Bone Chill Event Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75

From Snowmen and Snowskulls to Frosty Trinkets and chilly Challenges, we'd love to hear your thoughts about what worked well - and what didn't quite hit the mark - during this year's Bone Chill event.

 All constructive feedback is welcome and the more detailed it is, the better!

Post edited by dance on


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710

    This event is great. It’s simple, but fun, and doesn’t impact normal gameplay much at all. Some recent past events favored one side too much over the other but this event doesn’t do that at all which is good.

    I will say, exiting a snowman as killer can be a little disorienting, but that’s a very minor complaint. Overall I absolutely loved this event and I hope the snowball fights come back in the future.

  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 504
    edited December 2023

    Forcing people to play killer and survivor to get Jeff's head is annoying. I think separating survivor items and killer items based on the challenges for all events not just Bone Chill would be better so if people just want survivor items they get it, killer just killer items and if peole do both they get both. Any items like charms, badges and backrounds should be on a node that can be reached by both on the event rift or if one side is finished. Not everyone plays both sides and challenges like stun the killer which can be hard especially for newer players shouldn't be included as challenges.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    The placement of snowmen and snow piles is super frustrating as movement Killers. I played Demo for a daily and every loop seemed to include one or the other blocking my normal gameplay, although that could just be negativity bias. I did only end with 1 full charge Shred for the daily progress, so I don't think it was entirely 'whining' and truly impacted my ability to use my power. I would put snowpiles as totem replacers (like the pumpkins) with a large snowflake stream trickling from above as a visual to lead people to them.

    The snowball mechanic is neat, and I personally would like an alternate usage of Flashbang/Fire Crackers to work on a direct throw. The items are limited enough to not be an issue, but I would have the Killer immune to this specific form of blinding during pickup to prevent cheesy saves while facing walls.

    The description of a few of the tomes was not entirely clear (for me) such as jumpscare snowmen vs non-jumpscare snowmen, but it was easy enough on a second pass.

    Agreed with the other poster for both sides challenges shouldn't be required for 1 side's cosmetic. I do them all, but Killer mains and Surv mains both shouldn't be forced to play the other role to get their role's cosmetic. I thought the Halloween one had the Killer cosmetics down the Killer tomes, and the Survivor cosmetics down the Survivor tomes, but I may be misremembering.

  • □I am fed up with the placement of snowmen as if they are malicious.They are placed around objects and get in the way during chases.

    □Throwing snowballs is troublesome even with mouse operation, and it seems to be even more difficult for those who play with a pad.Why did you ask for such a complicated operation?Did the feedback on Singularity not reach BhVR?

    □There is no room in the first place for time to devote to the goals for the event during a killer play.If you make the event a priority, you will be evaluated as grumpy at the end or watch the survivors make a commotion in front of the exit while building noise, which is unpleasant.

    □Shouldn't the killswitched perks and killers be restored to normal before the event is implemented?

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 267

    I wish there was maybe a gameplay element like anniversary or halloween. I also kinda wish we didn't have to wait so long until the next level is unlocked for the event tome as well. But otherwise I don't really have any complaints.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    Gameplay-wise, I'm enjoying the event. I love all the bloodpoints, shards, and other goodies from the event login calendar. I enjoy the snowskull fights with teammates and Killer's as well, a way to goof off. That might be the thing I'll miss the most when the event ends.

    My negatives would be regarding the event currencies, and how you have to do every challenge and unlock every reward in order to unlock everything. One thing I appreciate about the regular rift is that, as a Survivor main, I'm able to complete it just by sticking to the Survivor challenges. This event, as well as the Haunted by Daylight event, forces you to do the challenges from both roles in order to unlock everything. (Though I am grateful that the Killer challenges in the Haunted event were quite easy, but they're a little more difficult in this event.) I'm personally not a fan of having the "milestone" rewards for that reason. There are some event cosmetics I can do without, but I have to unlock them all in order to unlock Jeff's full cosmetic. I'm not a fan of that.

    I also don't like the stagnation while waiting for the next page of the tome to open, and you cannot earn any more frosty trinkets until that happens, and making me wonder if I'll be able to earn enough to unlock everything. I'm pretty sure I can if I do absolutely everything, but I can't help panicking a little inside.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    For me personally, this event was just poorly timed. I'd been on a lengthy break from DBD and wasn't going to play killer until something happened with Made For This. Something did a few days before the event started, so I came back and was enjoying SM's rework and normal DBD.

