Playing against coordinated SWFS is a miserable experience



  • Redrum411
    Redrum411 Member Posts: 32

    Against a coordinated swf I usually just afk rest of the match cause there is no point of trying just to get stomped as killer. Prob why I stopped playing killer.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,255

    You went to high in the mmr brackets. Now you're gonna suffered like the rest of us.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    1.) you definitely aren’t facing 4-man squads ‘more often than not’. They’re less than 4% of 700,000 players.

    2.) it’s 2v5. There’s no way a group of four survivors could handle five killers—even if those survivors had one killer ally. That single killer ally would basically need to protect every survivor and fend off one of the killers at nearly all times to give the team a chance.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    1, I started asking post match and a lot of the time, there are 4 man squads more often than I'd think considering how downplayed it is around here

    2, one of the proposed game modes was a 5v5 on the survey recently.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2023

    1.) It doesn’t bear out. I don’t know what “a lot of the time” means to you but per BHVR, 4-man squads make up less than 4% of all lobbies. Duos however make up 40+%. It’s possible you’re facing two sets of duos in these games but even that seems unlikely given that solo queue itself makes up like 52% of all survivor player lobbies. Every killer main believes they’re constantly facing 4-man SWFs. It’s just hard to believe most of such a small percentage of something can be so common.

    2.) Oh the 4 + 1 vs. 4 + 1 thing. That makes sense

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Are these statistics BHVR has put out recently though, or is this more outdated information from years prior? As I understand it, BHVR doesn't put out these stats very often.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    Close matches are fun even when they are against SWFs. But when you get your ass stomped and they finish all the gens in 4 minutes and sabo, blind, and use cheap second chances that they don't even need because the deck is already stacked in their favor yes it sucks and its not fun. You can picture the 4 people laughing there ass off at you on the other end of the game.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    They shouldn't get a game or even deserve to get a game. It's a 4 man on comms with all broken perks and second chances in a 4 man trying to stack everything in their favor at the killers expense. Killer stands no chance against these teams unless they throw. There are a certain percentage of these teams who go in to make the killers life miserable and as far as I'm concerned those teams can take a jump. They ruin the game for everyone. They ruin it for solos and they ruin it for killers. It's OP as hell and no one wants to admit it.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    I don't even want to know in what state the game would be in if this mindset had prevailed all the way through.

    The game would probably be dead.

    Improving the player experience should always be top priority. Right after pleasing the feng mains with another cosmetic.

    Playing against a really good swf with a less optimal loadout is as OP states a miserable experience. Same as going against a competetive slugging nurse as a soloq team. These extremes hurt the overall enjoyment of the game and SHOULD be looked at.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503
    edited December 2023

    One simple fix: let SWFs of any kind have only one instance of any perk. This will mostly hurt the strong, coordinated SWF, where you will see things like "4 MFT/DH, 4 Resilience, 4 Head On" etc. while only minimally impacting SWFs of friends who just wanna play together and goof around.

    SoloQ would be totally unfazed by this ruling and anyone backfilling another lobby could bring any loadout they want.

    This simple rule alone would also cut down the power and grieving potential of coordinated SWFs massively, without cutting into the other players fun too much or punishing people for playing with friends. This rule would just moderate the most outrageous forms of SWFs power plays.

    On a sidenote, showing a killer SWFs before the match is silly, but telling then afterwards would be massively beneficial: it would help alleviate the stress and bruised egos that they "lost because they played against a 4man premade" and not allow those players to gaslight the killer "lol, no, we're just soloQ and never met before. You are just bad.", while also showing killers how often they stomped not so good SWFs teams or how many of their last-minute-turn-arounds where against SWFs and probably due to altruism instead of strictly playing for the win. It would have more benefit then drawbacks and help improve the mood and atmosphere surrounding SWFs.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    I feel like the first quote is said mostly by survivor players in the forum, while the second is mostly killer players

    So it's not like they exclude each others. Obviously the solution is to hide prestiges only. At most, it could be shown who was in a party in end game screen, but that's it

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    just tell us who was in a group in the end screen also get rid of depipping make it so we safely pipping if were not going to pip or double pip.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    I think the other issue is when does a 'little' information become too much, especially when it's one sided? Killers can already see all 4 survivors and their items. While I don't think prestige is a great indicator of skill, it is somewhat representative of play time at least. They can also potentially view profiles.

