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survivors need more bp and a better pip system

there is no way I should be doing 3 gens 2 unhooks and a 2 minute chase just to get 18k bp. and most of the time when we escape we wont even get a pip sometimes or we will do so much work just to barley get 1 pip. This is the reason I mostly player killer now. As killer you can just casully play the game get like 1 kill and still get 30k bp and a pip. while as survivor your doing all this work for nothing. Playing survivor is so unrewarding. I get more bp when the bonus isnt even on killer. I think dbd needs to add more bp for objectives and make it easier getting pips so that survivor feels more rewarding to play and not feel like a chore
I feel the same, the only time when it's worth playing survivor is during blood rush and 100% BP bonus, or with friends, or if you're playing for achievements or challenges. When you're heading to the gold-iridescent ranks the emblem and pip system feels so harsh combined with the inconsistent team mates of solo queue it's hard to make progress. At this point all my killers are pass P3, most even near P6 at this point, where I have most survivors sitting at P1 cause I don't enjoy survivor and I get little from playing. It's not worth it.
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SpooknJukes made a video where he brought builds specifically meant for pipping and he would just safety pip after a 37k point game. It's absolutely ridiculous. And yeah, killers get more bloodpoints since it's 4 times easier to get bloodpoints than it is for a survivor. I agree that survivor should get more bloodpoints. It's honestly the main reason that I just don't play the game if survivor doesn't have a bloodpoint bonus, because you legit get nothing from playing. You can play a full 10 minute match and end the game with 15k bloodpoints. It's terrible.
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And please give WGLF its bloodpoint gains back. That would help so much.
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I've been sitting at Iri IV for a week now this month and the best I got was 3 pips but lost them in 5 matches. I find it extremely difficult to get a pip and even when I feel like I did everything possible and managed to escape (with one or zero hooks) I am rarely rewarded with a pip.
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In fact, there are additional activities in the game that give enough bp, but they are often ignored. I suggest adding something new during the repair of the generator, Not Just skill checks, But special events, for example, a part flew out of the generator and you have to find it and bp will be given for this, and if not, a fine will be imposed on the generator. In this case, the repair will become more interesting and attractive.
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well hey you used to be able to do 2 gens with prove thyself and have a guaranteed 10000 points
But wait bloodpoint bonuses bad
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I walked away with 18k and a -1 pip the other day. I'm positive that sometimes it glitches. I did plenty that game before I died and not even a safety pip? Nah.
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Yea the bloodpoints on survivor are not acceptable IMO. I usually get more BPs on killer even if the survivor bonus is up. At the very least they could have buffed objective BPs when they nerfed prove. 1250 for a 90 second generator is silly and doesn't make sense at all.
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Let's not. I don't think it's too terrible an idea in the meantime, but we desperately need a long term solution, not a band-aid fix. Beginners should not feel the need to run specific perks in order to make significant progress.
Offerings are well overdue for a complete rework, which should have a positive impact on bloodpoint economy (hopefully). And I wouldn't mind seeing an increase to overall bloodpoint gains either, especially for survivors.
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Most survivor activities should award more points. Generator repairs should give more points, heals should give more points, protection hits should give more points, opening chests should give more points (treasure!), even maps should give more points. And the pip system is garbage and should be reworked.
I'm fine with killers consistently earning a lot of points because killers have to do a lot of things every match, it's part of the role, but survivors should be earning more points themselves too.
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Yeah and to add on top, Chase points need to be worth double what they are now. If you're in chase for 5 gens, get downed endgame and get camped to death, you're going to depip. Thats pretty wild lol
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An increase in the overall bloodpoint gains is cool, but WITH WGLF and BBQ reverted.
What happened to those perks is unacceptable.
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Can you expand on that?
Original WGLF and BBQ lead to noticeable decreases in variety and forced beginners hands, which, among other things, is why I dislike bloodpoint gains being tied to any perk whatsoever. Could you clarify your position some more?
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Ok so when I first started, I was unaware of the nerf to bbq. All the videos that I had been told to watch to learn the game mechanics had old bbq in them. The first thing I do Is get cannibal to unlock the perk just to find out that guess what the extra BP was non existent. I mean I ran it for a good 200 hours before one day my brother was like "why do you have bbq on every single killer":and then preceded to tell me the news. It didn't force my hand at all, I learned very quick that earning bp in the early stages sucked hard, and that was one way that I could always get bonus bp even after I had used all my personal BP bouns items.