    Then the event comes around and my first game with the event ends with the Survivors complaining that I took it too seriously and didn't give them a chance to do event things. Well... guess I'm not playing for the duration of the event too because I'm in the mood for normal DBD and not snowball fights in DBD... oh well.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    Overall I think the event was fun and enjoyable but it could definitely use a few changes to make it more interactive and less stale as time went on. Usually players only really have fun with the event the first few days and then its back to playing as usual. This means that anyone who just wants to have fun with the event still feels pressure to play as usual to not throw the game as survivors or make the game boring for survivors who might want to play normally. I think the suggestion in the survey about separate event queues might be a good idea to help with this. Maybe have it active only the first week and then every other day to help with queue times or only if x amount of players are online if it becomes a problem.

    These are the main things I think regarding this event though:

    I think for event items like snowballs that have practically no effect on regular gameplay, obtaining them also shouldn't have impact on gameplay. That way people can still have fun with them without feeling like they are throwing the game just by engaging with it. I would make it so survivors & killers could carry many more snowballs and have the pickup time be faster.

    Snowmen are fun but the noise notifications punish players for trying to use them when generally using them is already punishing. I do like how they can be used to try and hide from the killers or used by the killer to try and surprise survivors. This year it is more difficult for such things though since it is easy to get kicked out if anyone has a snowball.

    For events in general:

    I love gameplay changing events like this years anniversary and Halloween events. The anniversary event added new ways that survivors and killers could interact with each other that made gameplay interesting and allowed for new tactics and ways to use perks. As a result it was very engaging. The Halloween event added a new location and ways to store haste speed boosts on the map to use if needed. The new map zone was especially interesting but it could be used for survivors to quickly travel across large maps if they could remember which portals went where. Similarly killers could also use this new map zone to quickly traverse the map and also as a way to try and sneak up on survivors.

    I also enjoy the little fun things like the fireworks for the new years event and stuff like snowmen and snowballs. I also enjoy event items even if they seem silly like toolboxes that explode into fireworks or the firecrackers or party starters for their nice visual effects.

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 37

    BONE CHILL AND BLOODRUSH FAILED FOR NEW PLAYERS. Devs don't understand the challenge of new survivor players in the game, and it's a serious quality of life issue. Events like Bone Chill and the bloodpoint rushes addition are not chances to get additional and much needed blood points. (Which is a massive, massive grind). Given that there is no effective MMR, it's a slaughterhouse and a gift for killers who have played this game for years and come in to shoot fish in a barrel. They should not be playing newer survivors. There are so many games where people are tunneled out of the game before they even have a chance to collect snowskulls. (Killers could learn that not every game has to be a 4k.)

    Devs seem only interested in content creators voices and it's a shame. Content creators have no idea how hard it is. I wish at least one dev would post this in your office, "You can't learn to play basketball by being thrown on a NBA team."

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Snowballs are fun first or maybe second game. After that it's just annoying. Doesn't add anything gameplay-wise.

    Nobody uses snoman for stealth anymore (like it was in previous events).

    Snowman decoys hit by survivors very much, showing killer where someone is for free.

    All in all, without any gameplay impact, all snowy things wear off pretty fast.

    I would suggest add something changing, at least like it was on Halloween with alternate dimension and ghosts. But would be better add a completely new gamemode you want to taste. And if someone doesn't want to play it, just add it exactly as new gamemode (e.g. separate menu button or a switch on killer/survivor screen)

  • Beano744
    Beano744 Member Posts: 79

    I know, it didn't really feel like Christmas at all, I'm grateful for the work that BHVR did put into the event, but I would've liked to see some maps with snow instead of nothing... I also hate events where the event is kinda optional, like nothing new is added that makes gameplay better or anything so it's really like there's not even an event going on at all if the players feel like sweating. Nothings gonna get in your way, it's entirely up to the killer to have a good time or not.

    I had a plague who had a snowball fight with everyone, and it was a good time. They won the game, and no one was mad about it. Then I got a twins the next game with 4 slowdowns, a mori, that just tunneled and then bled the last person out because they couldn't mori them. It's like they're solely playing the game to win, saying f*ck everyone who wants to have fun on a video game during a once a year event. It's exhausting.

