Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

About The Save The Best For Last Changes...

Member Posts: 23
edited January 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I feel that the changes to Save The Best For Last were put in the wrong direction.

The problem with Save The Best For Last (or STBFL for short) wasn't the Basic Attack Cooldown, it was that M2 Killers (also called Anti-Loop Killers) such as Demogorgon and Nemesis) abused it and would refuse to hit the Obsession in fear of losing their stacks, so they would use their Special Attacks on the Obsession instead, and M1 Killers (Such as The Trapper and The Nightmare/Freddy Krueger) would completely avoid the Obsession at all costs, even taking refusing to hit the Obsession to the maximum level, if you know what I mean.

Also, Otzdarva did mention that Camping and Tunneling were aided by STBFL, so I have an idea of what to change about that.

Here's what I think should be changed instead:

The change "Each Token grants a stackable 4% decreased successful basic attack cooldown (was 5%)" should be reverted...


The change "2 tokens are lost when the Obsession loses a health state by any means (was basic attacks)" should be changed to "2 tokens are lost when the Obsession loses a health state by a Basic Attack or Special Attack"


Save The Best For Last deactivates when within 16 Meters of a Hooked Survivor.

This will make it so people can't abuse For The People or Plot Twist to lower Tokens, and so Powers (Such as The Trapper's Bear Traps, The Plague's Vile Purge, etc.) that aren't Special Attacks or Basic Attacks can't lower Token Stacks.

The final change will make it so Killers can't abuse their Tokens (or Stacks) of STBFL when camping around a Hooked Survivor.

I feel that this will be a much more eligible change, and hopefully will solve the main problems with STBFL.

I am willing to listen to the ideas of others if anyone has any and make changes to my post (with Credentials).

Thanks for reading,



(Edit: Credit to Orthane for the final change)

Post edited by Versalord on

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  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean they fixed one of those, m2ing the obsession now loses 2 stacks.

  • Member Posts: 435

    What you're asking for is already included.

  • Member Posts: 857
    edited January 2024

    As expected (feared), they effectively gutted the perk by nerfing the wrong thing.

    Weak/M1 Killers that used STBFL to compensate now have a gimped perk that forces them to ignore the obsession even if they have an M2 attack.

    SWF teams will use this to make the obsession bodyblock to make STBFL obsolete.

    Plot Twist can be used to kill 2 stacks and recover.

    The only problematic part, it's powerful camping potential at max stacks, was barely touched unless the obsession always goes for saves (again, only a SWF could coordinate that).

    Combined with the ill-thought out 3-gen "solution", M1 Killers, outside of bottom MMR you'll be missed (unless you hard-tunnel).

    Outside of Billy changes (Onryo is still to be seen and some perk changes were decent) almost the whole update was a trainwreck. Hopefully enough people realize how poisonous some of those ideas are and things are repelled because I honestly don't see M1/slow Killers being playable in high mmr after this.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    I feel like the 5% -> 4% is fair. The other part is what is worrying me. STBFL has been a really good reason on Pig to use her ambush attack (on the obsession). It also worked well with Trapper's traps, and some other killers. This will lessen the need to use M2 special attacks.

    An ever worse thing is that killers will likely completely avoid the obsession, and probably tunnel even more, since they will have less survivors to choose from (3 instead of 4).

  • Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2024

    But there is a big difference between "any means" and "special attacks". Like it is written right now the obsession being hurt by a bear trap would take 2 tokens from STBFL, the same if he gets infected indirectly by the Plague, etc. In other words, even if you try to completely avoid the Obsession if for some reason they get hurt indirectly, you are still punished (maybe even when hurt by his own perks like FTP, but not sure about this one).

    So I think that part should be changed, to avoid unwanted situations.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Yay, double nerfing perk in one patch...

    They just never learn.

    They create so many Endurance effects and then are suprised M1 killers like STBFL.

    I can understand obsession change, but not really stacks. Best killers don't use that perk, so what's the issue?

  • Member Posts: 455

    Make it not work within 16 meters of a hooked Survivor. That was the only issue with the perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    Hopefully a lot of people test it out tomorrow onwards, and give their feedback here. In the recent months, the devs have abandoned certain PTB ideas after feedback from the community about how badly they impacted the gameplay, so there's hope for STBFL lovers!

  • Member Posts: 995

    One thing that could be healthy is when the perk can change the obsession. For example: When the killer hooks a non obsession survivor, this survivor will become the obsession once they get unhook. This could be a great way to avoid tunneling with this perk because either you tunnel the survivor out or you chase different survivors and get stacks.

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