Here's an idea for balancing, maybe.

KA149108 Member Posts: 295

So we have a thing in this game where some killers stomp survivors and some squads stomp killers. I've seen killers with crazy win streaks and its crazy and I've seen survivors do 5 gens in 4 minutes with no hooks.

So an idea. If the survivors load in a match and they are getting stomped then after 3 or 4 hooks back to back (without gens being done) all survivors received haste bonus in chase and they complete gens quicker. This would only be until 2 or 3 gens have been done and then it goes back to normal.

NOW, before anyone screams in the comments that I'm a "entitled survivor" just hold a darn minute because this goes both ways. If the killer loads in a match and 2 or more gens pop before they hook a survivor they receive a haste bonus in chase and survivors take longer to complete gens. This only lasts until so long where the killer has caught up with survivors by getting some hooks.

I don't think this should be in every game where the hooks and gens done are quiet similar I mean if the one side is getting stomped.


What do you guys think?

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