  • Beano744
    Beano744 Member Posts: 79

    Yeah I'm really tired of events that take time to do, most killers who wanted to win literally didn't interact with anything the event had to offer during the halloween event because it took too much time away from them for seemingly no good reason.

  • Beano744
    Beano744 Member Posts: 79

    Start making events more gameplay focused instead of a side thing. This event has optional things that quite literally do nothing in gameplay. It's a fun little time waster that got boring after the first couple of matches that I played. After day one, people just started playing the game like normal, because outside of the event quests there's no point to the event at all. Even the halloween event which was the coolest event in all of DbD history, wasn't interacted with outside of the survivors. The killer didn't have time to waste most of the time to make the event worth it. You didn't get anything crazy from doing the event whilst in a match, so there was no point in wasting time, which just led back to the same issue where players just acted like the event didn't even exist. There is no substance to the events at all. There's no point to them outside of cosmetics. It's boring.

  • I'm not a fan of the visual effects that appear when a snowball is thrown at me.

    Additionally, I have a tendency to get startled more easily than the average person, so when I get jump-scared by a mischievous snowman, it genuinely startles me to the point where my body jumps. This element is truly unpleasant for me, making the game more discomforting than enjoyable every time.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    If I have seen three people enter snowmen this year, that's already a lot. Last years snowmen were better, plus snowballs are boring after a couple of uses, I would have added at least the throwing animation effect.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598

    Not going to lie, the addition of Snowballs made it mad fun as well as the jumpscare snowmans xD.

    The only thing I would like to see is the addition of Snow on some of the other map instead of Ormond. Imagine Yamaoka or Macmillan estate cover in snow?

    Otherwise, I enjoyed it and I am looking forward for Bone Chill 2024.

  • Arsyn
    Arsyn Member Posts: 71

    In my opinion, I felt the event was too empty and passionless. It's basically the same as playing a normal game without an event. I would love it if they had added more things as the first comment mentioned. I take the opportunity to comment that some killers, for example, the Xenomorph, in some games is negatively affected by the spawn of their entrances/exits of its tunnels, since many times there were parts of the map totally occupied by chests, totems and the snowballs, therefore, the tunnels did not appear there. It would be nice if you would take care of the spawns of some killer powers and event items. It can turn into chaos. Overall, one of the most boring events in my opinion.

  • GravelordNito99
    GravelordNito99 Member Posts: 229

    Since the new MMR makes killer a ridiculous sweat-fest every game, the new trick snowmen were genuinely jumpscaring me to the point where I'm still physically jumping when they get me now. For me, I personally like it, since it reminds me of just how much I'm focused in on the game. They're making me jump because I'm hyper focused on what I'm doing to win. Without the jumpscares, the MMR sweating would be far more unbearable, so thanks for the much-needed surprises lol.

  • KitchenWitchKaz
    KitchenWitchKaz Member Posts: 4

    I am enjoying the event. I only wish we didn't have to wait so long for the next part to open in the event tome. Maybe there would be an unlock feature if we do all of them, that way if we play survivor and killer we open the next tome quicker.

    I love the snow skulls, my friends and I have used them in every match. I love how when I pelt a crow they turn white where I hit them. 😀

    I love the badges and banners. And I really like the Holiday Sweaters.

    I saw someone's suggestion about gathering presents to put under a tree and I think that is a superb idea.

  • MrLollersnakes
    MrLollersnakes Member Posts: 25

    PLEASE change the visual effect of being hit by a snowball. I’m not someone who would say I have a sensitivity problem, but the white flash everytime a snowball hit me started to become annoying to my eyes when multiple people were throwing them at me. Especially when you play killer, you sort of become a beacon for SWF to throw snowballs at you because its super silly and fun. It just begins to hurt my eyes after the first couple of times.

    also really disappointed there wasnt a way to earn extra BPS during the event outside of the bloodhunt and winter archive. thats the main reason i play an event is for the extra BP. i dont necessarily think an offering is the most fun incentive, but its better than nothing.

  • anthony986321
    anthony986321 Member Posts: 2

    A few things i disliked was the fact that there were no killer special event items or offerings in the bloodweb, only a winter party starter for survivors, the decoy snowmen are kind of annoying to be honest, I preferred the snowmen from the last couple years. I thought the event tome was good and the snowskulls are neat as well. Also when a killer walks by a decoy snowman there's no way for survivors to know if it was the killer or another survivor setting off the decoy which gives the killer the advantage.