    So let's say the Killer gets, in addition, an indication of SWF. Should they know if it's a 2, 3, or 4 man? Playing against a 2 man and 2 solos probably won't the same as a 4 man, after all. And if that information doesn't relieve stress/allow the Killer to be properly prepared, what's next? Total playtime? Total playtime as the SWF as a team? Should they get an indication of item rarity and add-ons? Perks?

    All which will then invite the reverse - why can't survivors know that they're about to get thrown into a game with 10K hr nurse on a 150+ game win streak and prepare accordingly? Or that there about to get into a match with a Plague running massive gen regression and should probably take off the healing build for something more gen focused?

    Personally, I think such a feature would be overall detrimental. There is already too much lobby shopping and this would make it worse.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    How does losing to a well-coordinated SWF make you feel physically miserable even with MDD (I have it as well and I know it comes in massive waves often, but gaming genuinely helps you get your mind off of the thoughts and feelings you're experiencing; you just chill and have your rant moments which makes you forget a lot of the time what you're feeling)? Is it the feeling of losing that affects you physically? If SWF debilitates you that much then I'd definitely take a moderate break from DBD, or any game that is similar (if not 1000x better) with team comms.

    It's annoying playing as killer and everyone already knows your next move before you even put it into motion; a few days ago I played vs a SWF as mirror Myers on RPD and there was always a scouting Feng watching my every move from far away and telling their team everything I was doing and I couldn't jumpscare anyone because they'd always run off a gen when I was within 20 meters or so. It was WILD, not debilitating, but it is what it is for the Killer I was using in his current state. But even then, low-tier killers shouldn't feel that underwhelming when playing against SWF.

    But I enjoy challenges, win or lose, and if you honestly really want it, you will get it, but playing by camping and tunneling may not be your thing as it's deemed "dishonorable" apparently, but you do you, nobody can tell you how to play the game. Playing against sweat will provoke sweat from the opposite side, honestly.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    So I have read all of you comments on this and I will be honest I don't think the issue is 4-man SWFs but people that act very well coordinated. BUT given that you are stating you are upset with 4-man SWFs specifically here is my sincere suggestion. When you enter the lobby if in the first 5 seconds all 4 survivors are there, dodge and reenter. You can guarantee that you are not in a 4 man SWF. You are going to have a bit longer of queue times to ensure this doesn't happen, but that's the trade off for avoiding this. This may not seem like a fair trade and if so you don't need to do it but if its really 0 fun to play against a 4-man and youre sure that's the issue an extra couple minutes between games seems like a nice trade off.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    When did I say that the killer should know the survivors load out?

    It's just about a little icon that shows: "these 2 are friends and loaded in together"

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    because a barely coordinated team with a basic amount of map knowledge kills ALL killer gen pressure unless they can teleport around. you can not defend gens with basic location callouts because survivors will disappear before you can ever see them

    you can not proxy gen pressure because gens fly too fast, and commiting to any chase will lose you the game, you can't drop chase because the survivors will heal 10secs after you drop it

    it's a miserable experience with just a 2 man that requires you to super sweat at every single level. it's not fun for 1/2 of the player experience and you can't leave. the killer is stuck not having fun till the match is over making it even less fun

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    They always release stats around the game’s anniversary. I’m not sure if the ones I referenced were released this year or last but the stats are at most a year old.

  • Peachblow
    Peachblow Member Posts: 29

    How often do you really play with SWFs though? I can't imagine it's that often. I don't mean to throw salt into the wound, but killers have had it tremendously easy over the last several months (since probably around the time of the healing nerf). I play both sides fairly evenly and playing killer is just so boring now with how easy it is to kill survivors. Yes, it's quite obvious when you play against SWFs and sure, it's frustrating when you get "bullied" sometimes by them, but at least it's a challenge and you shouldn't really be up against them that often. Playing survivor now is just a horribly un-fun experience now with the amount of nerfs. Now we're hearing about nerfing what few viable perks remain to counter killer builds (Made For This--yes already nerfed, Distortion, Prove Thyself--again, etc. etc. etc.). Sorry, but it's hard to feel empathy for people that solely play killers now since it's really just so easy. There does not need to be any nerfing to SWFs at all. Just learn to counter them. There's always a way.

