NOED is unhealthy for this game and should be changed.

A lot of you will disagree, I don't care. I'm tired of going against a killer is that is doing very poorly only to be able to easily slug people at the end because of one perk. A survivor shouldn't have to waste their time over finding totems that may or not matter at the end. It's very unhealthy that one single perk can do that much damage at the end and/or waste so much time during the game trying to find totems. That's all. How it should be fixed, I dunno. I'm not a developer.
Absolutely not.
As it is, Noed is one of very few general killer perks that are actually worth running.
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Three in a row against bad killers, yes. It was frustrated and unhealthy for this game.
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I disagree
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Then you are wrong. It's basically Noed, Sloppy, and a few decent tracking perks. Everything else is bad.
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That's your opinion, not a fact about me being wrong. Just like I think you are wrong, it's my opinion. But that's rude to say to someone so I'm not going to say you're wrong.
People said the same thing about MFT and I agreed, it needed to be reworked. But people said it was one of the perks worth running as survivor. Just like WoO on survivors. I also think that perk is unhealthy for this game. It's okay to think perks on both sides are unhealthy.
A single perk shouldn't be that strong that it's a must to run. Perks should give you a slight edge, not a huge advantage. I would equate NOED with MFT and Hope combo. Or for the people and buckle up. Unhealthy perks that need to be reworked.
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Noed isn't a must run though? I'd estimate that it's in approximately the same boat as Kindred and Resilience. Really really good for a newbie because their options are limited and still a decent option for veterans if they want.
Is it a bit of a gotcha? Sure it is. But it gives the Killer 1 easy down at the end and then you know it's in play and should be able to play accordingly. The survivor side has so many gotcha perks that can ruin a killer's tempo that I don't think Kilker having this one is such a big deal.
Edit: Also saying someone's opinion is wrong is only rude when talking about matters of taste. I am perfectly justified in calling you wrong if you're trying to claim that perks like Unrelenting, Distressing, and Deer Stalker are good.
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I'm sorry, I highly disagree that it's on the same level as Kindred and resilience puts a survivor at a disadvantage being injured. I would agree with you that once it's known people can take care of it, if it didn't rely on finding a totem. There has been plenty of times everyone is running around looking for it.
Sure you can see the Aura after awhile, but only after a certain amount of time does it increase until it's at max distance range. It never becomes map wide range for the aura.
It happened three times in a row where a killer got NOED and was able to slug everyone over time and proxy camped the totem and the hooked survivor next to the hex totem because they used agitation and/or iron grasp. It doesn't get rid of it right away if you do find the totem, you have to cleanse it and then when the killer chases you off it, the cleanse time is back down to zero.
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It is though. Kindred is arguably the strongest survivor info perk in the game. Getting info on where the killer is going post hook is very strong because that's when they are least predictable because they don't have an active target. The only thing wrong with it is the same issue all info perks have that info doesn't do anything if you can't capitalize on it.
Resilience is at minimum meta adjacent because healing is so bad. Gen rush with Resi, Prove, and Adrenaline is a pretty darn strong game plan. It is also one of the few perks that is going to give at least some value no matter what.
Noed on the other hand has an incredibly strong effect, but it also has an insane opportunity cost of being offline for the majority of the game. Also it has a tendency to merely confirm 1 extra kill at end game because the rest of the survivors just nope out once Noed reveals itself. It can only do way more than that if the survivors mess up badly.
Lastly, I think I see the problem. "was able to slug everyone over time". That tells me that you and your teammates tried to be heroes and still force the 4 out in spite of Noed being in play and messed up. Pro tip, the killer cannot proxy camp a hook, a totem, and both doors... so just leaving vs Noed is usually the best option. Also, survivor hooked next to Noed basically means cut your losses and leave. Because you ain't getting that rescue or cleanse.
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I think both Adrenaline and NOED are unhealthy and should be changed. The amount of times I have lost a kill because of Adrenaline or lost an extra person out because of NOED isn't okay. Neither are fun to go against and feels like a get out of jail free card for either side. Of course I get the argument for both about how "Well before the end game they're dead perks" I get that but it doesn't make them more fun to go against, they're still just irritating.
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Even as a killer, I'm not really a fan of undeserved insta downs (not a fan of bubba, for example). Would be at least be nice if you could destroy a dull totem to figure out if a hex is in play. At least NOED has a counter since its nerf a while back.
That being said, if NOED goes, so should Adrenaline.
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I couldn't care less if noed was deleted, haven't used it in over 2 years now.
But I agree it's on the same power level as resilience. I think I have lost once(as in less than 3 escapes) to a noed user and that was because the totem spawned where they hooked.
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I disagree, but not for the reasons anyone would probably expect.
NoED is a key part of endgame builds, and is the perk that gives endgame builds their viability in the first place. If you got rid of noed, most if not all endgame builds would be rendered useless
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If NOED goes, kill Adrenaline with it. Its either both, or neither.
I dont use NOED, but if survivors can complain about losing 2 health states at once because of a perk, killers can complain about having to inflict 2 health states just because of a perk.
Also if you DO use NOED, dont feel bad. These survivors were also using Hope + MFT against 110% killers.
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To be fair NOED puts you at a disadvantage by doing nothing unless you are losing.
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i mean people slug with infectious too so whats your argument there
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They fixed NOED a long time ago. There is a reason it isn't top 10 anymore
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If anything, NOED needs to have the aura removed. It's at best a meme perk now since that aura was added.
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I feel like if the killer gets come back perks, survivors should be able to counter it with circle of healing. Gutting spine chill and then coming out with two aura blocking killers was a jerk move to happen after gutting healing. If no change can be made to NOED then the least they can do is release survivor perks that can counter the end game builds. If the argument is that nerfing the NOED would render it useless then un-nerf some of the survivor perks.
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From playing so long I can often tell when a killer has it. I just go around cleansing all the totems. I've even had some matches where the killer does nothing until the end, it's very obvious imho.
Idk, I find it easy to counter, just cleanse and get BP :)
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Then what general killer perks are worth running in your opinion?
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you can say that to literally every survivor perk, survivors doesn´t need to do anything to use most of their perks, to use dead hard you need to lose a chase, to use unbreakable you need to lose a chase, to use DS you need to lose a chase, deliverance, etc etc etc etc, noed is a hex perk, hex perks need to be super strong/ overpowered because survivors can literally remove it from the game in 12 seconds
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I remember when NOED was actually meta, along with ruin and survivors actually had to use totem hunting perks...
Hex perks are mostly joke right now.
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Maybe I'd have agreed slightly before ST came back, but remember that killer is losing 3 perks and survivor 6, one of the killer perks being Surge which is a great beginner-friendly regression perk.
If you want NoeD nerfed, we need every other base perk buffed and more perks added to the base pool for things that aren't covered in the general gameplay loop.
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A lot of you will disagree, I don't care.
That's not how you convince people.