Unclear Guidelines

I just wanted to talk about how I personally find the guidelines a little confusing at times. As we all know, people in DBD tend to report everything, but how clear are the guidelines on what is or isn't allowed? What is a strategy vs an exploit? What's a playstyle vs griefiung?

We can see these in discarded report reasons here: Game Rules - BHVR


  • Camping
  • Slugging
  • Tunneling
  • Streamsniping
  • Teabagging
  • Bodyblocking
  • Looping

But then according to DBD support bodyblocking is reportable. How to report a player – Dead by Daylight

  • Griefing
    • Use this option to report a player for intentionally using abilities or game mechanics to the detriment of the game. Examples: Taking the game hostage, body blocking, working with the Killer.

We also see in Game Rules - BHVR that you shouldn't report DCs because they have an automatic penalty, but in the option to report it says you can report players who do this in the unsportsmanlike category.

  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct
    • Use this option to report a player for purposefully losing the game, not participating in or disconnecting from the game early to avoid defeat. Examples: AFKing, rage quitting idling, and refusing to participate in normal gameplay

I am confused by this because normal gameplay is kind of subjective. Is idling or AFKing still reportable if for example, the killer tried and its already EGC?

As for exploits, there used to be the AFK pig strat where everyone would start the game with a trap, and Pig would kneel in front of a box. At least one survivor would die unless they somehow managed to hatch. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't BHVR call this a strategy?

There is basement Bubba, or face camping Bubba, who can pretty much guarantee the last person who goes for save will die.

There's twins blocking the gates with no way out and remember me on indoor maps. If they open one gate and survivors can't open the other, there's a big chance they won't make it out.

Any killer, usually Sadako can bodyblock a survivor in a tight space, and as long as the other survivors do gens they're not holding the game hostage. If they refuse it's kind of like a hatch standoff.

Jumpscare wraith can just hide the whole game and bring an end-game build, first stalking and mori'ing the obsession with rancor.

I think if people know what is and isn't reportable BHVR will have less reports to go through, and the culture of the game may change to accept more playstyles and meme builds. Anyways I'm confused, thoughts?


  • BabyShrimp
    BabyShrimp Member Posts: 84

    Say what you will about making the game fun, but that's not really what the question is about. Ofc there is something to be said about treating people how you wanna be treated, but at the end of the day unfun shouldn't mean reportable.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,586

    With Bodyblocking - it's the definition of the term which confuses people, in your example re Sadako blocking someone in the corner - that's holding the game hostage because that player cannot do anything to progress the game, it's irrespective of whether others are alive to do generators.

    Exploits that are bannable are normally listed on the forum page - currently there are no exploits that we are actively banning for. And that happens less these days as we have the kill switch so we're able to switch off something that's exploitable.

    Facecamping etc have never been considered as exploits, nor AFK Pig was either...it was a playstyle that we didn't approve of, but it wasn't an exploit, so it was something that we addressed. None of what you list there are actual exploits so nothing is reportable.

    We are looking to update the game rules and make things clearer.

  • Foempticol
    Foempticol Member Posts: 232

    If you get at least 1 idle crow you should lose collision. I had teammates purposely body block me for the silliest reasons, leaving me no choice but to DC and receive a matchmaking ban. It's not fair...

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    I feel like one of the issues with the report system is the Unsportsmanlike Behavior report option- The reason why is because this report option essentially doesn't have any use now which is causing people to just abuse it a lot(from what I've noticed at least) because there's no real specified reason for that report category so people will just use it to report anyone for anything that they don't like.

  • BabyShrimp
    BabyShrimp Member Posts: 84

    Ah okay, so holding a player hostage is still holding the game hostage. That makes sense.

    It's good to know exploits are listed on the forum page and that for the most part things just get kill-switched.

    I would look forward to the rules being updated to be more clear. Thanks for responding.