  • Peachblow
    Peachblow Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2023

    Actually, the biggest imbalance is how large the gap between SWF and solo-queue is. I know of probably 15-20 contacts that play DBD amongst my circle of friends, their friends, and their communities they hang out with. NOBODY will solo-queue anymore. When I play survivor, I will not play solo queue because of how awful the experience is. I only play with friends, ideally with a full four-stack because that random 1 or 2 survivors we get just always seem to be the least experience player ever. So if there is a way to lobby-dodge or toggle something to no longer player with SWFs, you're basically indirectly banning people which someone pointed out earlier. It's not an issue with SWFs being too good either as my party has faced a lot of issues with the many survivor nerfs over the last few months. It just comes down to adapting your playstyle as a killer to combat them. It's incredibly easy to get a 4K as a killer these days, SWFs or not.

    Killers don't need more information. I agree SWFs have more information than solo queue so realistically, solo queuers should gain the added information to bring it more in line with other async-horror survival games.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    Let me introduce the 4man death squad to you. Against these people, you barely get downs.

    In not complaining about you and your four friends that want to have a good time.

    I talk about the people that load into a match to play for 4 minutes maximum and get out. Those that stack strongest loadout to absolutely stomp everything that isn't a Nurse or Blight. They exist. And they are the strongest role, dbd has to offer.

  • Peachblow
    Peachblow Member Posts: 29

    What's so bad about that though? If they get out in four minutes, great, you move onto the next. Saves you a disconnect penalty. But again, how often does this even happen? I play killer a lot as well and I probably get this once a month IF THAT.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    So the slugging nurse is also fine? The game is super short.

    I get them once or twice a week.

    They are rare, but not as rare as many peoe claim they are.

    I don't think that just saying: "yes, it's busted and overpowered, but at least you lose fast" is the right way. If the game is supposed to go into a better direction, these extremes need to change.

    Accepting it is accepting defeat.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    edited December 2023

    They do exist, yes, but they are extremely rare.

    The best SWF team I can think of is the Depip Squad, from all the way back when Marth and others did that experiment. But I have never played against a team like that.

    Perhaps close, those 3 Claudettes and 1 Meg on Racid Abattoir really gave me a difficult time, but never on that level.

    Most claims about facing a SWF death squad aren't exactly true. But if the non-existent SWF isn't there to take the blame, then who is?

    Post edited by GeneralV on
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    I've had a 4 p100 swf last week. I could not even get a down against these guys. That's saying a lot.

    Loadout was as expected. Garden of joy offering, 3 syringes, one Styptic and 6 different perks spread throughout 16 perk slots.

    I got stomped in 5 minutes at most.

    In post game chat, they said I did way better than the last killers they had.

    I asked how many dcs the get.

    They answered :"many"

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    And some say they go against these types of survivors every single time.

    You see my point? I remember one match on Rancid Abattoir, you remember one on Garden of Joy. One trial each.


    We might remember a few more if we try because, sometimes, bad memories are easy to remember. But the average trial isn't like that.

    The vast majority of trials aren't like that.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    While I agree with that, the one I mentioned was last week. I have these kind of games once or twice every 2 weeks.

    Do t get me wrong, these types of teams are rare, no doubt.

    But is that enough to justify their existence? Not if you ask me.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 238

    Killers not wanting to face a SWF premade is a problem, and should be taken as such. But forcing them to take the game by ignoring their reasons is not the solution.

    Balance the game around SWF and stop using SoloQ as a excuse, that's the solution. If you play alone in any other team game, you will not have the same winning chances as the others, it's a reality. DBD should be no different, you can't expect the balance of a game to be decided by those  who at will play at a disadvantage. It would be like pretending to receive help in LoL when your SoloQ team is unable to beat an organized premade.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited December 2023

    I think you are getting way too deep into it.

    It shouldn't really be that stressful in anyway to play a game.

    Tense sure, exciting sure, maybe even a lil annoying but stressful to the point of feeling physically miserable no.

    Not to be harsh but even with a depressive or anxiety condition its neither BHVR's job or your opponent's to "soften" the play just to account for your sensibilities.

    The only solution to this is to take a break and work on yourself. If you want to play DBD but can't muster the resilience to deal with an online environment then kill the bots offline for a bit.