My point is it at that point what perks I ran didn't matter in the least bit because I sucked and had no clue what synergized or didn't, I was blind in the fog just stumbling around until my eyes adjusted and learned the basics. What did matter was I needed blood points and a lot of them extremely fast.
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BBQ and WGLF aren't just members of my extremely long list of things that I believe shouldn't have been changed in Dead by Daylight, they are an important aspect of it.
Those two were some of the healthiest perks ever released. First of all, they help with the grind, which is already a massive W for them. Second, I don't think they don't hurt the variety, because they are the variety. BBQ being there is one less gen slowdown perk for the killer (which no survivor likes to face) and WGLF being there is... well, survivor perks have suffered recently, but it was one less perk killers considered unfun to go against.
Third, they promote good playstyles. BBQ is a huge incentive to leave the hook and try to hook everyone at least once and WGLF promotes the good altruism, as an unsafe hook rescue wouldn't count towards the stacks. Sure, they cannot change every player's mind, but the situation is better with those perks present.
Last but not least, everyone wants those perks to get their bloodpoint gains back. It has been quite some time since they got nerfed and I have never seen anyone oppose the idea.
It is a win-win situation for everyone involved.
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"Forcing your hand" may be pushing it, but don't think your experience very much supports my argument? You may not have felt "forced", in a literal sense, but your first instinct were to unlock and run a perk for 200+ hours solely because it would speed up progression. I don't think that's healthy. Baseline progression should just be brought up to a reasonable level.
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On the topic of this I wish more perks had bp boosters
like borrowed time granting more points on safe unhooks
mettle of man making protection hit events more points etc
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Why is a Gen being 1250 BP still insane for me. Are we suppose to do 5 Gens alone? 300 BP per heal. Are we suppose to heal each other 30 times?
I really think gaining alot of BP (combine with items/addon being alot of cheaper) making strong items/addons too easy to get, making weak and low tier item/addon being ignored in loadout and not used. I mean if 1 match give you 1 Brown, 1 Yellow, 1 Green, 1 Purple items, you should use Purple item every match.
Im fine with less BP being earned, to make purchasing more meaningful. But blood webs have to be alot smaller, and less node to gain levels much easier.
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Really all they need to do is a couple things.
1) They should increase the points you get for doing gens solo to be the same you get for doing them coop and probably be increased. I'd say a full gen should give the survivors 3.3k (1/3 of a bar basically)
2) Baseline you should get some amount of bloodpoints for survival per minute you are alive. Maybe every minute you are alive you get like 500, so after a 10 minute game of that + escaping you get maxed out. And 10 minutes and dying still gets you half the points there.
3) The survivor being chased (or camped as per the bar filling up) should get some percentage of objectives and altrusim from other survivors performing those actions. Like say 30%, that way if you get chased for a full 5 gens, you still get half an objective and altruism bar along with a full bar of chase and a full bar for survival (assuming you also escape)
4) Altruism points for everything other than unhooking should double. Make unhooking give 500 points and safe unhook give 1500 points and make the safe unhook qualify if the survivor didn't go into the dying state after 45 seconds instead of 15 seconds (to prevent hook farming)
This make the average gave give survivors around 30k-40k points if they escape, and 20k-30k points if they don't and make it much nicer for survivors without encouraging them to farm their teammates for points.
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I disagree, my friend.
I am personally not okay with BBQ and WGLF having lost their bloodpoint gains. Those perks were extremely healthy to the game, for a myriad of reasons, and I believe they shouldn't have been touched.
In fact, even those who want to make the journey towards P100 would be pleased with their reversion.
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Even if WGLF was reverted I don't think people would use it when we have Buckle Up which is objectively superior.
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- They help the grind.
That is explicitly why I'm opposed to them. I do not believe beginners should feel the need to purchase, unlock, and equip any specific perk in order to speed up progression. If baseline progression really is that bad (it is), it should be brought up to a reasonable level, and that's that.
- They do not hurt the variety, they are the variety.