  • botwhisperer1
    botwhisperer1 Member Posts: 7

    How is the winter/christmas event poorly timed when it releases at christmas?

    So you took a lengthy break from the game, came back a few days before a holiday event and are upset that people who havent been gone from the game for any length of time are looking to kick back with goofy fun during an yearly event, (that is not new to DBD), and its everyone elses fault? The event is not poorly timed, your return after a long hiatus is. How can it be surprising that during any holiday event, that most players will be looking forward to goofing around and taking the game less seriously for a week or two? There 365 days a year, even after you subtract the durations of the various holiday events that happen in dbd, there are more then enough days to play normal matches.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    more bloodpoints would be fine and event offerings are always nice. i like it doesn't affect gameplay all that much (except for stalky bois and probably singu and plague, idk how or if snowmen affect slipstreaming or green puke). overall nice cute event i like it, snowballs are fun.

  • botwhisperer1
    botwhisperer1 Member Posts: 7

    Overall I think the event is pretty cool.

    Heres what I recommend to maximize awesomness.

    All maps get winter setting, Ormond gets summer. (Balancing reasons).

    Instead of putting challenges for things like snowball hits in the Archive, have random dedicated matches to that task alone.

    Heres how it works.

    In match, 5 Hooks have stockings hanging on them, with gamer tags or names on them. So one stocking per player. Said player sees its aura at matches end.

    The lobby "spawns" at random, so you never know when it will happen, just that it will eventually happen, (unless you want it to be more likely to happen?, kinda like choosing crossplay etc). anyways...

    Imagine you join a lobby and BOOM! ITS SNOWING!! Theres holiday music playing and the lobby has a "SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!" banner across the top. All 5 players now realize this match is NOT about Gens or Hooks, its about pelting each other silly with snowballs in a timed match for the duration of 5 JUKE BOX GENS! When the match starts we hear 1 gen activate and turn into xmas juke box, ("juke boxes" get it? xD, sorry dad joke). They play a random various holiday song from around the world to further the themes of world unity and holidays around the world. When the song is over, the next GEN/Juke Box activates and plays another song. At the end of the 5 gens, the exit gates are powered, (gates auto open after 5 minutes to prevent insane amounts of farming or lingering in match), and 1 "monster hatch" opens somewhere, (everyone see aura). Monster hatch is a giant hatch and everyone left in match, killer included, line up around it, "ready up" and then everyone steps into the hatch together, Killer too!

    but wait! Dont forget to check your hooked stocking! checking the stocking gets you a present to escape with. This present, Unlocks a random holiday cosmetic from that events cosmetics list. (Like masquerade invitations. A player who is playing in multiple snowball fight matches perhaps earns up to 3 cosmetics this way? Remaining "points" earned to buy cosmetics normally convert to bp at events end?) Aside from the cosmetics, maybe thier stocking has 100 iri shards? Or a holiday cake for an additional 100% bonus to thier bp on top of any burned offerings already brought into match. Just a few ideas.

    When the match ends instead of "Entity hungers/Escaped", "HAPPY HOLIDAYS!".

    During the match/snowball fight, Dynamics/"teams" change.

    1st Gen: 4 Vs 1, Survs vs Killer.

    Survs pelt killer mercilessly in the ultimate "THIS IS FOR ALL THE TUNNELS I RECEIVED TODAY". Killer being alone gets more bp for snowball hit because of the team "disadvantage".

    Gen 2: 2 vs 3

    The obsession joins the killers "Team" and the two groups pelt each other mercilessly. Yes, Laurie Strode and Mike Myers dont get along at halloween, but for christmas, Family works together! (Give lore related characters bonus bp for being teamed up)

    Gen 3: 3 vs 2. The new Obsession joins the team killer. The two survivors left together get slight bp bonus because they are now at team disadvantage.

    Gen 4: 4 vs 1.

    You get it by now, Obsession joins team killer. Chaos ensues.

    Gen 5: FREE FOR ALL!!!

    OMGAWD!!! THEYRE COMING FROM EVERYWHERE!!! maybe. Everyone pelts everyone with as many snowballs as possible until the exit gates are activated.

