Why can't Nemesis have a rocket launcher, sprint ability and/or more zombies?

Why can't Nemesis have that?
Rocket Launcher just isn't something that fit in DbD when the chapter initially dropped, how ever with Xeno's turrets I believe thats now an open door.
As for the other 2... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Xeno's turrets wouldn't justify the existence of things like actual guns and explosive launchers as the turret is a Survivor tool for defense against the killer rather than being able to use it for offense to attack with.
It's also why they chose to use a flame turret instead of a turret with bullets like seen in Aliens or why Leon got a Flash Bang instead of a Frag Grenade, as traditional ballistic projectile offense weaponry doesn't belong in this game, even Deathslinger's weapon more of an harpoon gun than an actual gun.
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From what I've read in the past:
1. The rocket launcher was discussed during Nemesis' power discussions, but was deemed quit problematic to incorporate into the game at that time.
2. There isn't a reason for this really, but not sure if this was even considered. Maybe a Power rework idea to put forward?
3. At the time, they tried more than 2 zombies, but it appeared to be difficult to make it work - either too oppressive, took too much processing power which may have affected other aspects, or simply became a bit overwhelming.
Now, maybe these may be revisited. The sprint certainly and perhaps an additional zombie. Rocket launcher may be quite a challenge currently.
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He should have more zombies. Now if we can have 4 bots in game, it should not be hard to add more zombies.
I'd like to see his some add-ons being reworked to add more zombies.
For 3, they said they added more zombies but engine did not allow them and created some issues. But now we can have 4 AI, so maybe this is no longer issue for them.
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I don't know about a rocket launcher, but I do wish Nemesis got a more interesting ability that fits his identity as a powerful, deadly pursuer. Hitting survivors with a limp noodle doesn't feel all that great for a being as strong as Nemesis.
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Rocket launcher would be an insta-death instead of an insta-down...
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Give Nea back her spray paint so we can freely tag the realms🥳
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If that was the case then it would be a new Mori animation.
Like others have said, we can have 4 survivor bots so I don't doubt that Behaviour can add more zombies for Nemesis.
I thought the same thing until I reminded myself we have Deathslinger, Flash Bangs and like you said now turrets.
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I don't feel like I'm playing Nemesis. When I played Resident Evil Re:Verse or Resident Evil: Resistance, I actually felt like I'm playing Nemesis.
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theyre definitely possible with the right balance they could work but im not sure if the game designers would want that
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maybe they changed their minds after 3 years? online service games arent always going to be the same they could add all these in
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As I mentioned, they could revisit them now, as what was said was at that time things were different. They could start looking into these again, although I feel some Killers are in greater need of attention than Nemesis right now.
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It would be possible to add a red addon for the third zombie, I think Nemesis would be more playable