I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean. Variety is variety. BBQ's near 50% pick-rate at the time was, by definition, the opposite of variety. Sure, it's not slowdown, but that's an entirely separate (not to mention, complex) issue.
- They promote good playstyles.
This, to some extent, I agree with. They promote a pleasant gameplay-loop which we should strive for. Although, tying arbitrary bonuses which lack impact on the actual match in order to get players to play in a fun way is the last thing you would want to do.
I wouldn't be opposed to bringing them back temporarily, seeing as we're not getting a long-term solution any time soon. I just think it's an unhealthy band-aid fix to a very real problem.
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Only one way of finding out ;)
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Buckle up is nearly useless without FTP. Just like UB without DS in the old days, you may able to use it once every 10 matches against killers who slug.
I just mean too much BP defeat the purpose of rarity of things on Blood web. I feel there is no reason to use Brown addon 30% setting trap faster, while I als have Green addon 50% setting faster. They should just remove Brown addon.
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That is explicitly why I'm opposed to them. I do not believe beginners should feel the need to purchase, unlock, and equip any specific perk in order to speed up progression. If baseline progression really is that bad (it is), it should be brought up to a reasonable level, and that's that.
Technically they don't. I got BBQ early, this I must admit. But I already had plenty of survivor perks unlocked by the time I got WGLF.
The grind can be managed without it, those perks just make it better. Even for seasoned players, actually. Their benefit is universal.
I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean. Variety is variety. BBQ's near 50% pick-rate at the time was, by definition, the opposite of variety. Sure, it's not slowdown, but that's an entirely separate (not to mention, complex) issue.
But they were gone, and we would bring them back. This will help with the perk variety right now. Besides, it is better to see those perks than others, and that is already a huge help.
This, to some extent, I agree with. They promote a pleasant gameplay-loop which we should strive for. Although, tying arbitrary bonuses which lack impact on the actual match in order to get players to play in a fun way is the last thing you would want to do.
Bloodpoint gains are easily one of the best benefits you can give players in order for them to play nice. That, I believe, is exactly what should be done.
I wouldn't be opposed to bringing them back temporarily, seeing as we're not getting a long-term solution any time soon. I just think it's an unhealthy band-aid fix to a very real problem.
Well, I see it as the correction of a mistake. One of several that should be done, imho.
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Prove Thyself too....
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Thank you, my friend.
I keep forgetting that one.
Prove Thyself is also due for a reversion.
Unless you want to hoard add-ons. I know some players like to do it.
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Oh I 100% percent agree that base bp gains should be increased i doubt you'll find anyone that will disagree with you there. My issue is that if you know bhvr you know dang well they ain't gonna increase it anytime remotely soon so the revision of those perks helps newer players in the mean time and would literally not change a thing mechanic wise . It's not like the bonus actually helped win matches or anything. If anything bbq alone would discourage camping and to a lesser extent tunneling.
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As a killer main, I often feel that swapping to survivor is more for the experience and less about points because I typically always simply get more bp as a killer. I suppose it makes sense considering you're 1 person vs 4 people so you SHOULD get more bp...but that doesn't change the fact that bp income as a survivor is a drag.
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Agreed. Survivor pips aren't really connected to actually playing the role well. They're just a series of tasks without context. Survivor gameplay is much more of a flowchart/situational than killer is, so survivor pips should be more based on match outcomes and less on specific tasks. An escape through the gates should be an auto-pip. 3 escapes or more should be double.
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I only play survivor and for about 20 hours a week, I have been grinding to p100 for almost 6 months now the lack of bps sucks.
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Yeah it's ridiculous. I've tried making a post before where the developers have called people who kite the killer for a long time as skilled. So when I do that for almost all gens I get 6k?
Seems legit.
I do the thing that's "most skilled" and get dog water as a reward. So incentivizing.
Before prove was ruined I used that to get half decent BP. Now each game I do everything, heal, unhook, take chase, generators and I get 18K max first place on scoreboard. Meanwhile killer loses, gets 37K.
Fix survivor BP. Playing without a 100% bonus is a massive waste of time. Shoot, with how gimp the rewards are, playing just feels like a waste lol.
I get iri 1 though very fast. I just run Bond, we'll make it, distortion and windows. Like I said each match I do everything, I rank up but get crapola for points.