    Snowball fight blood points/rewards.

    Snowball hit: 200 bp each hit. (YES 200! come on, its christmas, load us up with the bp for having wacky fun, we grind enough during the year).

    Each Gen "Finished": When a juke box song ends, everyone gets to hold 2 additional snowballs per round, 16 total by free for all.

    Snowmen: Snowman high fives get 50 blood points each. Up to 2000 bp. (Achievement/Trophy for getting?)


    Have patches of ice on the map, if a survivor RUNS over the ice, they slip and fall to the "dying state", before getting up "injured" after 5 seconds. Once up again, Pelting them with snowballs heals them for altruistic points for the match, even the killer can heal them this way. After a survivor slips on the ice it "dries up" and moves elsewhere on the map. Place them in likely trigger locations. Vaults, windows, pallets, to encourage occurances of slipping.

    The killer can also, "Push people in the snow", with a basic attack. (Survivors are Perma "exposed" during the match, to avoid the violence of "Slicing and stabbing people" to get them injured to start. (Its a snowball fight afterall!). This way the killer still makes use of thier various attacks and earns points for such categories in end game. (This will potentially prevent loss of pips) .

    Snow piles. If a killer picks up a survivor whos slipped or "been pushed". He can pick them up in the 5 seconds they are down and carry them to a snow pile and toss them in snow bank. (Like getting hooks). This way they earn "sacrifice" points but the survivor can climb out themselves, (think perma deliverence or a friend can lift them out for "hook rescue" points). This keeps most regular game elements functioning but in funny alternative ways.

    Snow pallets.

    Surviors can slam a killer with a snow pallet for "poofy pallet stuns". Snow pallets cover them with snow but shatter on impact.

    Now many people, including here in the comments, like to say some variation of, "Im not here to play, im here to get HOOKS/GENS, this is a horror game", etc.

    Thats all fine, and because the lobby itself explains that this match will be goofy, they can leave the lobby before the match starts and go get a normal match, but those who want to be silly can stay and wait for another player to join, this player will also choose to stay and play, or leave and grind challenges or bp's. Now everyone in the match knows its a not serious match, they are all having fun together, those who wanted to opt out have done so, Before the match started causing it to end early. So in the end there should be no hard feeling or, "Lighten up and have fun", in end game chat. Cause you only take part if you chose to.

    Obviously unintended DC's can happen, if this happens to end a match early, just give everyone 25k bp plus any bonuses for offerings. So then they still get something out of it.

    Lastly, I would recommend building a snowball fight MAP.

    Give it igloos and snow forts, snowy trenches and tons of holiday themed stuff everywhere.

    Map is only available for the winter event snowball fight matches.

    Also, come up with some goofy holiday themed updates. Nemesis zombies have santa hats or elf outfits, Clown throws egg nog etc.

    there ya go....just a few ideas is all.

    Happy Holidays you dead by daylight devs you.

  • dance
    dance Member Posts: 75

    Thanks y'all for all the awesome feedback so far! I know the event is still ongoing, and look forward to hearing more - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    For those who mentioned the lack of gameplay elements in the Bone Chill event - I was wondering if you had any examples of things you might want to see (for this event, or just in general). Some mentioned liking what was done in the Anniversary and Halloween event, as well as having more maps fit the theme (e.g. snow on non-snow maps), but wanted to see if there were any other ideas as a 'sky's the limit wish list' sort of thing.

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    Personally the snow on killer made me very disoriented. I liked it as surviors but as killer because it is first person triggered a lot of headaches for me. The snowskulls felt kind of weird to throw like the arch was wrong.

    The challenges were basically okay and easy. No issue there.

    The new snowmen...horrible. I miss those inflatable ones from second year. Those were the iconic ones and they should STAY. These new ones if need to be in the can need to pair up with the old ones. If there is a decoy make the inflatable one turn into the creepy one for a good scare.

    Oh and for the rewards. I do not own the tools of torment chapter and due to this I should be forced to grab the cosmetics for those characters in order to finish the event rewards. I hate that my trinkets were wasted on things I do not own and will NEVER own.

  • dance
    dance Member Posts: 75


    I just want to make sure I understand your feedback :)

    For new players - is a main concern that Bone Chill didn't offer ways to earn extra bloodpoints during the event, as a sort of catch-up mechanic?

