Here's an idea for balancing, maybe.
So we have a thing in this game where some killers stomp survivors and some squads stomp killers. I've seen killers with crazy win streaks and its crazy and I've seen survivors do 5 gens in 4 minutes with no hooks.
So an idea. If the survivors load in a match and they are getting stomped then after 3 or 4 hooks back to back (without gens being done) all survivors received haste bonus in chase and they complete gens quicker. This would only be until 2 or 3 gens have been done and then it goes back to normal.
NOW, before anyone screams in the comments that I'm a "entitled survivor" just hold a darn minute because this goes both ways. If the killer loads in a match and 2 or more gens pop before they hook a survivor they receive a haste bonus in chase and survivors take longer to complete gens. This only lasts until so long where the killer has caught up with survivors by getting some hooks.
I don't think this should be in every game where the hooks and gens done are quiet similar I mean if the one side is getting stomped.
What do you guys think?
It feels a bit like rewarding someone for not doing well. Sure, sometimes it's bad luck and all, but this could be purposefully exploited to gain the benefits in the long run.
I'm not sure this tweak would be a good thing.
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I once had the idea that if survivors die quickly, the other survivors get a certain % boost in gen repair.
Problem with that is current gen progression can be wild. Either stagnant with the wrong team or blazing fast with the right team.
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Yeh I see how that could be a problem but it would be like for so long until the other side has caught up then it would be normal, also its wouldn't ve viable for all games just those games where the one side gets a real head start.
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Yeh defiantly needs certain circumstances to be triggerd
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This doesnt balance anything. Youre just making good player feel bad for doing well and feel bad players good for being bad.
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Feel like this would just encourage a slugging meta. Who would wanna hook anyone if they can get a haste boost for leaving ya on the ground?
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Replace MMR with the old Grade system..!
Back in the day I had fun matches. Pips don’t matter now. Nothing does unless you team up with competent SWF to win consistently. With pips you could still play with friends, and pip. Then when you played by yourself you’d be matched with people of your Grade… This isn’t a thing anymore. This makes you not want to play with people that’ll make you lose in general.
This is also what make killers tunnel. As I remember tunneling too much meant you didn’t pip when your Grade got higher as killer… You had to all the things to pip. Especially at Gold rank.
The Devs actually ruined DBD by changing the matchmaking. Everything they’ve done is to cover up this fact.
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Tombstone Myers would be OP as f with this change
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Old dbd was defiantly better and matches weren't as sweaty.
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😳🙀 damn, youre not wrong
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Yeh I could see that being a problem actually.
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this is so easily exploitable. First thing that came to mind was slugging...
I wouldn't be surprised if as survivor you could just use the bonus to 99% a gen, go to the next, do the same, and then pop them all at once