse" ... I mean sure, but it still takes a long time to become that good and consistant on her even on indoor maps. And arguably with addons she is not even the strongest killer anymore... Sure to master blight you need a lot more time and effort, especially on maps with collision this bad, but I don' t think we should downplay the mastery and effort people put into those streaks.
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Not to mention that not all four members of even a good SWF are good; even a great SWF usually has a weak link. Hell, all members of pro teams aren't totally equal.
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I think that a fifty win streak or a one hundred win streak should be able to happen if you're THAT good.
I don't think there's any excuse for 400+ streaks
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Agreed, but I guess it is just matchmaking being unable to find balanced matches. Technically the same is true for Hens and his friends' 4 men streak... They also most of the time don't go against equally skilled killers. You can frame the whole thing on both sides, the main issue is just matchmaking... And I don't even think making it more strict would do much, because then queue times are through the roof and the matchmaker still cannot find equally skilled people, because there are just not that many at that level of skill.
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I don’t expect you to say anything? You literally replied to my comment telling me how you are impressed. Ok? Cool… I’m not.. I’ve done the whole winstreak thing. Got more than 200 in a row with blight and got bored.
If you find the commitment to that playstyle impressive, good for you I guess? Lol
I never once downplayed their skill. They are good killers. But there is more to getting a win streak than being “good”. The majority of it is carried by the play style and perks once a certain skill is met. I am not impressed by that.
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I mean considering for example Alf went against comp teams trying to snipe his streak or Hens' survivor streak getting sniped by some comp killer players I would definitely say that "certain skill" is to able to still come out on top there is quite impressive, sure stomping babies for 500 games in a row would be what you said, but the issue is they don't necessarily know from the beginning whether it is a skill full opponent or not so they need to try their best the entire time...
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The most experienced killers out there going against the average survivors and using the most efficient and harsh techniques to win are able to get huge win streaks?
Tell me it ain't so.
I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
Well ...
Not that shocked.
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I personally dont think it says much.
It's much easier to do a Winstreak as Killer since you only have to coordinate with yourself.
For Survivor, you can SoloQ but you are at the mercy of your teammates and matchmaking; you can SWF but you have to coordinate with other players and not everyone is constantly available to play which makes things harder to manage.
Also you have to consider that not many people try to go for Winstreaks on Survivor compared to Killer, most Survivors are not really sweaty and tends to lean a bit more casual (at least from my experience, but since it is anecdotal, take it with a grain of salt).