    We love hearing from all members of our community.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 161

    I agree. The snowballs brought out the most toxic players. They were soooo annoying after your second game. It's bad enough you have a looper constantly sliding over a pallet now they are pelting you with snowballs, even if your having a chill game they are being a dick with them.

    I always love the special events, but this one I just played less. There was no special incentives like envelopes or anything like that to make it worth while playing through the heaps of toxic players that come for just the events. I also felt the placement of the snowpiles were blocking my pathways as both killer and survivor.

    The reason no one used the snowmen is because those who played both sides (which you had to in order to collect everything) knew that certain snowmen alerted the killer to your whereabouts, so that essentially defeats the purpose of the snowmen in general.

    The other downside there was an enormous amount of players on the survivor side that did absolutely nothing in the game or hopped on a gen in the last 5 seconds to complete the challenge and go hide the rest of the game. A ton of dead weight this event, more than usual. It was surprising because killers would even message saying they say 2 or 3 players not doing anything and me doing all the gens. Then on the other side you will have killers hardcore tunnel from the start of the game.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    oh snowball aim is very very weird yes. you look down just a little and you throw it 90 degrees lower. on killer i struggle way more to aim properly for some reason.

    you don't lose or waste any trinkets, they are enough to afford everything in the collection. should be at least, when level 3 releases.

  • bdonqwe
    bdonqwe Member Posts: 6

    Liked the event a lot! It's pretty relaxed to wind down the year and also silly with the high fives and snowskull fights :)

    However, I do wish there were more event items/offerings in the bloodweb. Only survivors get the Party Starter, which is cool, but I want something at least for killers too and the event offerings are nice for some extra bloodpoints . <3

  • maximus909
    maximus909 Member Posts: 19

    It was fun. Great ideas all around from snowmen to hide in and snowskulls to throw.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    The Game freezes when the effects happen the first time in a match. its like those effects are not loaded like the other effects or there is no low quality version of the effects that makes them lag so much. The freeze is like 3 sec long.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 749

    I made a post about it. The snowball fight is easily one of the ebst things you have done for the game in ages hahaha it's really fun. It needs twesks tho

  • SkylarPup
    SkylarPup Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2023

    Hi @dance!

    I first want to thank you and the entire Behaviour team for making this amazing event. I enjoyed the fun in throwing snowballs at my friends and the killer. Also the new snowmen gave me a heart stop scare. Thank you for that. 😂 Here's my feedback on the event.

    The event itself was fun. Having the option throw snowballs at snowmen and at everyone was hilarious. So far the challenges for the event weren't terrible. I believe they were pretty easy especially for those who don't play killer, it does help them to be able to do some of the basic challenges. The cosmetics were cute and throwing sparklers on the ground is fun to have. Although I am a collector so I didn't use them often. haha. Overall, I think it was a lot improved from last year.

    Here's what can be improved for next year.

    I personally felt that the event kind of started late. As you know the Holidays technically begin in the beginning of December depending on the religion. It would have been nice if the event started at least the first week of December and run till January 2nd. This way people can wear the cosmetics and charms during the holiday seasons.

    One big issue that I have is there aren't any other representation of other holidays. I understand in the world majority celebrate Christmas, but in December many celebrate Hanukkah (Chanukah), Kwanza, Yule etc... It would be nice if other holidays are shown in the decorations as well as rewards. I believe it is important in this community when it comes to inclusivity we show other holidays representation.

    During the event, while it is nice to have those sparklers, it would be nice to have on both killer and survivors to have special envelops to include additional bloodpoints. When a survivor finishes a generator or a killer hooks a survivor getting those extra bloodpoints like we had during the Halloween event would be nice to have. I know each day we get rewards which comes with bloodpoints, but it would be nice to have that extra bloodpoint holiday envelope.

    The snowball was a lot of fun although there were some issues like in Hawkins Laboratory where you had to get around it due to the collisions. I'm not sure if you can make the pile of snowballs no collision or maybe better placement in there for next time.

    *Concept Idea* Since the basement gets heavy decorated for the holiday a fun interactive idea would be cool to have as a challenge next year, random presents are scattered across the map. Have the survivors bring them down to the basement and place them in a specific location (next to the fireplace). The more the presents are found and placed down in the basement the more bloodpoints they receive. However, if the killer finds a survivor holding a present and knocks the present out of there hand the killer would receive extra bloodpoints.

    Thank you all again and I hope this feedback will help for next year. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! 💜♥️💙

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,165

    I have been enjoying this event! My favorite things are the snowballs, I have bonded with so many teammates and opponents as both killer and survivor, thanks to them. xD I am glad that they do not offer any advantage to either side. Also if I'm in chase and about to go down, being able to snowball the killer last second makes the going down feel less bad. :) I also love that I can use snowballs from afar to catch a teammate's attention.

    I love the snowmen too. The jumpscares are funny lol, especially in chase. Throwing snowballs at snowmen is a lot of fun too, especially from a distance! It's a challenge hitting that snowman on the hill or a balcony, or even in chase. Very fun mechanic, I hope you keep this one too for the next year!

    I personally like the gradual unlocking of challenges and cosmetics througout 3 weeks (3 event tome levels). I know that some people want to be able to unlock everything, because they don't have much time to play, and I understand where they are coming from.

    I kind of wish though, that there was somethign more to the event in terms of mechanics - similarly to the last Halloween event. Being able to go into the Void was really cool and a nice side objective. I wish there were some side objective in the Winter event too. Something like, bring gifts into Santa's home or something, maybe near a huge Christmas tree. It could be a secluded area like the Void, with some portals or something that takes us there. A little secluded area with a huge tree, maybe a fireplace, and gifts would be really cool. (I know we've got basement, and it looks beautiful btw <3)

    I loved the Halloween event, because it offered something distinctly new (the Void, the Haunts). And as much as I love the snowballs and the snowmen, I feel like something's missing. An engaging new mechanic. OR, a fun new limited time game mode, where we objectives that are in the christmas/winte spirit. Something that doesn't necessarily involve doing gens or killing survivors.

    In the end, I've been enjoying the event, and the cosmetics! :)

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I feel like you merely skimmed my post instead of actually reading it.

    I get why they started the holiday event when they started it. However, FOR ME PERSONALLY the timing sucked. And no this wasn't my timing being bad. The end of my break happened specifically because MFT got nerfed, which obviously isn't something that I personally have any control over.

    Also, at no point did I say that the event shouldn't have happened. Merely that I was excited for normal DBD... but normal DBD got temporarily replaced by silly event DBD, so I'm not going to partake. I really don't know why you're coming at me so hard for my personal feelings on this matter.

  • FrostySnow
    FrostySnow Member Posts: 22

    Snow skulls are awesome. Next year maybe throw the animation in to polish it off a bit more.

    I did prefer being able to stay inside a snowman as the killer last year. Having the snowballs break you out makes it a bit less enjoyable to go in.

    I have zero game programming experience, but it's it possible to add a frosting to all the map grounds? Doesn't have to be huge snow drifts or anything crazy, but just a dusting of snow on all maps so there's a reminder of hey...snow time.

    I live in a desert and need live vicariously through Ormond.

  • ogdwight
    ogdwight Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2023

    Personally, I've enjoyed the event; but feel as though there wasn't enough to incentivize me to play as much as I did in the past two Bone Chill events.


    • Snowskulls were a great addition and added some levity to the game. I found it to be quite effective in breaking tension during intense matches and allowed all players to interact with each other more playfully.
    • Rewards process. I did feel like last year's allowed me to engage a little bit more; I did enjoy the community challenges. But this year's points-based progression scheme has been quite nice, in that you get to choose which rewards you prioritize.
    • Sweater designs. I really liked the Lyras' and Gabriel's sweaters being more classic "ugly sweater", and am grateful we've gotten sweaters for two licensed characters!
    • Snowmen jumpscares were really fun!


    • Snowmen design. Personally, I strongly preferred the previous years' snowmen design over this year's. While I understand that the devs might have wanted to maintain a horror atmosphere, the horror theme is present all year and I feel the cute snowmen added an element of playfulness and whimsy (high fiving, some variety in appearance, etc.), giving games during the event a distinct feel compared to those during the rest of the year. Also, the new snowmen look a little too similar to the snowmen already present in Ormond in my opinion, so it didn't really feel too out of the ordinary.
    • Map rotation. I've played multiple hours per session, and I haven't gotten Autohaven Wreckers once since the event started; and perhaps only got Ormond once, so I didn't get to enjoy the festive atmosphere as much outside of going to the basement, which is a huge bummer. On the other hand, I've gotten some of the other normal maps far several times in a row. I'm not sure if the decorated maps have been increased; if not, I would love for a higher chance of going to those maps during the event. Even if it's for one day, every few days.
    • Gen auras. Not sure if it's a bug, but gens being yellow when not being worked on was detrimental to gameplay as killer when not running aura reading perks.
    • Blight weapon cosmetic being "free" for auric cell purchase. I understand you're encouraging people to buy auric cells during the event, esp. with the time-limited cosmetics. But asking people to purchase 500 auric cells (minimum) to access a cosmetic piece that would otherwise be 400 auric cells, during a limited-time event, feels a bit manipulative and I hope this practice doesn't continue into future events. Let people buy what they want to buy without asking them to purchase anything else.

    All that said, I have quite enjoyed many aspects of the event and thank the devs for all their hard work for the event and for this year as a whole! Happy holidays, and a happy new year ahead!

  • _Demidrol
    _Demidrol Member Posts: 35

    What worked well:

    1) Snowmen as screamers. This is the best part. They scared me more than once.

    2) Cosmetics and costumes. Beautiful and uplifting.

    3) the idea with a temporary event currency worked well for Halloween, and did not disappoint at Christmas.

    What didn't work well:

    1) The uselessness of snowmen. There is no reason to climb into them. The first time this idea came up, yes, it was “difficult” because of the extra life for the survivors. And now they don't make sense.

    2) Snowballs. It’s certainly cool that you can throw something, but they don’t affect the gameplay in any way.

    3) No new game mechanics. On Halloween you outdid yourself, void minimap, ghosts and pumpkins. Everything was at the highest level. And at Christmas there are useless snowballs and useless snowmen.

    Overall 7/10.

    As a suggestion for the future:

    Ice traps. The same mechanics as on the ship on the Alien map.

    Snowmen must move on their own sometimes. This can be taken from the Nemesis zombie.

    The fog should be as white as a blizzard. And during the game it thickens and then comes back clean.

    Thanks for your hard work !

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,977
    edited December 2023

    Whether I'm playing killer or survivor, I love the snowskulls.

    It has not ceased to be funny, no matter what is going on in the game.

  • vvelvetlady
    vvelvetlady Member Posts: 1

    Love all the events, but I felt like when you are a survivor that gets hit while in the snowman you should then get to run, not just fall. And when hitting with snowballs I wish there was more impact/stalling of movements for both parties.

    I thought it would be cool if the attack snowmen would jump on the killer as

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,582

    While I like the ideas, the execution of the mechanics has been quite flawed, but a lot of those issues have been mentioned already. Snowmen, snowskulls, visuals, controls, BP rewards, etc.

    My biggest complaint with the event is the Tome. With the addition of the Trinket system, I'm not sure what the point is to stagger the releases of the Tome pages now, why not make everything available from the beginning so players can work through them at their own pace, earning Trinkets and buying cosmetics as you go?

    Also, I find it disappointing that I can't complete Jeff and Wraith's Christmas outfits until Christmas is already over. Everything should have been moved up a week; what's the point in dressing up as Santa after the holiday?

    On a smaller note, I think the Tome should offer more Trinkets than are strictly necessary to buy everything in the shop, so that players are permitted to skip a few challenges here and there, but still demanding enough to require completing the majority of the Tome, just not 100% completion. For casual events like these, offering some wiggle room would be good.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    Can you please make snowman’s and snowskulls permanent on ormond!

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    There is no increase in BP or offerings and fun event items, so I didn't play as much as normal. I usually play a lot and enjoy the extra stuff!

    I also have long covid which prevents me from doing much lol, but yea.

  • GhostSlasher
    GhostSlasher Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2023

    For me BHVR Team, Bone Chill was an incredible event. The ice skulls were a fun and engaging element that really made the trials fun. Moreover, both ice skulls and snowman captured the festive spirit, but the surprise element they brought was thrilling. I was scared a lot by the fake snowmen. It's these creative details that make the event so enjoyable 😍

    Thank you for all the hard work and creativity you've poured into this event 💜

    Happy New Year to all see u in the fog and the credits to image goes to @Slush!e (on discord)